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1.В276785/Pt. 1 13th international congress on plasma physics (ICPP 2006). Pt. 1:Sections A, B, C [Текст]. - 2006. - XXXII, 182 p.
2.ІВ218887 "Problems of theoretical physics", young scientists conference(5; 2013; Kyiv).5th young scientists conference "Problems of theoretical physics" [Текст] : December 24 - 27, 2013 : program & abstracts / Nat. acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Bogolyubov inst. for theoretical physics, Young scientists council ; ed. group: Dr. Oleksandr Gamayun [et al.]. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2013. - 116 p. : fig.
3.ІС12187 <"The >Universe of Gamow: original ideas in astrophysics and cosmology", Gamow memorial International conference (1999;Odessa). Abstracts: Odessa, August 16-22, 1999 [Текст]. - Odessa : Astroprint, 1999. - 140 p.
4.ІВ199732 Saha M. An Indian astrophysicist [Текст] / M. Saha. - Akota : Jashbhai Patel, 1998. - 155 p.
5.ІВ208881 Analysis and numerics for conservation laws [Текст] / ed. G. Warnecke. - Berlin[etc.] : Springer, 2005. - 542 p.: fig.
6.ІВ221127 Autobiography by Fang Li-Zhi [Текст]. - [Taipei] : [Tian xia wen hua], 2013. - 647, 40 p. : ill.
7.ІС15503 Busch G. M. Black hole - host galaxy relations in nearby active galaxies and the conditions for star formation [Текст] : diss. / Gerold M. Busch ; Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fak. der Univ. zu Köln. - Köln, 2017. - VIII, 107 p. : fig.
8.ІР8301 Kubis S. Comment on "Brown Dwarfs, Quark Stars, and Quark-Hadron Phase Transition" [Текст] / S. Kubis and M. Kutschera. - Kraków : [Inst. fizyki jądrowej im. H. Niewodniczańskiego, 1995. - 2 p. - (Report / Henryk Niewodniczański inst. of nuclear physics ; no. 1704/PH)
9.ІР8309 Kutschera M. Compact nonbaryonic objects and the first generation of stars [Текст] / M. Kutschera and S. Stachniewicz. - Kraków : [Inst. fizyki jądrowej im. H. Niewodniczańskiego], 1995. - 9, [7] p. : fig. - (Report / Henryk Niewodniczański inst. of nuclear physics ; no. 1709/PH)
10.ІВ202372з дод. Blom J. J. COMPTEL high-latitude gamma-ray sources [Текст] : Proefschrift / J. J. Blom ; Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. - Leiden : [б.в.], 1997. - 203 p.: fig.+ 1 dod.
11.ІР7008 Krivoruchenko M. Constraints on the binding energy of strange matter implied by existence of massive neutron stars [Текст] / M. Krivoruchenko, B. V. Martemyanov. - Moscow : ATOMINFORM, 1990. - 12 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Insitute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 76-90)
12.ІР7149 Dolgov A. Cosmological evolution of neutrino balls [Текст] / A. Dolgov, O. Markin. - Moscow : [б.в.], 1990. - 16 p.: fig. - (Prepr. / Institute of theoretical and experimental physics ; 62-90)
13.ІВ206258 Liebscher D. Cosmology [Текст] / D. Liebscher. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2005. - XV, 294 p.: fig. - (Springer tracts in modern physics, ISSN 0081-3869 ; vol.210)
14.В277392/2 Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe. Vol. 2:Dark matter: astrophysical aspects of the problem [Текст] / V. M. Shulga [et al.]. - 2014. - 356 p. : fig. - (Project "Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language")
15.ІС15747 Perdelwitz V. Detection methods for planets with a large semi-major axis in the Solar system and beyond [Текст] : diss. / Volker Perdelwitz ; Fak. für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachbereich Physik der Univ. Hamburg. - Hamburg, 2018. - 59 p. : fig.
16.ІС12202 Hircq B. Determination de traces d'elements en spectrophonometrie d'absorption atomique. Etude du nuage atomique et du generateur d'atomes/ Application a la mesure de grandeurs physiques [Текст] : These / B. Hircq ; l'Universite de Paris VI. - Paris : [б.в.], 1975. - 115 p.:fig.
17.ІС14100 з дод. Pavlichenko R. Development of a pulsed radar reflectometer for compact helical system plasmas [Текст] : thesis / Rostislav Pavlichenko ; Nat. inst. for fusion sci., Graduate univ. for advanced studies. - Hayama, Kanagawa, 1998. - 86, 5 p. : fig. + 7 l. dod.
18.ІВ193155 Corneliussen U. Die Struktur der Zirruswolke MCLD 126.6+24.5 [Текст] : Diss. / U. Corneliussen ; Universität zu Köln. Math.-Naturwiss. Fak. - Köln : [б.в.], 1996. - III, 112 S.:Abb.
19.ІС14093 Seredyuk B. Electron capture in low energy ion- molecule collisions of relevance to astrophysical & fusion environments [Текст] : thesis / Bohdan Seredyuk ; Quenn's univ. Belfast, Dep. of physics a. astronomy, Atomic a. molecular physics research div., School of mathematics a. physics. - [Belfast], 2005. - 169, 17 l. : fig.
20.ІВ214530 Fizika v experimentoch [Текст] / Vladimír Hajko a kol. ; Sloven. akad. vied. - Bratislava : Veda, vydav. Sloven. akad. vied, 1988. - 427 s. : obr.

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