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1.Ж36641:SD/1998/361 Edin A.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1998, №361:Interplay between soft and hard processes in quantum chromodynamics [Текст] / A. Edin. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 1998. - 44 p.: ill. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 1998, №361)
2.Ж68890/2004/50/2 Інститут математики (Київ) Праці Інституту математики. 2004, Т.50, Ч.2:Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics [Текст] : Proceedings of the fifth conference (Kyiv, Ukraine; 23-29 june 2003). Part 2 / ред. A. Nikitin, V. Boyko, R. Popovych, I. Yehorchenko. - К. : [б.в.], 2004. - 504 p. (Праці Інституту математики НАН України. - Серія: Математика та її застосування ; 2004, Т.50, Ч.2)
3.Ж42490/2003/13 The Abdus Salam international centre for theoretical physics Lecture notes of the International centre for theoretical physics. 2003, Vol.13:2002 spring school on superstrings and related matters [Текст] / ed. C. Bachas, E. Gava. - Trieste, Italy : [б.в.], 2003. - 388 p. (Lecture notes of the International centre for theoretical physics ; 2003, Vol.13)
4.Ж41355:N/2002/2002 Greiner C. H. Colloquia Academica. N, Naturwissenschaften. 2001. - 2002:Suche nach dem Quark-Gluon-Plasma: Der kleine Urknall im Labor [Текст] / C. H. Greiner. - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2002. - 34 S.: Ill. (Colloquia Academica. N, Naturwissenschaften, ISSN 0949-8133 ; 2001. - 2002)
5.Ж39507/2009/7402 Jung C.Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft Wissenschaftliche Berichte [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft. 2009, №7402:Grid computing for LHC and methods for W boson mass measurement ay CMS [Текст] / C. Jung. - Karlsruhe : [б.в.], 2009. - 131 p.: ill. (Wissenschaftliche Berichte [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft, ISSN 0947-8620 ; 2009, №7402)
6.Ж39507/1987/4180 Knapp J.Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft Wissenschaftliche Berichte [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft. 1987, №4180:Messung der elektroschwachen Asymmetrie von b-Quarks [Текст] / J. Knapp. - Karlsruhe : [б.в.], 1987. - 144 S.: Ill. (Wissenschaftliche Berichte [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft, ISSN 0947-8620 ; 1987, №4180)
7.Ж43125/1984/542 Barz H. W.Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung Publikationen des Zentralinstitutes für Kernforschung Rossendorf bei Dresden. 1984, №542:Relativistic Heavy lon Collisions [Текст] / H. W. Barz [и др.]. - Dresden : ZfK, 1984. - 26 S.: ill. (Publikationen des Zentralinstitutes für Kernforschung Rossendorf bei Dresden, ISSN 0138-2950 ; 1984, №542)
8.Ж43125/1981/444 Iwe H.Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung Publikationen des Zentralinstitutes für Kernforschung Rossendorf bei Dresden. 1981, №444:Coulomb potentials between spherical heavy ions [Текст] / H. Iwe. - Dresden : ZfK, 1981. - 34 p. (Publikationen des Zentralinstitutes für Kernforschung Rossendorf bei Dresden, ISSN 0138-2950 ; 1981, №444)
9.IAEA:IC/1998/17 Nair V. P. Preprint. 1998, 17:On Brane Solutions in M(atrix) Theory [Текст] / V. P. Nair, S. Randjibar-Daemi. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 16 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 17)
10.IAEA:IC/1998/39 Preprint. 1998, 39:New Dimensions at a Millimeter to a Fermi Superstrings at a TeV [Текст] / I. Antoniadis [etc]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 11 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 39)
11.IAEA:IC/1998/40 Pankov A. A. Preprint. 1998, 40:Model-Independent Limits on Four-Fermion Contact Interactions at LC with Polarization [Текст] / A. A. Pankov, N. Paver. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 12 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 40)
12.IAEA:IC/1998/44 Dvali G. Preprint. 1998, 44:Large N domain walls as D-branes for N = 1 QCD string [Текст] / G. Dvali, Z. Kakushadze. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 21 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 44)
13.IAEA:IC/1998/66 Preprint. 1998, 66:Black Holes and Flop Transitions in M-theory on Calabi-Yau Threefolds [Текст] / I. Gaida [и др.]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 16 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 66)
14.IAEA:IC/1998/93 Bandos I. Preprint. 1998, 93:Superembedding Approach and Generalized Action in String/M-Theory [Текст] / I. Bandos. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 11 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 93)
15.IAEA:IC/1998/94 Preprint. 1998, 94:General solution of string inspired nonlinear equations [Текст] / I. A. Bandos [etc]. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 22 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 94)
16.IAEA:IC/1998/100 O'Loughlin M. J. Preprint. 1998, 100:AdSº x R as a Target Space for the (2,1) String Theory [Текст] / M. J. O'Loughlin, S. Randjibar-Daemi. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 12 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 100)
17.IAEA:IC/1998/105 De Alwis A. C. Preprint. 1998, 105:Threshold Corrections to the Minimal SUSY SU(5) Grand Unified Theory [Текст] / A. C. De Alwis. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 17 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 105)
18.IAEA:IC/1998/106 De Alwis A. C. Preprint. 1998, 106:Threshold Corrections to the Missing Doublet Supersymmetric SU(5) Grand Unified Theory [Текст] / A. C. De Alwis. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 40 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 106)
19.IAEA:IC/1998/113 Zhou B. Preprint. 1998, 113:Nambu-Goldstone mechanism in real-time thermal field theory [Текст] / B. Zhou. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 12 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 113)
20.IAEA:IC/1998/127 Randjbar-Daemi S. Preprint. 1998, 127:Aspects of six dimensional supersymmetric theories [Текст] / S. Randjbar-Daemi. - Miramare - Trieste : ICTP, 1998. - 14 p. (Preprint ; 1998, 127)

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