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Пошуковий запит: (<.>M=Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering<.>)
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Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering.
Report [Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering], Fort Collins, Colorado.- Отримується з 1953.

Категорія: Науки про Землю   
Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering.

Report [Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering] [Text] / Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering. - Fort Collins, Colorado.
1954, №54 JEC22 : Lake Hefner model studies of wind structure and evaporation: Final report, Part 2 / J. Cermak, H. Koloseus. - Fort Collins, Colorado : [б.в.], 1954. - 123 p.: ill. (Report [Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering] ; 1954, №54 JEC22). - Bibliogr. v kinci st.


№54 JEC 54

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Категорія: Науки про Землю   
Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering.

Report [Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering] [Text] / Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering. - Fort Collins, Colorado.
1953, №54 JEC20 : Lake Hefner model studies of wind structure and evaporation: Final report, Part 1 / J. Cermak, H. Koloseus. - Fort Collins, Colorado : [б.в.], 1953. - 152 p.: ill. (Report [Colorado agricultural and mechanical college. Department of civil engineering] ; 1953, №54 JEC20). - Bibliogr. v kinci st.


№54 JEC 54

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