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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 24
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж26988 Pashitskii E. A. Charge Density Fluctuations and a Gap Symmetry in High-Temperature Superconductors with Extended Saddle-Point Features in the Electron Spectrum [Текст] 44: 1-2 // Укр. фіз. журн.-С.214-222
2.Ж14063 Golubev D. S. Weak localization, Aharonov - Bohm oscillations and decoherence in arrays of quantum dots [Текст] 36: № 10/11 (спец. вып.) // Физика низ. температур.-С.1163-1183
3.Ж26988 Lyalin L. A. The temperature dependence of an equilibrium thermoemitting charge of a metallic particle surrounded with a nanodisperse condensed phase [Текст] 56: 12 // Укр. фіз. журн.-С.1295-1299
4.Ж41279 Pashitskii E. A. Gap symmetry and charge density excitations in high-Tc superconductors with extended saddle points in electron spectrum [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 1999. т.Т. 2,N № 3.-С.453-462
5.Ж41279 Sushko M. Ya. Conductivity and permittivity of dispersed systems with penetrable particle-host interphase [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2013. т.Т. 16,N № 1.-С.13401
6.Ж41115 Semenov A. V. Ion plasma deposition and optical properties of SiC films [] // Functional Materials, 2005. т.Т. 12,N № 2.-С.216-223
7.Ж41115 Lopin A. V. Optical properties of silicon carbide obtained by direct ion deposition [] // Functional Materials, 2006. т.Т. 13,N № 4.-С.631-636
8.Ж41115 Kozlovskii A. A. Effect of silver on thermal e.m.f. and electric resistance of La - Sr - Co - O ceramics [] // Functional Materials, 2008. т.Т. 15,N № 1.-С.78-80
9.Ж41115 Lopin A. V. Absorption edge of nanocrystalline cubic silicon carbide films [] // Functional Materials, 2009. т.Т. 16,N № 1.-С.36-40
10.Ж41115 Kozlovskii A. A. Effect of tolerance factor and A-site cations disorder on transport properties of <$Ebold {{roman A prime} sub 1-x {roman A symbol Т} sub x roman CoO sub {3- delta}}> perovskites (<$Ebold roman A prime> = Ho, Er; <$Ebold roman A symbol Т> = Ca, Sr) [] // Functional Materials, 2009. т.Т. 16,N № 3.-С.292-301
11.Ж41115 Khirnyi V. F. The spin states of cobalt ions and thermo-e.m.f. in erbium and holmium cobaltites [] // Functional Materials, 2009. т.Т. 16,N № 2.-С.150-154
12.Ж41115 Kozlovskyi A. A. Photovoltaic effect in p-SiC/p-Si heterojunction [] // Functional Materials, 2013. т.Т. 20,N № 2.-С.217-220
13.Ж100651 Semenov A. The deterministic chaos oscillator based on a field-effect transistor structure with negative resistance for telecommunications systems [] // Information and Telecommunication Sciences, 2016. т.Т. 7,N № 2.-С.46-53
14.Ж14063 Semenov A. G. Quantum fluctuations of voltage in superconducting nanowires [] // Физика низких температур, 2017. т.Т. 43,N № 7 (спец. вып.).-С.1011-1022
15.Ж24320 Shchegolkov A. Electric heaters based on nanomodified paraffin with self-installing heat contact for anti-icing systems of aerospace crafts [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2018,N № 6/12.-С.28-34
16.Ж100357 Semenov A. V. Ozone sensitive properties of thin films of nanocrystalline silicon carbide [] / A. V. Semenov, D. V. Lubov, M. V. Makhonin // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2020. т.Т. 12,N № 5.-С.05016-1-05016-4
17.Ж41279 Sinelnik A. V. Theoretical study of the band structure of 2H-SiC and 4H-SiC of silicon carbide polytypes [] / A. V. Sinelnik, A. V. Semenov // Condensed Matter Physics, 2021. т.Т. 24,N № 2.-С.23706
18.Ж51836 Moroz V. A. Ways of medicinal prevention and treatment of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in oncological patients [] / V. A. Moroz, R. A. Al-Hadrawi [et al.] // Клініч. фармація, 2021. т.Т. 25,N № 1.-С.4-12
19.Ж16377 Osadchuk O. V. Increasing the sensitivity of measurement of a moisture content in crude oil [] / O. V. Osadchuk, A. O. Semenov [et al.] // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту, 2021,N № 5.-С.49-53
20.ІВ228779 Motor Activity of Different Social Groups [Текст] : collective monogr. / [ed.: L.Balatska et al.]

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