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Sninate S. 
Ogilvie syndrome following caesarean section: A case report / S. Sninate, H. Bellamlih, S. Allioui, L. Jroundi, F. Z. Laamrani // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 2. - С. 43-45. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Ogilvie syndrome is a rare postpartum complication. It is characterized by an acute colonic pseudo-obstruction which occurs in the absence of a mechanical cause. Early detection of the diagnosis is essential to avoid cecal perforation. We report a case of Ogilvie syndrome following caesarean section in a 39-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 2) with a history of secondary infertility 10 years ago due to tubal stenosis and subserous fibroma, which led to the indication for cesarean section in second pregnancy at 39 weeks of gestation. Three days after cesarean section, the patient presented with significant abdominal distension and tenderness, vomiting, weakness, and nausea; an abdominal X-ray showed cecal distension. Abdominal computed tomography scan with intravenous contrast revealed distension of the ascending and transverse colon with air-fluid levels but without transitional mechanical obstruction. The patient was successfully treated. Ogilvie syndrome is a rare but serious complication that should be considered in fit young patients who present with pain, severe abdominal distension and failure to pass flatus after caesarean section.

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