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1.Ж37018:2/1999/1 Kastler D.Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2. Mathematisch- Physikalische Klasse Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. 2. Masthematisch- Physikalische Klasse [Text]. 1999, №1:U9(s12) for q=1 as the complexification of a real Hopf algebra [Текст] / D. Kastler. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999. - 30 p. (Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. 2. Masthematisch- Physikalische Klasse [Text ; 1999, №1)
2.IAEA:IC/1998/67 Phung Ho Hai Preprint. 1998, 67:Quantum Symmetric Functions and Characters of Hecke Algebras [Текст] / Phung Ho Hai. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 14 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 67)
3.IAEA:IC/1998/86 Dobrev V. K. Preprint. 1998, 86:Quantum Group Uq(Ae) Singular Vectors in Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Basis [Текст] / V. K. Dobrev, M. El Falaki. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 8 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 86)
4.IAEA:IC/1998/87 Dobrev V. K. Preprint. 1998, 87:Solutions of q-Deformed Equations with Quantum Conformal Symmetry and Nonzero Spin [Текст] / V. K. Dobrev [etc]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 13 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 87)
5.IAEA:IC/1998/91 Do Ngoc Diep Preprint. 1998, 91:Non-commutative Chern Characters of Compact Quantum Group [Текст] / Do Ngoc Diep [etc]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998]. - 16 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 91)
6.IAEA:IC/1998/123 Qadir A. Preprint. 1998, 123:Homotheties of cylindrically symmetric static spacetimes [Текст] / A. Qadir [etc.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 5 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 123)
7.IAEA:IC/1998/124 Mansour M. Preprint. 1998, 124:Star Products and Quantum Superalgebras [Текст] / M. Mansour. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 13 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 124)
8.IAEA:IC/1998/125 Mansour M. Preprint. 1998, 125:q-deformation of Virasoro and U(1) Kac-Moody algebras with Hopf structure [Текст] / M. Mansour, E. H. Tahri. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 11 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 125)
9.IAEA:IC/1998/136 Dobrev V. K. Preprint. 1998, 136:Induced Representations of the Multiparameter Hopf Superalgebras Uuq(gl(m/n)) and Uuq(sl(m/n)) [Текст] / V. K. Dobrev, E. H. Tahri. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 36 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 136)
10.IAEA:IC/1998/140 Mansour M. Preprint. 1998, 140:On the quantum super Virasoro algebra [Текст] / M. Mansour. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 6 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 140)
11.IAEA:IC/1998/143 Jellal A. Preprint. 1998, 143:Supersymmetric Sine Algebra and Degeneracy of Landau Levels [Текст] / A. Jellal [etc]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 10 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 143)
12.IAEA:IC/1998/164 Mansour M. Preprint. 1998, 164:k-Fractional Spin through Q-Deformed (Super)-Algebras [Текст] / M. Mansour [etc]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 12 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 164)
13.IAEA:IC/1998/171 Palev T. D. Preprint. 1998, 171:description of the quantum superalgebra Uq[sl(n+1|m)] via creation and annihilation generators [Текст] / T. D. Palev, N. I. Stoilova. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 18 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 171)
14.IAEA:IC/1998/201 Soloviev V. O. Preprint. 1998, 201:Bering's proposal for boundary contribution to the Poisson bracket [Текст] / V. O. Soloviev. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 14 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 201)
15.IAEA:IC/1999/12 Preprint. 1999, 12:1/N Expansions for Central Potentials Revisted in the Light of Hypervirial and Hellmann-Feynman Theorems and the Principle of Minimal Sensitivity [Текст] / M. G. Njock [etc.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 50 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 12)
16.IAEA:IC/1999/39 Osipov D. V. Preprint. 1999, 39:Stability of Torsion Free Sheaves on Curves and Infinite-Dimensional Grassmanian Manifold [Текст] / D. V. Osipov. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 13 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 39)
17.IAEA:IC/1999/44 Diep D. N. Preprint. 1999, 44:Compact quantum Group C*-algebras as Hopf algebras with approximate unit [Текст] / D. N. Diep [etc.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 15 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 44)
18.IAEA:IC/1999/66 Habegger N. Preprint. 1999, 66:universal perturbative quantum 3-manifold invariant, Rozansky-Witten invariants, and the generalized Casson invariant [Текст] / N. Habegger, G. Thompson. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 54 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 66)
19.IAEA:IC/1999/81 Preprint. 1999, 81:On large complete arcs: odd case [Текст] / M. Giulietti [etc.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 14 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 81)
20.IAEA:IC/1999/82 El Falaki M. Preprint. 1999, 82:Quantum supergroup structure of 1+1-dimensional quantum super-plane, its dual and its differential calculus [Текст] / M. El Falaki, E. H. Tahri. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1999. - 12 p. (Preprint ; 1999, 82)

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