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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 27
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. The atomic chemical environment and beta electron final state interaction effect on beta decay probabilities [Текст]: Вып. 14 // Фотоэлектроника: Межвед. науч. сб.-С.86-88
2.Ж24835 Glushkov A. V. Sensing the atomic chemical composition effect on the <$E bold beta> decay probabilities [Текст]: 1 // Сенсор. електрон. і мікросистем. технології.-С.16-20
3.Ж24835 Glushkov A. V. Sensing the capture of negative muon by atoms: energy approach [Текст]: 4 // Сенсор. електрон. і мікросистем. технології.-С.31-35
4.Ж67522 Turin A. V. The beta electron final state interaction effect on beta decay probabilities for <$E bold {~sup 42 roman Se}> nucleus within relativistic Hartree - Fock approach [Текст]: Вып. 16 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.120-122
5.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. The beta electron final state interaction effect on beta decay probabilities [Текст]: Вып. 15 // Фотоэлектроника: Межвед. науч. сб.-С.92-94
6.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. The capture of negative muon by atoms and ions within energy approach: <$E bold {~sup 3 roman Li sup +}> [Текст]: Вып. 16 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.85-88
7.Ж67522 Glushkov A. V. Quantum calculation of Auger spectra for atoms and semiconductors: new approach [Текст]: Вып. 17 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.14-17
8.Ж24835 Loboda A. V. Quantum measure of frequency and sensing the collisional shift of the ytterbium hyperfine lines in medium of helium gas [Текст]: 1 // Сенсор. електрон. і мікросистем. технології.-С.25-29
9.Ж67522 Florko T. A. Bremsstrahlung and X-ray spectra for kaonic and pionic hydrogen and nitrogen [Текст]: Вып. 18 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.16-19
10.Ж67522 Loboda A. V. Relativistic approach to the recoil induced excitation and ionization of ions during capture of neutron [Текст]: Вып. 19 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.111-114
11.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. Relativistic theory of the beta-decay: environment and final state interaction effects [Текст]: Вып. 20 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.113-116
12.Ж24835 Khetselius О. Yu. Sensing hyperfine-structure, electroweak interaction and parity non-conservation effect in heavy atoms and nuclei: new nuclear QED approach [Текст] 1: 2 // Сенсор. електрон. і мікросистем. технології.-С.11-19
13.Ж24835 Khetselius O. Yu. Sensing strong interaction effects in spectroscopy of hadronic atoms [Текст]: 3 // Сенсор. електрон. і мікросистем. технології.-С.16-21
14.Ж67522 Sukharev D. E. Sensing strong interaction effects in X-ray spectroscopy of hadronic atoms [Текст]: Вып. 19 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.103-106
15.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. Atomic chemical composition effect on the beta decay probabilities [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2013,N Вып. 22.-С.124-130
16.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. Atomic chemical composition effect on the beta decay probabilities for <$E bold roman {nothing sup 35 Cl,~nothing sup 241 Pu}> [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2014,N Вып. 23.-С.130-135
17.Ж67522 Dubrovskaya Yu. V. Relativistic and nonrelativistic approaches in theory of permitted beta-transitions: an effect of atomic field on Fermi and integral Fermi functions values [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2015,N Вып. 24.-С.58-64
18.Ж67522 Bystryantseva A. N. Relativistic theory of spectra of the pionic atomic systems with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects: 93Nb, 173Yb, 181Ta, 197Au [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2016,N Вып. 25.-С.56-61
19.Ж67522 Ponomarenko E. L. Energy and spectroscopic parameters of diatomics within generalized equation of motion method [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2016,N Вып. 25.-С.114-119
20.Ж67522 Kvasikova A. S. New quantum approach to determination of the molecular spectral constants and probabilities for cooperative vibration-rotation-nuclear transitions in spectra of diatomics and the hadronic molecules [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2016,N Вып. 25.-С.141-149

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