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1.Ж14063 Khatsko E. N. Neutron scattering study of the layered Ising magnet CsDy(MoO4)2 [Текст] 30: 2 // Физика низ. температур.-С.184-192
2.Ж14163 Kurien Issac K. Design of Step-climbing and Ditch-crossing Gaits for Quadruped [Текст] 28: 1 // Электрон. моделирование.-С.109-124
3.Ж61875 Bharti V. K. Effects of epiphyseal proteins and melatonin on the blood biochemical parameters of fluoride-intoxicated rats [Текст] 42: 4 // Нейрофизиология.-С.309-315
4.Ж60216 Srivastava P. EMS-induced cytomictic variability in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) [Текст] 45: 4 // Цитология и генетика.-С.44-49
5.Ж16425 Srinivasulu A. Modified optical OR and AND gates [] // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, 2002. т.Т. 5,N № 4.-С.428-430
6.Ж26988 Karumuri S. R. Studies of the vibrational energy level of H2O by algebraic and DFT approaches [] // Український фізичний журнал, 2013. т.Т. 58,N № 9.-С.836-840
7.Ж72117 Okorskiy V. The formation of creative environment in the organization - the key to improving the efficiency of the company [] // Науковий вісник, 2014,N № 3.-С.113-120
8.Ж41279 Jain S. K. Strain energy calculations of hexagonal boron nanotubes: An ab initio approach [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2013. т.Т. 16,N № 3.-С.33802
9.Ж41115 Laletin V. M. Influence of titanium oxide addition on properties of lead zirconate titanate-nickel ferrite ceramics [] // Functional Materials, 2010. т.Т. 17,N № 2.-С.221-223
10.Ж41243 Agrawal R. Continuous dual of co(Z, X, <$Ebold { lambda Bar ,~p bar }>) and c(Z, X, <$Ebold { lambda Bar ,~p bar }>) [] // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 2014. т.Т. 20,N № 1.-С.92-100
11.Ж100357 Patel M. M. Chemical, structural and optical properties of <$Ebold e bar>-beam evaporated tungsten diselenide polycrystalline thin film [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2012. т.Т. 4,N № 3.-С.03001
12.Ж100357 Ravi Kumar Evaluation of vertical coherence length, twist and microstrain of GaAs/Si epilayers using modified williamson-hall analysis [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2014. т.Т. 6,N № 2.-С.02010(7)
13.Ж14160 Bozeman E. N. Ukrain, a plant derived semi-synthetic compound, exerts antitumor effects against murine and human breast cancer and induce protective antitumor immunity in mice [] // Экспериментальная онкология, 2012. т.Т. 34,N № 4.-С.340-347
14.Ж100357 Sircar R. Study of light trapping scheme to improve performance of silicon solar cells [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2016. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.01007-1-01007-4
15.Ж28502 Yu-Hsien Peng Preparation of high-purity ultrafine copper powder in mass-production by chemical reduction method: Taguchi robust design optimization [] // Порошковая металлургия, 2016,N № 7/8.-С.12-24
16.Ж23291 Srimarut T. Specific tools enhancing the performance of OTOP producers in Thailand [] // Актуальні проблеми економіки, 2016,N № 9.-С.156-160
17.Ж23291 Suknark K. Policies to increase health inducing behavior Thailand [] // Актуальні проблеми економіки, 2016,N № 10.-С.463-470
18.Ж41279 Nagarajan V. Sensing behavior of acetone vapors on TiO2 nanostructures - application of density functional theory [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2017. т.Т. 20,N № 4.-С.43708
19.Ж14161 Samavedam Santhi Shrinkage estimation of cast Al - Si alloys through process simulation [] // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, 2017. т.Т. 39,N № 7.-С.959-981
20.Ж69762 Bala R. The perception of life insurance by the population of Hyderabad [] // Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право, 2018,N № 1.-С.130-140

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