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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 5
Представлено документи з 1 до 5
1.Ж42613 Social studies of science [Текст] : An internat. review of research in the Social Dimensions of science and technology / ed. M. Lynch
2.Ж43903/2013/14 Lynch T. F.Institute for National Strategic Studies Strategic perspectives. No. 14:Crisis stability and nuclear exchange risks on the subcontinent: major trends and the Iran factor [Текст] / Thomas F. Lynch III. - Washington, D. C. : NDU Press, 2013. - 39 p. : tab. (Strategic perspectives ; No. 14)
3.Ж43903/2016/22 Lynch T. F.Institute for National Strategic Studies Strategic perspectives. No. 22:India's naxalite insurgency: history, trajectory, and implications for U.S.-India security cooperation on domestic counterinsurgency [Текст] / Thomas F. Lynch III. - Washington, D. C. : NDU Press, 2016. - 41 p. : map., tab. (Strategic perspectives ; No. 22)
4.Ж43903/2016/21 Institute for National Strategic Studies Strategic perspectives. No. 21:return of foreign fighters to Central Asia: implications for U.S. counterterrorism policy [Текст] / Thomas F. Lynch III, Michael Boufford, Kelsey King, Graham Vickowski. - Washington, D. C. : NDU Press, 2016. - 35 p. : ill. (Strategic perspectives ; No. 21)
5.Ж43903/2017/24 Lynch T. F.Institute for National Strategic Studies Strategic perspectives. No. 24:India-Japan strategic cooperation and implications for U.S. strategy in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region [Текст] / Thomas F. Lynch III, James J. Przystup. - Washington, D. C. : NDU Press, 2017. - 47 p. : fig., tab. (Strategic perspectives ; No. 24)

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