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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 128
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.MFI5868/1-2 Bantelmann E. Biosphere-atmosphere CO2 exchange in a mountainous [Текст] : Diss. / E. Bantelmann ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2006. - 135 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 16656)
2.MFI4744/1-2 Bartsch-Ritter M. Three-dimentional model study of the ozone production in the PO basin [Текст] : Diss. / M. Bartsch-Ritter ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2002. - 99 p.: fig. - (ETH Diss ; 14786)
3.ІВ200898 Brönnimann S. Ozon in der Atmosphäre [Текст] / S. Brönnimann. - Bern[etc.] : Haupt, 2002. - 184 S.: Abb.
4.ІС12157 Cernogora G. Étude des états métastables de l'azote atomique dans les décharges luminescentes [Текст] : These / G. Cernogora ; Université de Paris-Sud. Centre d'Orsay. - Paris : [б.в.], 1980. - 194 p.: fig.
5.ІВ230591 Contributions to understanding climate interactions: stratopheric ozone [Текст] : [monograph] / G. P. Milinevsky [et al.] ; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [et al.]. - Kyiv : Akademperiodyka, 2022. - 249, [2] p. : tab., fig. - (Project "Ukrainian Scientific Book in a Foreign Language")
6.MFI5708/1-2 Derseh R. F. Gas and aerosol phase determination of water soluble compounds [Текст] : Diss. / R. F. Derseh ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2005. - 134 p. - (ETH-Diss ; 16094)
7.ІВ195060 Duhnke K. Ozon- und Wasserdampfverteilung im polaren Strahlstrom über dem Nordatlantik [Текст] : Diss. / K. Duhnke ; Universität zu Köln. Math.-Naturwiss. Fak. - Köln : [б.в.], 1998. - 157 S.: Abb.
8.ІВ222833 Fang Yongzhong Low-carbon lifestyle. How China transforms into a low-carbon society [Текст] / Fang Yongzhong. - [Beijing] : China Pictorial Publishing House, [2012]. - 14, 200 p. : il. - (China's World Responsibility)
9.MFI2830/1-3 Fischer-Riedmann A. Atmospharische Konzentration und Deposition von N-haltigen Komponenten in Wald des hydrologischen Einzugsgebietes Erlenbach im Alptal [Текст] : Abh. / A. Fischer-Riedmann ; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1995. - 259 S.:Abb. - (Diss ETH ; 11035)
10.ІС13562 Gietl J. K. Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter in Münster, Germany [Текст] : Diss. / J. K. Gietl ; Der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fak. der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Univ. Münster. - Münster : [б.в.], 2008. - IX, 75 S.: Fig., Tab.
11.FAO/265 Grassland carbon sequestration: management, policy and economics [Текст] : proceedings of the Workshop on the role of grassland carbon sequestration in the mitigation of climate change / Ed. by M. Abberton, R. Conand, C. Batello. - Rome : FAO, 2010. - ix, 338 p. : figures. - (Integrated crop management, ISSN 1020-4555 ; vol. 11)
12.MFI2102/1-2 Gröbelbauer H. Experimental study on the dispersion of instantaneously released dense gas clouds [Текст] : Diss. / H. Gröbelbauer ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1995. - 148 p.:ill. - (Diss ETH ; 10973)
13.ECE/EB.AIR/100 Hemispheric transport of air pollution, 2010. Part A:Ozone and particulate matter [Текст] / ed. by F. Dentener [et al.]. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2010. - xxv, 278 p. : figures. - (Air pollution studies, ISSN 1014-4625 ; № 17)
14.MFI5784/1-3 Hoyle C. R. Three dimensionall chemical transport model study [Текст] : Diss. / C. R. Hoyle ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2005. - 158 p. - (ETH Diss ; 16271)
15.MFI4847/1-2 Koch G. Lagrangian analysis of stratospheric ozone in mid-latitudes [Текст] : Diss. / G. Koch ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2003. - 118 p.: fig. - (ETH Diss ; 14931)
16.ІВ199442 Kondratyev K. Y. Atmospheric ozone variability [Текст] : Implications for climate change, human health and ecosystems / K. Y. Kondratyev, C. A. Varotsos. - Berlin : Springer ; Chichester : Praxis Publiswhing, 2000. - 617 p.: fig. - (Springer-Praxis series in environmental sciences)
17.ІВ193350 Lippert E. Der Einfluss von Flugzeugabgasen auf die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre: Untersuchungen mit einem mesoskaligen Chemie-Transport-Modell [Текст] : Diss. / E. Lippert ; Universität zu Köln. Math.-Naturwiss. Fak. - Köln : [б.в.], 1996. - 222 S.:Ill. - (Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie der Universität zu Köln ; Heft 109)
18.ІВ196851 Maduro R. A. Ozonloch, das mißbrauchte Naturwunder [Текст] / R. A. Maduro, R. Schauerhammer. - Wiesbaden : Böttiger Verl., 1992. - 224 S.: Abb.
19.ІВ212343 Methods and facilities for the assessment of the radon-hazard potential [Текст] / Science and technology center in Ukraine, Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - Kyiv : Logos, 2004. - 416 p.: fig., tab.
20.MFI3662/1 Moeckli M. In-situ atmospheric trace gas monitoring by CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy [Текст] : Diss. / M. Moeckli ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1997. - 71 p.: fig. - (Diss ETH ; 12150)

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