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1.Ж43142/2013/4231 Abeler J.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4231:Complex tax incentives - an experimental investigation [Текст] / Johannes Abeler, Simon Jäger. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 47 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4231)
2.Ж43142/2013/4219 Alstadsæter A.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4219:Who participates in tax avoidance? [Текст] / Annette Alstadsæter, Martin Jacob. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 40 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4219)
3.Ж43142/2014/4882 Amano D.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers . № 4882:Trade structure and growth effects of taxation in a two-country world [Текст] / Daisuke Amano, Jun-ichi Itaya, Kazuo Mino. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 40 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4882)
4.Ж43142/2014/5058 Andrade de Sá S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers . № 5058:Limit pricing and the (In) effectiveness of the carbon tax [Текст] / Saraly Andrade de Sá, Julien Daubanes. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 50 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 5058)
5.Ж43142/2010/2980 Angelopoulos K.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2010, №2980:What is the best environmental policy? Taxws, permits and rules under economic and environmental uncertainty [Текст] / K. Angelopoulos [и др.]. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2010. - 31 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2010, №2980)
6.Ж43142/2011/3504 Angelopoulos K.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3504:distributional cosequences of supply-side reforms in general equilibrium [Текст] / Konstantonos Angelopoulos, Bernardo X. Fernandez, James R. Malley. - Munich : CESifo, 2011. - 36 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3504)
7.Ж43142/2012/3706 Angelopoulos K.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3706:Optimal taxation and the skill premium [Текст] / Konstantinos Angelopoulos, James Malley, Apostolis Philippopoulos. - Munich : CESifo, 2012. - 26 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3706)
8.Ж43142/2014/4744 Angelopoulos K.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4744:Tax smoothing in a business cycle model with capital-skill complementarity [Текст] / Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Stylianos Asimakopoulos, James Malley. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 38 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4744)
9.Ж43142/2014/4788 Antoniou F.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4788:effectiveness of taxation and feed-in tariffs [Текст] / Fabio Antoniou, Roland Strausz. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 25 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4788)
10.Ж43142/2014/4578 Apps P.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4578:Optimal taxation, child care and models of the household [Текст] / Patricia Apps, Ray Rees. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 35 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4578)
11.Ж43142/2010/3051 Aronsson T.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. 2010, №3051:Redistributive income taxation under outsourcing and foreing direct investment [Текст] / T. Aronsson, E. Koskela. - Munich, Germany : [б.в.], 2010. - 9 p.: ill. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; 2010, №3051)
12.Ж43142/2012/3840 Aronsson T.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3840:Adaptation, anticipation-bias and optimal income taxation [Текст] / Thomas Aronsson, Ronnie Schöb. - Munich : CESifo, 2012. - 25 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3840)
13.Ж43142/2012/3704 Balestrino A.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3704:Taxes, status goods, and piracy [Текст] / Alessandro Balestrino. - Munich : CESifo, 2012. - 23 s. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3704)
14.Ж43142/2012/3774 Balestrino A.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3774:Family taxation, fertility, and horizontal equity: a political economy perspective [Текст] / Alessandro Balestrino. - Munich : CESifo, 2012. - 20 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3774)
15.Ж43142/2014/5017 Barrios S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers . № 5017:Effective corporate taxation, tax incidence and tax reforms: evidence from OECD countries [Текст] / Salvador Barrios, Gaëtan Nicodème, Antonio Jesus Sanchez Fuentes. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 50 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 5017)
16.Ж43142/2014/4938 Bastani S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers . № 4938:Optimal wage redistribution in the presence of adverse selection in the labor market [Текст] / Spencer Bastani, Tomer Blumkin, Luca Micheletto. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 17 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4938)
17.Ж43142/2010/3225 Bastani S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3225: welfare gains of age related optimal income taxation [Текст] / Spencer Bastani, Sören Blomquist, Luca Micheletto. - Munich : CESifo, 2010. - 47 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3225)
18.Ж43142/2010/3275 Bastani S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3275:Public provision of private goods, tagging and optimal income taxation with heterogeneity in needs [Текст] / Spencer Bastani, Sören Blomquist, Luca Micheletto. - Munich : CESifo, 2010. - 47 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3275)
19.Ж43142/2013/4240 Bastani S.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 4240:How should commodities be taxed? A counterargument to the recommendation in the mirrlees review [Текст] / Spencer Bastani, Sören Blomquist, Jukka Pirttilä. - Munich : CESifo, 2013. - 26 p. : fig., tab. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 4240)
20.Ж43142/2012/3967 Bauer C. J.Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research CESifo working papers. № 3967:Sorting into outsourcing: are profits taxed at a gorilla's arm's length? [Текст] / Christian J. Bauer, Dominika Langenmayr. - Munich : CESifo, 2012. - 35 p. (CESifo working papers , ISSN 1617-9595 ; № 3967)

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