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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 16
Представлено документи з 1 до 16
1.Ж100480 Kovtun G. I. pH Influence on adsorption behavior, surface dilational rheology and foam stability of mixed sodium humates/cetyltrimethylammonium bromide solutions [Текст] 3: 4 // Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні.-С.463-472
2.Ж29137 Azarenkov N. A. Nanostructural materials in the nuclear engineering [] // Вісник Харківського національного університету. Серія фізична "Ядра, частинки, поля", 2013,N N 1041, вип. 2.-С.19-28
3.Ж41115 Davydov L. N. Numerical simulation of CdZnTe semiconductor resistivity as a function of the impurity composition [] // Functional Materials, 2001. т.Т. 8,N № 2.-С.255-261
4.Ж41115 Kovtun G. P. Quantitative model for forecasting changes in electric properties of direct gap semiconductors [] // Functional Materials, 2000. т.Т. 7,N № 2.-С.228-234
5.Ж41115 Kovtun G. P. Production of radiopure natural and isotopically enriched cadmium and zinc for low background scintillators [] // Functional Materials, 2011. т.Т. 18,N № 1.-С.121-127
6.Ж43925 Kovtun G. P. Electrotransport as a way of metals deep purification [] // East European Journal of Physics, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.37-46
7.Ж43925 Virich V. D. Refining ancient lead by vacuum distillation [] // East European Journal of Physics, 2016. т.Т. 3,N № 4.-С.60-65
8.Ж43925 Kovtun G. P. Influence of cold rolling to the texture parameter of pure hafnium and zirconium [] // East European Journal of Physics, 2017. т.Т. 4,N № 3.-С.36-42
9.Ж14161 Bulatov A. S. Longitudinal ultrasound velocity and attenuation in isotopically enriched Cadmium [] // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2018. т.Т. 40,N № 11.-С.1465-1473
10.Ж43925 Grytsyna V. Regularities of changes in Kearns texture coefficient at cold rolling of Zr - 2,5 % Nb alloy [] // East European Journal of Physics, 2019,N № 2.-С.39-45
11.Ж43925 Grytsyna V. On structural aspects of texture changes during rolling of Zr - 2,5 % Nb alloy [] // East European Journal of Physics, 2019,N № 3.-С.38-45
12.Ж43925 Grytsyna V. On structural aspects of texture changes during rolling of Zr - 2,5 % Nb alloy [] // East European Journal of Physics, 2019,N № 3.-С.38-45
13.Ж43925 Shcherban A. P. Production of high-purity cadmium single crystals by vertical directed crystallization method [] / A. P. Shcherban, G. P. Kovtun [et al.] // East Europ. J. of Physics, 2020,N № 3.-С.39-45
14.Ж43925 Kondrik A. I. Degradation under influence of radiation defects of detector properties of Cd0,9Zn0,1Te irradiated by neutrons [] / A. I. Kondrik, G. P. Kovtun // East Europ. J. of Physics, 2020,N № 3.-С.85-92
15.Ж43925 Malykhin D. G. Surface purity effect on irregularities of changes in deformation texture of Zr - 2,5 % Nb alloy [] / D. G. Malykhin, K. V. Kovtun [et al.] // East Europ. J. of Physics, 2021,N № 1.-С.50-54
16.Ж100480 Kovtun G. I. Interfacial properties of chitosan lactate at the liquid/air interface [] / G. I. Kovtun // Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2021. т.Т. 12,N № 4.-С.374-381

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