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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж36601:C/2000$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 6
Представлено документи з 1 до 6
1.Ж36601:C/2000/100/1 Hourihane C.Royal Irisch Academy Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. 2000, Vol.100, №1:"Holye crossys": a catalogue of processional, altar, pendant and crucifix figures for late medieval Ireland [Текст] / C. Hourihane. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2000. - 85 p.:ill. (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2000, Vol.100, №1)
2.Ж36601:C/2000/100/2 Thomas C.Royal Irisch Academy Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. 2000, Vol.100, №2:Family formation in a colonial city: Londonderry, 1650-1750 [Текст] / C. Thomas. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2000. - p.86-111 (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2000, Vol.100, №2)
3.Ж36601:C/2000/100/3 Barry T.Royal Irisch Academy Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. 2000, Vol.100, №3:Excavations at Piperstown deserted medieval village, Co. Louth, 1987 [Текст] / T. Barry. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2000. - p.112-135 : ill. (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2000, Vol.100, №3)
4.Ж36601:C/2000/100/4 Rodgers N.Royal Irisch Academy Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. 2000, Vol.100, №4:Two Quakers and a utilitarian: the reaction of three Irish women writers to the problem of slavery, 1789-1807 [Текст] / N. Rodgers. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2000. - p.138-157 (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2000, Vol.100, №4)
5.Ж36601:C/2000/100/5 Andrews J.Royal Irisch Academy Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. 2000, Vol.100, №5:John Norden's maps of Ireland [Текст] / J. Andrews. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2000. - p.159-206 :ill. (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2000, Vol.100, №5)
6.Ж36601:C/2000/100/6 O'Neill M.Royal Irisch Academy Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. 2000, Vol.100, №6:Design sources for St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, and its relationship to Christ Church Cathedral [Текст] / M. O'Neill. - Dublin : [б.в.], 2000. - p.207-258 :ill. (Proceedings of the Royal Irisch Academy. - Sec.C Archaeology, Celtic studies, history, linguistics, literature, ISSN 0035-8991 ; 2000, Vol.100, №6)

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