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Hédou, Gael.
Behavioral neurochemistry of psychostimulant administration in the rat: Involvement of subterritories of medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens [Text] : diss. / G. Hédou ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2001. - 210 p.: fig. - (ETH-DISS ; 14171)
3 mfishe


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Чорнобай, Микола.
Cannabis. 66 та одне питання про канабіс в Україні [Текст] / Микола Чорнобай. - Кривий Ріг : Роман Козлов [вид.], 2022. - 260, [1] с. - ISBN 978-617-8096-01-4


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Основний фонд

Сікорський І.О./№ІХд/№47

Chloralamid новое снотворное средство, приготовляемое Химическою фабрикою на акциях (бывш. E. Schering) [Текст] : пер. с нем. / ред. пер. БоМ. Боголюбов. - М. : [б.и.], 1890. - 35 с.


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Основний фонд


Commentary on the Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 [Text] : done at Geneva on 25 March 1972. - New York : UN, 1976. - viii, 100 p.


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Зал публікацій ООН


Commentary on the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 [Text] : done at Vienna on 20 December 1988. - New York : UN, 1998. - xii, 442 p. - ISBN 92-1-148106-6


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Зал публікацій ООН


Directory of non-governmental organizations working in drug demand reduction [Text] / United Nations International drug Control Programme (UNDCP). - New York : UNDCP, 2001. - 391 p. - ISBN 92-1-148133-3


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Зал публікацій ООН


Drug Problems in the Sociocultural Context [Text] : A Basis for Policies and Programme Planning / ed. G. Edwards, A. Arif. - Geneva : WHO, 1980. - 258 p. - (Public Health Papers ; 73). - ISBN 92 4 130073 6


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Ensuring balance in national policies on controlled substances: guidance for availability and accessibility of controlled medicines [Text]. - Geneva : WHO, 2011. - v, 78 p. - ISBN 978 92 4 156417 5
Rev. ed. of "Narcotic and psychotropic drugs: achieving balance in national opioids control policy: guidelines for assessment"


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CDun 214

Ensuring balance in national policies on controlled substances: reference list and additional data [Text]. - Geneva : WHO, 2011. - 1 ел. опт. диск


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Landolt, Hans Peter.
Human sleep and the sleep electroencephalogram:effects of age, ethanol and caffeine [Text] : diss. / H. P. Landolt ; Swiss Federal institute of technology Zürich. - Zürich : [б.в.], 1996. - 154 p.:fig. - (Diss. ETH ; 11435)
2 mfishe


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Frišaufová, Magda.
I know what I'm doing [Text] : experiences of women who use methamphetamine / Magda Frišaufová. - Brno : Masaryk university, 2016. - 238 s. - (EDIS : publ. ser. ; vol. 15). - Бібліогр.: с. 234-238. - ISBN 978-80-210-8315-8. - ISBN 978-80-210-8316-5 (online : pdf)


Видання зберігається у :
Основний фонд


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] = Fabrication de stupefiants, de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs = Fabricacion de estupefacientes, de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 1996, and manufacturers or substances in Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 1997. - viii, 57 p.


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Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] = Fabrication de stupefiants, de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs = Fabricacion de estupefacientes, de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 2000, and manufacturers or substances in Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 2002. - viii, 59 p. - 1010-9595 прим. - ISBN 92-1-048074-3


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Зал публікацій ООН


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] = Fabrication de stupefiants, de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs = Fabricacion de estupefacientes, de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 2000, and manufacturers or substances in Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 2003. - viii, 51 p. - 1010-9595 прим. - ISBN 92-1-048082-1
Na obl.: 2002


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Зал публікацій ООН


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 2003, and manufacturers of substances in the revised Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 2006. - viii, 58 p. - 1010-9595 прим. - ISBN 92-1-048111-9
Na obl.: 2005


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Зал публікацій ООН


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 2002, and manufacturers of substances in the revised Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 2004. - viii, 68 p. - 1010-9595 прим. - ISBN 92-1-048096-1
Na obl.: 2003


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Зал публікацій ООН


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] = Fabrication de stupefiants, de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs = Fabricacion de estupefacientes, de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 1997, and manufacturers or substances in Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 1998. - viii, 60 p. - 1010-9595 прим.


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Зал публікацій ООН


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] = Fabrication de stupefiants, de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs = Fabricacion de estupefacientes, de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 1998, and manufacturers or substances in Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 1999. - viii, 63 p. - 1010-9595 прим.
Na obl.: 1999


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Зал публікацій ООН


Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors [Text] = Fabrication de stupefiants, de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs = Fabricacion de estupefacientes, de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 1999, and manufacturers or substances in Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. - New York : UN, 2000. - viii, 64 p. - 1010-9595 прим. - ISBN 92-1-048074-0


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Зал публікацій ООН


Multilingual list of narcotic drugs under international control [Text] = î¡«ú«´ºÙþ¡Ù® »ÑÓÑþÑ¡ý ¡áÓ¬«Ô¿þÑ߬¿Õ ßÓÑñßÔó, ¡áÕ«ñ´Ú¿Õß´ »«ñ ¼ÑªñÒ¡áÓ«ñ¡Ù¼ ¬«¡ÔÓ«½Ñ¼. - New York : UN, 1968. - xvii, 273 p.


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