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1.Ж38257:L.3ser./2005/38 Van den Dungen P.Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des Lettres Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres. 2005, №38:Milieux de presse et journalistes en Belgique [Текст] : 1828-1914 / P. Van den Dungen. - Bruxelles : [б.в.], 2005. - 562 p.: ill. (Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres Classe des Lettres, ISSN 0378-7893 ; 2005, №38)
2.Непокупний А.П.:Ж2/1993/32 Acta linguistica lithuanica [Text]. 1993, T.32:Baltu onomastikos Tyrinejimai [Текст] / red. A. Vanagas. - Vilnius : [б.в.], 1993. - 249 s. (Acta linguistica lithuanica , ISSN 1648-4444 ; 1993, T.32)
3.Непокупний А.П.:Ж10 Baltu filologija [Текст] : baltu valodniecibas žurnals / Latvijas Univ. , Filologijas fakultate, Baltu valodu katedra ; red. P. Vanags
4.Ж43142/2010/3056 Arezki R.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2010, №3056:Do natural resources depress income per capita? [Текст] / R. Arezki, F. van der Ploeg. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2010. - 19 p.: ill. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2010, №3056)
5.Ж43142/2009/2609 Booij A. S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2009, №2609:A parametric analysis of prospect theory's functionals for the general population [Текст] / A. S. Booij [и др.]. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2009. - 43 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2009, №2609)
6.Ж43142/2009/2840 Boone J.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2009, №2840:Why is there a spike in the job finding rate at benefit exhaustion? [Текст] / J. Boone, J. C. Van Ours. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2009. - 40 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2009, №2840)
7.Ж43142/2010/3082 Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2010, №3082:Firm level productivity under imperfect competition in output and labor markets [Текст] / S. Amoroso [a.o.]. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2010. - 46 p.: fig. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2010, №3082)
8.Ж43142/2010/3303 Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3303:impact of fiscal rules on public finances: theory and empirical evidence for the Euro area [Текст] / Wim Marneffe, Bas Van aarle, Wouter Van Der Wielen, Lode Vereeck. - Munich : CESifo, 2011. - 30 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3303)
9.Ж43142/2011/3660 Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3660:Monitoring, sanctions and front-loading of job search in a non-stationary model [Текст] / Bart Cockx, Muriel Dejemeppe, Andrey Launov, Bruno Van der Linden. - Munich : CESifo, 2011. - 42 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3660)
10.Ж43142/2012/3851 Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3851:Public sector employees: risk averse and altruistic? [Текст] / Margaretha Buurman [et al.]. - Munich : CESifo, 2012. - 30 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3851)
11.Ж43142/2013/4093 Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4093:Do employers discriminate less if vacancies are difficult to fill? Evidence from a field experiment [Текст] / Stijn Baert [et al.]. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 28 p. : tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4093)
12.Ж43142/2013/4348 Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4348:Beyond the labour income tax wedge: the unemployment-reducing effect of tax progressivity [Текст] : Etienne Lehmann, Claudio Lucifora, Simone Moriconi, Bruno Van der Linden. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 35 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4348)
13.Ж43142/2013/4187 Cockx B.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4187:Monitoring job search effort with hyperbolic time preferences and non compliance: a welfare analysis [Текст] / Bart Cockx, Corinna Ghirelli, Bruno Van Der Linden. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 42 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4187)
14.Ж43142/2013/4181 Dick C. D.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4181:Exchange rate expectations of chartists and fundamentalists [Текст] / Christian D. Dick, Lukas Menkhoff. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 50 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4181)
15.Ж43142/2011/3662 Ferrer-i-Carbonell A.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3662:Vignette equivalence and response consistency; the case of job satisfaction [Текст] / Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Bernard M. S. Van Praag, Ioannis Theodossiou. - Munich : CESifo, 2011. - 31 p. : fig. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3662)
16.Ж43142/2013/4264 Fratzcher M.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4264:Oil prices, exchange rates and asset prices [Текст] / Marcel Fratzcher, Daniel Schneider, Ine Van Robays. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 39 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4264)
17.Ж43142/2010/2997 Jacquet L.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2010, №2997:A comparison of optimal tax policies when compensation or responsibility matter [Текст] / L. Jacquet, D. Van der gaer. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2010. - 43 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2010, №2997)
18.Ж43142/2010/3308 Jacquet L.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3308:Optimal redistributive taxation with both extensive and intensive responses [Текст] / Laurence Jacquet, Etienne Lehmann, Bruno Van Der Linder. - Munich : CESifo, 2010. - 38 p. : fig. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3308)
19.Ж43142/2014/5041 Kagan M.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers . № 5041:Battle for climate and scarcity rents: beyond the linear-quadratic case [Текст] / Mark Kagan, Frederick van der Ploeg, Cees Withagen. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 32 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 5041)
20.Ж43142/2009/2872 Klaven C.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2009, №2872:Collective labor supply of native dutch and immigrant households in the Netherlands [Текст] / C. Klaven [и др.]. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2009. - 26 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2009, №2872)

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