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1.Ж67239:Мат./1992/50-2001 Новое в зарубежной науке. 1992, Вып.50. - 2001:Труды семинара Н. Бурмаки за 1992 г. [Текст] : Сборник статей. - М. : "Мир", 2001. - 509 с.: ил. (Новое в зарубежной науке. - Серия Математика ; 1992, Вып.50. - 2001)
2.Ж29386/2009/264 Математический ин-т им. В.А.Стеклова Труды математического института им. В.А.Стеклова. 2009, Т.264:Многомерная алгебраическая геометрия [Текст] : Сборник статей. Посвящается памяти члена-корреспондента РАН Василия Алексеевича Исковских. - М. : [б.и.], 2009. - 224 с. (Труды математического института им. В.А.Стеклова, ISSN 0371-9685 ; 2009, Т.264)
3.Ж29386/2002/238 Математический ин-т им. В.А.Стеклова Труды математического института им. В.А.Стеклова. 2002, Т.238:Монодромия в задачах алгебраической геометрии и дифференциальных уравнений [Текст] : Сборник статей / ред. А. Болибрух, К. Сабба. - М. : [б.и.], 2002. - 223 с. (Труды математического института им. В.А.Стеклова, ISSN 0371-9685 ; 2002, Т.238)
4.Ж42490/2004/19 The Abdus Salam international centre for theoretical physics Lecture notes of the International centre for theoretical physics. 2004, №19:Intersection theory and moduli [Текст] / ed. E. Arbarello, G. Ellingsrud. - Trieste, Italy : [б.в.], 2004. - 327 p. (Lecture notes of the International centre for theoretical physics ; 2004, №19)
5.Ж42490/2001/6 The Abdus Salam international centre for theoretical physics Lecture notes of the International centre for theoretical physics. 2001, Vol.6:Vanishing theorems and effective results in algebraic geometry [Текст] / ред. J. Demailly, GФttsche L, R. Lazarsfeld. - Trieste, Italy : [б.в.], 2001. - 393 p.: ill. (Lecture notes of the International centre for theoretical physics ; 2001, Vol.6)
6.IAEA:IC/1999/24 Langer A. Preprint. 1999, 24:Adjoint linear systems on normal log surfaces [Текст] / A. Langer. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 16 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 24)
7.IAEA:IC/2001/98 Lahyane M. Preprint. 2001, 98:Irreducibility of the (-1)-classes on smooth rational surfaces [Текст] / M. Lahyane. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2001. - 7 p. (Preprint ; 2001, 98)
8.IAEA:IC/2001/141 Lahyane M. Preprint. 2001, 141:Rational surfaces having only a finite number of exceptional curves [Текст] / M. Lahyane. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2001. - 16 p. (Preprint ; 2001, 141)
9.IAEA:IC/2001/105 Lahuane M. Preprint. 2001, 105:Exceptional curves on smooth rational surfaces with -K not Nef and self-intersection zero [Текст] / M. Lahuane. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2001. - 7 p. (Preprint ; 2001, 105)
10.IAEA:IC/2000/6 Holla Y. I. Preprint. 2000, 6:generalization of a theorem of Nagata on ruled surfaces [Текст] / Y. I. Holla, M. S. Narasimhan. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2000. - 11 p. (Preprint ; 2000, 6)
11.IAEA:IC/2000/129 El-Nashar H. Preprint. 2000, 129:Surface growth models for more than one species [Текст] : review / H. El-Nashar. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2000. - 12 p. (Preprint ; 2000, 129)
12.IAEA:IC/1999/86 Cossidente A. Preprint. 1999, 86:Curves of Large Genus Covered by the Hermitian Curve [Текст] / A. Cossidente [etc.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 20 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 86)
13.IAEA:IC/1999/109 Chen M. Preprint. 1999, 109:relative pluricanonical stability for 3-folds of general type, II [Текст] / M. Chen. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 25 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 109)
14.IAEA:IC/2000/87 Cai J. Preprint. 2000, 87:Classification of Irregular Algebraic Fiber Surfaces of Genus 3 [Текст] / J. Cai. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2000. - 10 p. (Preprint ; 2000, 87)
15.IAEA:IC/2001/95 Biglari S. Preprint. 2001, 95:introduction to presheaves with transfers and motivic cohomology [Текст] / S. Biglari. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 2001. - 37 p. (Preprint ; 2001, 95)
16.IAEA:IC/1999/23 Bedoulev E. Preprint. 1999, 23:On the Shafarevich conjecture for surfaces of general type [Текст] / E. Bedoulev. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 8 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 23)
17.IAEA:IC/1999/140 Aprodu M. Preprint. 1999, 140:Holomorphic Vector Bundles on Primary Kodaira Surfaces [Текст] / M. Aprodu [etc.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 11 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 140)

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