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1.WB/33(1996-1997) Inspection Panel. Annual Report [Текст] : August 1, 1996 to July 31, 1997 / International Bank for Reconstruction amd Development, International Development Association. - Washington : World Bank, [1997]. - 61 p.
2.WB/16.366 Carvalho S. Combining the Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Poverty Measurement and Analysis [Текст] : Practice and the Potential / S. Carvalho, H. White. - Washington : World Bank, 1997. - vi, 30 p. - (World Bank Technical Paper , ISSN 0253-7494 ; 366)
3.WB/16.110 Dixon J. A. Dams and the Environment [Текст] : Considerations in World Bank Projects / J. A. Dixon [etc]. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1989. - viii, 64 p. - (World Bank Technical Paper , ISSN 0253-7494 ; 110)
4.WB/29(1999) Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (5;1999;Valdivia). Decentralization and Accountability of the Public Sector [Текст] : Proceedings of a Conference held in Valdivia, Chile, June 20 - 22, 1999 / ed. S. J. Burki [etc]. - Washington : World Bank, 2000. - v, 434 p. - (World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies : proceedings, ISSN 1020-6140)
5.WB/29.2.3 Burki S. J. Dismantling the Populist State: The Unfinished Revolution in Latin America and The Caribbean [Текст] / S. J. Burki, S. Edwards ; World Bank. - Washington : World Bank, 1996. - iv, 38 p. - (World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies : viewpoints)
6.WB/9.9 Ecuador Poverty Report [Текст]. - Washington : World Bank, 1996. - xix, 334 p. - (World Bank country study)
7.WB/9.8 Estonia [Текст] : Transition to a Market Economy. - Washington : World Bank, 1993. - xxxi, 330 p. - (World Bank country study, ISSN 0243-2123)
8.WB/27 Conly S. R. Falling Short: The World Bank's Role in Population and Reproductive Health [Текст] / S. R. Conly, J. E. Epp ; Population Action Internaitonal. - Washington : Population Action International, 1997. - x, 66 p.
9.TD/ITE/EDS/3 Financial Disclosure by Banks [Текст] : Proceedings of an UNCTAD forum / UNCTAD, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 1998. - iii, 79 p.
10.IMF/21.45(4) Financial Organization and Operations of the IMF [Текст] / International Monetary Fund, Treasurer's Department. - Washington : IMF, 1995. - xi, 144 p. - (Pamphlet Series , ISSN 0538-8759 ; 45)
11.WB/4.1 Food and Agricultural Policy Reforms in the Former USSR: An Agenda for the Transition [Текст] / World Bank. - Washington : [б.в.], 1992. - xiv, 242 p. - (Studies of Economies in Transformation ; 1)
12.WB/40.1 Getting Results: The World Bank's Agenda for Improving Development Effectiveness [Текст] / World Bank. - Washington : World Bank, 1993. - iii, 20 p.
13.WB/37 Handbook on Technical Assistance [Текст] / World Bank. Operations Policy Department. - Washington : World Bank, 1993. - viii, 218 p.
14.WB/8 Learning from the Past, Embracing the Future [Текст] / World Bank Group. - Washington : [б.в.], 1995. - 32 p.: ill
15.ІВ193540 Kaufman H. M. Money and banking [Текст] / H. M. Kaufman. - Lexington, Massachusetts : [б.в.] ; Toronto : Heath, 1992. - 557 p.: fig.
16.WB/29.2.1 Sp Londono de la Cuesta J. L. Pobreza, Desigualdad y Formacion del Capital Humano en America Latina, 1950-2025 [Текст] / J. L. Londono de la Cuesta ; Banco Mundial. - Washington : Banco Mundial, 1996. - iv, 39 p. - (Estudios del Banco Mundial Sobre America Latina y el Caribe)
17.WB/35 Post-Conflict Reconstruction: The Role of the World Bank [Текст] / World Bank. - Washington : World Bank, 1998. - x, 68 p.
18.WB/21.366 Baker J. L. Poverty Reduction and Human Development in the Caribbean [Текст] : Cross-Country Study / J. L. Baker ; World Bank. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1997. - xxi, 206 p. - (World Bank Discussion Paper , ISSN 0259-210X ; 366)
19.WB/6 Poverty Reduction in South Asia: Promoting Participation by the Poor: Summary of an Informal Workshop Cosponsored by the World Bank and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), October 12-15, 1993 [Текст]. - Washington : World Bank, 1994. - ix, 34 p.
20.WB/29.2.1 Londono de la Cuesta J. L. Poverty, Inequality and Human Capital Development in Latin America, 1950-2025 [Текст] / J. L. Londono de la Cuesta ; World Bank. - Washington : World Bank, 1996. - iv, 38 p. - (World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies)

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