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1.ВА849812 Покотило О. С. 5 фундаментальних постулатів пиття води [Текст] / Олег Покотило. - Тернопіль : Паляниця В. А. [вид.], 2021. - 160 с. : іл., табл.
2.WHO/163.91 Air Quality Guidelines for Europe [Текст] / WHO, Regional Office for Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO, 2000. - x, 273 p. - (WHO Regional Publications, European Series , ISSN 0378-2255 ; 91)
3.WHO/852 (2005) Air Quality Guidelines: Particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide [Текст] / WHO, Regional Office for Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO, 2006. - ix, 484 p.
4.ІР9367 Zabidov Z. J. Application of mathematical and aerocosmic methods to the problems of optical monitoring of urban air [Текст] : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 3324.01 / Zakir Jumshud oglu Zabidov ; [Azerbaijan Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Mathematics a. Mechanics, Dep. of "Non-harmonic Analysis"]. - Baku, 2022. - 29 p. : fig.
5.WHO/891 Calcium and magnesium in drinkig-water: Public health significance [Текст]. - Geneva : WHO, 2009. - xi, 180 p.: tables, figures
6.WHO/858 Chemical safety of drinking-water: Assessing priorities for risk management [Текст] / T. Thompson [et al.]. - Geneva : WHO, 2007. - xi, 142 p.
7.ІВ213420 Allen M. Cleansing the city [Текст] : Sanitary geographies in Victorian London / Michelle Allen. - Athens : Ohio University Press, 2008. - X, 225 p. : ill.
8.MFI2998/1-2 Altenbach B. W. Determination of substituted benzene- and naphthalenesulfonates in waste water and their behaviour in sewage treatment [Текст] : Diss. / B. W. Altenbach ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1996. - 150 p.:fig. - (Diss. ETH ; 11437)
9.ІВ214557 Dumont C. Ecological approaches to health: interactions between humans and their environment [Текст] / Claire Dumont. - New York : Nova science Publ., 2009. - X, 122 p. : fig.
10.ІС11811 Ecological sanitation [Текст] / S. Esrey [a.o.]. - [s. l.] : Swedish international development cooperation agency, 1998. - 92 p.: fig.
11.UNEP/GC.20/INF/20 UNEP. Governing Council. Session (20;1999;Nairobi). Enhanced coherence and efficiency among international activities related to chemicals [Текст] : Note by the Executive Director / UNEP. Governing Council. Session (20 ; 1999 ; Nairobi) . - [Nairobi] : UN, 1999. - 218 p.
12.WB/82.2.3 Environment and Health in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] : Report for the Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe / C. Hertzman [etc.]. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1995. - xii, 119 p.
13.ІВ197822 Hung Y. Environmental health engineering [Текст] : Diss. / Y. Hung ; Kyrgyz State National University, Bishkek. School of international relations. - Bishkek : Raritet, 2000. - 191 p.
14.WHO/701 Environmental health in emergencies and disasters [Текст] : practical guide / ed. B. Wisner, J. Adams ; WHO, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), International federation of Red Cross and red Crescent Societies, UNHCR. - Geneva : WHO, 2002. - xx, 252 p.: tables
15.WHO/163.82 Fitzpatric M. Environmental health services in Europe 3: Professional profiles [Текст] / M. Fitzpatric, X. Bonnefoy ; WHO, Regional Office for Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO, 1998. - viii, 124 p. - (WHO Regional Publications, European Series , ISSN 0378-2255 ; 82)
16.WHO/163.90 Drew C. H. Environmental health services in Europe 5: Guidelines for evaluation of environmental health services [Текст] / C. H. Drew [etc.] ; WHO, Regional Office for Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO, 2000. - viii, 185 p. - (WHO Regional Publications, European Series , ISSN 0378-2255 ; 90)
17.WHO/163.94 Fitzpatrick M. Environmental health services in Europe 6: The development of professional associations [Текст] / M. Fitzpatrick ; WHO, Regional Office for Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO, 2002. - ix, 88 p. - (WHO Regional Publications, European Series , ISSN 0378-2255 ; 94)
18.ІС12111 Matschegewski D. Ergebnisse der Sklerosierungsbehandlung von Ösophagusvarizen- Auswertung der Jahre 1984-1994 [Текст] : Diss. / D. Matschegewski ; Universität Rostock. Medizinischen Fak. - Rostock : [б.в.], 1998. - 67 S.: Abb.
19.РА311963 Arapu V. Factorii sociali ai atenuării contradiţiilor dintre aspiraţiile populaţiei urbane şi starea mediului ambiant (în baza materialelor din Republica Moldova) [Текст] : Autoref. al tezei de doctor în sociologie: 22.00.04 / V. Arapu ; Academia de ştiinţe a Moldovei. Institutul de filosofie, sociologie şi drept. - Chişinău : [б.в.], 2000. - 24 p.: tab.
20.CAN.WRITERS/№192 Waltner-Toews D. Food,sex and salmonella: the risks of environmental intimacy [Текст] / D. Waltner-Toews. - Toronto : NC press, 1992. - 175 p.

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