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 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (34)Автореферати дисертацій (44)Реферативна база даних (1592)Журнали та продовжувані видання (594)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 541
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ214468 Analýza a zpracování signálů V [Текст] : Semináře katedry teorie obvodů / ed. sborníku Doc. Ing. Petr Polták, Doc. Ing. Roman Čmejla ; České vysoké učeni technické (Praha), Fak. elektrotechnická. Kat. teorie obvodů. - Praha : ČVUT, 2004. - 175 s. : obr., tab.
2.ІС11691 Applied time series analysis [Текст] : Modelling, forecasting, unobserved components analysis and the Wiener-Kolmogorov filter. - Luxemburg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1997. - 169 p.: ill. - (Eurostat / Statistical office of the European Communities ; 0 D)
3.В275712/Vol. 2 Asilomar conference on signals, systems & computers (28 ; 1994 ; Pacific Grove) Conference record of the twenty-eighth asilomar conference on signals, systems and computers, October 30-November 2,1994,Pacific Grove, California. Vol. 2 [Текст] / ed. A. Singh. - 1994. - XXII, p.755-1551 :fig.
4.В275712/Vol. 1 Asilomar conference on signals, systems & computers (28 ; 1994 ; Pacific Grove) Conference record of the twenty-eighth asilomar conference on signals, systems and computers, October 30-November 2,1994,Pacific Grove, California. Vol. 1 [Текст] / ed. A. Singh. - 1994. - XXII, 753 p.:fig.
5.ІВ206722 Baeyer H. C. Information: the new language of science [Текст] / H. C. Baeyer. - London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003. - 258 p.
6.ІВ192911 Blaum M. Codes for detecting and correcting unidirectional errors [Текст] / M. Blaum. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE computer soc.press, 1993. - IX,210 p.:ill.
7.В276947/Pt.1 Bystrik, Volodymyr Fedorovych Information theory and communications. Pt.1 [Текст]. - 2005. - 91 p.: fig., tab.
8.MFI4270/1-2 Caraccia-Gross M. Modelling of semiconductor optical amplifer waveguide devices for all-optical signal processing [Текст] : Diss. / M. Caraccia-Gross ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2000. - 123 p.: fig. - (Diss ETH ; 13897)
9.В275713/Vol. 1 Conference record of the twenty-seventh asilomar conference on signals, systems & computers, November 1-3,1993, Pacific Grove, California. Vol. 1 [Текст] / ed. A. Singh. - 1993. - XXV, 830 p.:fig.
10.В275713/Vol. 2 Conference record of the twenty-seventh asilomar conference on signals, systems & computers, November 1-3,1993, Pacific Grove, California. Vol. 2 [Текст] / ed. A. Singh. - 1993. - XXV, p.831-1659 : fig.
11.ІС14182 De la Cruz C. J. Über die Automorphismengruppe extremaler Codes der Längen 96 und 120 [Текст] : Diss. / Javier De la Cruz C. ; Die Fak. für Mathematik der Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg. - Magdeburg : [s. n.], 2012. - II, 76 Bl. : Tab.
12.-865026 Ebada M. On the Finite - Length Modern Forward Error Correction Codes : Design and Iterative Decoding [Текст] / Ebada. - Stuttgart , 2023. - XXIV, 150 p.
13.-129832 Elkelesh A. Polar codes: iterative decoding and decoder-tailored desing [Текст] : Diss. / Elkelesh. - Stuttgart, 2022. - XXIV, 177 p.
14.MFI3595/1-2 Estermann P. Adaptive Filter im Frequenzbereich: Analyse und Entwurfsstrategie [Текст] : Abh. / P. Estermann ; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1997. - 145 S.: Abb. - (Diss ETH ; 11961)
15.ІВ194683 Faldum A. S. Codes mit optimalen Parametern [Текст] : Diss. / A. S. Faldum ; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Die Fak. für Mathematik. - Magdeburg : [б.в.], 1997. - 85 S.
16.ІР6029 Fedorenko A. D. An information signal transmission method by chaotic systems [Текст] / A. D. Fedorenko, A. N. Sharkovsky. - Kiev : [б.в.], 1998. - 12 p. - (Prepr. / National acad. of sci. of Ukraine. Institute of mathematics ; 98.4)
17.ІВ214523 Flakiewicz W. Informace a rozhodování vedoucího [Текст] / Wiesław Flakiewicz ; přel. dr. Jan Jersák ; Inst. řizeni. - Praha : Svoboda, 1974. - 136 s. : obr., tab. - (Racionalizace práce vedoucího)
18.ІВ204735 Fodor G. Signals, systems and networks [Текст] / G. Fodor. - Budapest : Akadémiai kiadó, 2003. - 784 p.: fig.
19.ІВ222035 Fritzsche R. Robust signal processing for cooperative multi-cell transmission [Текст] : diss. / Richard Fritzsche ; Fak. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Techn. Univ. Dresden. - Dresden, 2014. - XXVI, 122 p. : fig. - (Beiträge aus der Informationstechnik. Mobile Nachrichtenübertragung ; Nr. 67)
20.ІВ196378 Gaida M. Verminderung des Rundungsrauschens und Erhöhung des Dynamikbereiches bei digitalen M-N0Polen [Текст] : Diss. / M. Gaida ; Universität Stuttgart. Fak. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. - Stuttgart : [б.в.], 1999. - 115 S.: Abb.

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