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Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж39053 British Library. Annual report and accounts [The British Library] [Текст] / The British Library ; ed. J. Purday. - Журнал виходить з 1974р.- URL: https://www.bl.uk/about-us/governance/annual-reports ; https://www.amazon.co.uk/British-Library-Annual-Accounts-Commons/dp/1528613007 ; https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/british-library-annual-reports-and-accounts
2.Ж44565 Animal and plant quarantine agency(Seoul ). Annual report of the Animal and plant quarantine agency [Текст] / Animal and plant quarantine agency (Seoul ) ; ed.-in-chief J. H. Kim.- URL: https://www.qia.go.kr/english/html/About_QIA/01About_QIA_003.jsp
3.Ж43989 National Diet Library. Annual report of the National Diet Library [Текст] / National Diet Library.- URL: http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/publication/annual/index.html
4.Ж43651 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions(Hague, Netherlands). Annual report [IFLA] [Текст] / Intern. Federation of Libr. Assoc. and Institutions .- URL: https://www.ifla.org/resources/?oPubId=790 ;
5.Ж43689 International Renaissance Foundation. Annual report [International Renaissance Foundation] [Текст] / Intern. Renaissance Found.
6.Ж44495 National Library of Korea(Seoul). Annual report [National Library of Korea] [Текст] / National Library of Korea (Seoul)
7.Ж44106 Arheologia Moldovei [Текст] / Acad. Română. Filiala Iaşi ; Inst. de arheologie ; Museul Bucovinei. - Журнал виходить з 1961.- URL: https://arheologiamoldovei.ro/ ; https://miar.ub.edu/issn/0066-7358
8.Ж44562 ArtAsiaPacific [Текст] / ed. Elaine W. Ng. - Журнал виходить з 1993р.- URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArtAsiaPacific
9.Ж44541 Bank of Korea [Текст] : Report on monetary policy / ed-in-chief S. Jeong
10.Ж36563:Ber. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bericht [Berlin- Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften] [Текст] / Berlin-Brandenburgische Akad. der Wiss. ; Hrsg. von C. Markschies. - Журнал виходить з 2020р.
11.Ж40624 Naturforschende Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz. Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz [Текст] / Naturforschende Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz ; Red. B. Westphal; H.-W. Otto. - Журнал виходить з 1991р.- URL: https://nfgol.de/Publikationen ; http://www.naturforschende-gesellschaft-der-oberlausitz.de/Publikationen ; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturforschende_Gesellschaft_der_Oberlausitz
12.Ж44346 Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie(Hamburg). Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung [Текст] / Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie . - Журнал виходить з 2004р.- URL: https://www.mpimet.mpg.de/wissenschaft/publikationen/berichte-erdsystemforschung/2005/
13.Ж44247 Biodiversity & Ecology [Текст] : J. of the division biodiversity, evolution and ecology of plants / Inst. for plant science and microbiology, Univ. of Hamburg ; chief ed. N. Jürgens. - Журнал виходить з 2002р.- URL: http://www.biodiversity-plants.de/biodivers_ecol/biodivers_ecol.php
14.Ж43258 National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Brief annual report [Текст] / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine. - Журнал виходить з 2008р.
15.Онищенко О.С.:Ж225 National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Brief annual report [Текст] / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine
16.Ж33773 Byzantinoslavica [Текст] : revue intern. des études byzantines / L'Institut slave de l'Academie des sciences de la République Tchèque ; com. de rèd. M. Čechová (secr. de la réd.) [et al.]. - Журнал виходить з 1931р.- URL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=265 ; https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantinoslavica ; https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063571868819&locale=es_LA&_rdr
17.Österr.Bibl.:Ж8513 Büchereiperspektiven [Текст] : Fachzeitschrift des Büchereiverbandes Österreichs / Büchereiverbandes Österreichs ; Hrsg.: L. Grüße, M. Feigl.- URL: https://www.bvoe.at/angebote/informationsangebote/buechereiperspektiven
18.Ж14160 Experimental oncology [Текст] : an intern. sci. j. / Nat. Acad. of sciences of Ukraine, R. E. Kavetsky Inst. of experimental pathology, oncology and radiobiology ; ed. board: V. F. Chekhun (ed.-in-chief) [et al.]. - Журнал виходить з 1979р.
19.Ж44550 Funding Atlas [Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft] [Текст] : Key Indicators for Publicly Funded Research in Germany / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ; proj. manag. C. Fischer. J. Güdler. - Журнал виходить з 1996р.- URL: https://sites.dfg.de/sites/fundingatlas2021/
20.Ж101925 General surgery [Текст] : укр. рецензов. наук. спеціалізов. мед. журн. / Bogomolets nat. med. univ. ; редкол.: Я. М. Сусак (голов. ред.) [та ін.]. - Журнал виходить з 2021р.

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