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повний стислий
 Знайдено в інших БД:Наукова електронна бібліотека (17)Реферативна база даних (10)Книжкові видання та компакт-диски (104)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=MILLER$<.>+<.>A=TIMOTHY$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 15
Представлено документи з 1 до 15
1.Ж36641:SD/1998/379 Miller S. J.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1998, №379:Transcriptional regulation of the Platelet- Derived Growth Factor B gene [Текст] / S. J. Miller. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 1998. - 54 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 1998, №379)
2.Ж18967 Science news [Text] : The weekly newsmagazine of science / ed. J. A. Miller. - Журнал виходить з 1921р.
3.Ж41022:Suppl. International studies review [Текст] / International Studies Association ; ред. L. Miller. - Журнал виходить з 1999р.
4.Ж36287 Modern Philology [Текст] : Crit. and hist. studies in lit., medieval through contemporary / The Univ. of Chicago Press ; managing ed. J. K. Printz.- URL: https://www.jstor.org/journal/modernphilology
5.Ж41925 PC magazine [Текст] / ред. M. Miller
6.Ж38858:CS/1999/36 Valavanis P.University of California (Berkeley) Publications [University of California]. 1999, Vol.36:Hysplex: the starting mechanism in ancient stadia [Текст] : contribution to ancient Greek technology / P. Valavanis ; transl. from the Greek S. Miller. - Berkeley[etc.] : Univ. of California Press, 1999. - 183 p.: ill. (Publications [University of California Classical studies ; 1999, Vol.36)
7.Фонд Президентів України:Ж1090/1999/1/3 Carter A. B.Stanford-Harvard Preventive Defense Project Publications of the Preventive Defense Project. 1999, Vol.1, №3:Fulfilling the promise: Building an enduring security partnership between Ukraine and NATO [Текст] / A. B. Carter [a.o.]. - Stanford ; Cambridge : [б.в.], 1999. - 92 p. (Publications of the Preventive Defense Project ; 1999, Vol.1, №3)
8.Ж36010 Automation [Текст] : For the men who engineer production / ed. L. D. Miller
9.Ж36090:Sond. Sprache im technischen Zeitalter [Text] : sonderheft / hrsg. N. Miller, D. Stolz
10.Ж40674/2001/48 Umweltbundesamt (Berlin) Texte [Umweltbundesamt]. 2001, №48:Veränderungen der genetischen Vielfalt: Molekulare und populationsökologische Charakterisierung autochthoner und durch Besatz beeinflusster Salmoniden- Populationen (Bachforelle, Alpen- Seesaibling) in Bayern [Текст] / U. Schliewen [u.a.]. - Berlin : [б.в.], 2001. - 206 .: Ill. (Texte [Umweltbundesamt, ISSN 0722-186X ; 2001, №48)
11.Ж40674/1998/79 Umweltbundesamt (Berlin) Texte [Umweltbundesamt]. 1998, №79:Analyse von sicherheitsrelevanten Ereignissen in verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen [Текст] / B. Wilpert [u.a.]. - Berlin : [б.в.], 1998. - 61 S.: Abb. (Texte [Umweltbundesamt, ISSN 0722-186X ; 1998, №79)
12.Ж39256 Géochronique [Текст] : Mag. des Geosciences / Soc. gèologique de France, Bureau de recherches gèologigues et minières ; comité de red. : B. Fourcade (réd. en chef) [et. al].- URL: http://www.geosoc.fr/boutique-en-ligne/geochronique.html
13.Ж42111 International studies review [Текст] : A journal of the Intrnational Studies Association / International studies association, The Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International studies ; ed. L. B. Miller
14.Ж43827/2013/6 Godwin P. H. B. China strategic perspectives. № 6:China's forbearance has limits: Chinese threat and relation signaling and its implications for a Sino-American Military Confrontation [Текст] / Paul H. B. Godwin, Alice L. Miller. - Washington, D. C. : NDU Press, 2013. - 111 p. : tab. (China strategic perspectives ; № 6)
15.UN:861/4/2000 DDA Occasional Papers. 4, September 2000:Arms Control and Disarmament: A New Conceptual Approach [Текст] / A. D. Rotfeld [etc.]. - New York : UN, 2000. - vi, 69 p. (DDA Occasional Papers ; 4, September 2000)

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