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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 670
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ210469 Advances in intelligent systems and technologies [Текст] : selected papers, ECIT 2006 - the 4th European conference on intelligent systems and technologies, Iasi, Romania, September 20 - 23, 2006 / ed. H. L. Teodorescu ; National authority for scientific research. - Iasi : Performantica, 2006. - 307 p.: fig., tab.
2.MFI2156/1-2 Bach C. An interactive knowledge-based shell for configurationtasks [Текст] : Diss. / C. Bach ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1993. - 164 p.:fig. - (Diss. ETH ; 10340)
3.ІВ213499 Berka P. Dobývání znalostí z databází [Текст] / Petr Berka. - Praha : Academia, 2003. - 366 s. : obr., tab.
4.ІВ192896 Buckles B. P. Genetic algorithms [Текст] / B. P. Buckles, F. E. Petry. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE Computer soc. press, 1992. - V,109 p.: fig.
5.ІВ219175 Burduk R. Komputerowe systemy rozpoznawania wykorzystujące nieprecyzyjną reprezentację wiedzy [Текст] / Robert Burduk. - Wrocław : Oficyna wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2013. - 132 s. : tab.
6.ІВ192708 Computer architectures for machine perception (1993;New Orleans). 1993 computer architectures for machine perception, December 15-17, 1993, New Orleans, Louisiana: Proceedings [Текст] / ed. M. A. Bayoumi [a.o.] ; University of Southwestern Louisiana center for advanced computer studies a. o. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE computer soc. press, 1993. - X, 456 p.: ill.
7.ІВ192689 Conference on artificial intelligence for applications (10;1994;San Antonio). The tenth conference on artificial intelligence for applications, March 1-4, 1994, San Antonio: Proceedings [Текст] / IEEE techn. comm. on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, American assoc. for artificial intelligence. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE computer soc. press, 1994. - XVII, 511 p.:ill.
8.ВА711108 Cитуаційні центри: теорія і практика [Текст] : [зб. ст.] / НАН України, Ін-т пробл. мат. машин і систем ; наук. ред. А. О. Морозов [та ін.]. - К. : Інтертехнодрук, 2009. - 347 с.: іл.
9.ІВ192933 Dasarathy B. V. Decision fusion [Текст] / B. V. Dasarathy. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE computer soc. press, 1994. - XII,381 p.:ill.
10.ІВ208057 Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook [Текст] / ed. O. Maimon, L. Rokach. - New York : Springer, 2005. - XXXV, 1383 p.: fig.
11.ІС14770 Dibowski H. Semantischer Gerätebeschreibungsansatz für einen automatisierten Entwurf von Raumautomationssystemen [Текст] : Diss. / Henrik Dibowski ; Techn. Univ. Dresden, Fak. Informatik. - Dresden, 2013. - VI, 291 S. : Abb.
12.ІВ192874 Emerging trends in database and knowledge-base machines [Текст] : application of parallel architectures to smart information systems / ed. M. Abdelguerfi, S. Lavington. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE Computer soc. press, 1995. - VI,302 p.:ill.
13.ІВ192925 Garcia O. N. Knowledge-based systems: fundamentals and tools [Текст] / O. N. Garcia, Y. Chien. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE Computer soc. press, 1992. - XIV,495 p.:ill.
14.CDR1628/ІВ218898 Giarratano J. C. Expert systems [Електронний ресурс] : principles and programming / Joseph C. Giarratano, Gary D. Riley. - [Boston, Nassachusetts] : Course technology, a division of Thomson learning, 2005. - 1 ел. опт. диск (CD Rom)
15.ІВ218898/CDR1628 Giarratano J. C. Expert systems [Текст] : principles and programming / Joseph Giarratano, Gary Riley. - Boston, Massachusetts[etc.] : Course technology, a division of Thomson learning, 2005. - XIV, 842 p. : fig.
16.ІВ218990 Hand D. Principles of data mining [Текст] / David Hand, Heikki Mannila, Padhraic Smyth. - Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : A Bradford book : The MIT press, 2001. - XXXII, 546 p. : fig. - (Adaptive computation and machine learning)
17.ІС15238 Hesse S. Struktur und Gestaltung von Infromationsvisualisierungen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung [Текст] : Diss. / Stefan Hesse ; Technische Univ. Dresden, Fak. Informatik. - Dresden, 2015. - X, 202, CCLI S. : Abb.
18.ІВ219779 High-level information fusion management and systems design [Текст] / Erik Blasch, Éloi Bossé, Dale A. Lambert, eds. - Boston ; London : Artech House, 2012. - XV, 370 p. : fig.
19.ІВ231591 "Information Control Systems and Technologies", International scientific-practical conference(11; 2023; Odessa).Materials of the XI International Scientific-Practical Conference "Information Control Systems and Technologies" (ICST-Odessa-2023), 21th-23th September, 2023 [Текст] / [red.: Algirdas Pakštas et al.] ; Odessа National Polytechnic University [et.al]. - Odessa : НУ "ОМА", центр "Видавінформ", 2023. - 245 p. : fig., tab.
20.ІВ192765 International conference on microelectronics for neural networks and Fuzzy systems (4;1994;Turin). Proceedings of the fourth international conference on microelectronics for neural networks and Fuzzy systems, September 26-28, 1994, Turin [Текст] / Fondazione cassa di risparmio di Torino a.o. - Los Alamitos, California[etc.] : IEEE computer soc. press, 1994. - VIII, 262 p.: fig.

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