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 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (11)Автореферати дисертацій (7)Реферативна база даних (280)Журнали та продовжувані видання (312)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>U=У526.21$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 247
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.ІВ202836 Lindgren C. Bank soundness and macroeconomic policy [Текст] / C. Lindgren [a.o.]. - Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1996. - XV, 215 p.
2.Österr.bibl./№4328 Bankchinesisch - Deutsch [Текст] : Bankwörterbuch / Creditanstalt. - Wien : [б.в.], 1997. - 109 S.:Ill.
3.ІР6801 Banks and SMEs: towards a mutually successful co-operation [Текст] : A guide for SME entrepreneurs / European Commission. - Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1997. - 46 p.: ill. - (Tacis)
4.ІВ214322 Basel II: problems and prospects of usage in national banking systems [Текст] : monograph / under the ed. of Anatoliy Yepifanov, Inna Shkolnik. - Sumy : SHEI "UAB NBU", 2010. - 239 p. : fig.
5.ІВ219518 Corporate governance in banks: a search for new paradigm [Текст] / [Alexander N. Kostyuk et al.] ; ed. by Alexander N. Kostyuk, Fumiko Takeda, Dmitriy Govorun. - Sumy : SHEI "UAB NBU", 2014. - XVIII, 312 p. : fig., tab.
6.ІВ211050 Duclos T. Dictionnaire de la banque [Текст] / T. Duclos. - Quebec : Séfi, 1999. - 357 p.: schéma
7.ІС14896 Güntner J. H. F. Essays in theoretical and empirical macroeconomics [Текст] : diss. / Jochen Hermann Friedrich Güntner ; Fak. für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg. - Magdeburg, 2012. - V, 132 p. : fig.
8.-E547510 Neymatli A. V. Evaluation of the role of the banking... [Текст] / Neymatli. - Baku, 2024.
9.ІВ193531 Johnson H. J. Financial institutions and markets: A global perspective [Текст] / H. J. Johnson. - New York[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1993. - 560 p.: fig. - (McGraw-Hill series in finance)
10.ІВ193530 Johnson H. J. Financial institutions and markets: A global perspective [Текст] : Instructor's manual and test bank to accompany / H. J. Johnson. - New York[etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1993. - 313 p.
11.Шлепаков А.М./№144(in) Hamiltons Nationalbank heute [Текст] : Strategie nichtinflationärer Kreditschöpfung / Hrsg. "Executive Intelligence Review" Nachrichtenagentur GmbH ; EIRNA-Studie. - Wiesbaden : Dinges & Frick, 1992. - 147 S.: Ill.
12.-829596 Khankishiyeva L. L. Improvement of commercial banks'... [Текст] / Khankishiyeva. - Baku, 2024.
13.ІР10114 Daukševičiūtė I. Modelling a commercial bank's relationship marketing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises [Текст] : summary doctoral dissertation : Social sciences, management (03S) / Irena Daukševičiūtė ; Vilnius Gediminas Technikal University. - Vilnius : Technika, 2013. - 24 p. : tab.
14.ІВ225469 Kravchenko D. Offshore banking and prospects of offshore activity development [Текст] / Daryna Kravchenko ; Taras Shevchenko nat. univ. of Kyiv, Inst. of intern. relations. - Kyiv : Center of free press, 2018. - 136 p. : tab.
15.ВС38350 Мод Д. Private Banking: Элитное обслуживание частного капитала [Текст] / Д. Мод, Ф. Молино ; пер. с англ. А. М. Дзюра. - М. : Альпина Паблишер, 2003. - 337 с.: рис.
16.WB/21.279 Borish M. S. Restructuring Banks and Enterprises [Текст] : Recent Lessons from Transition Countries / M. S. Borish [etc]. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1995. - viii, 73 p. - (World Bank Discussion Paper , ISSN 0259-210X ; 279)
17.ІВ211503 Sinn H. Risk-taking, limited liability, and the banking crisis [Текст] / H. Sinn. - Munich : Ifo institute for economic research at the University of Munich, 2009. - 867 p.: fig.
18.FAO/173.7 Rural Financial Markets Research in Progress № 7 [Текст] / FAO, Marketing and Rural Finance Service, Agricultural Support Systems Division. - Rome : FAO, 1996. - iii, 86 p.
19.ІВ193543 Study guide for money and banking [Текст] / H. M. Kaufman [та ін.]. - Lexington, Massachusetts : [б.в.] ; Toronto : Heath, 1992. - 276 p.
20.ІВ213466 Hörhager-Čeljo N. Theorie des Depositenvertrages [Текст] : Diss. / Niels Hörhager-Čeljo ; Wirtschafts- und Sozialwiss. Fak. der Univ. zu Köln. - Köln : EUL Verlag, 2009. - 185 S. : Abb. - (Reihe: Finanzierung, Kapitalmarkt und Banken ; Bd. 63)

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