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1.Ж28347 Swiatoniowski A. Mathematical modelling of the strip in the continuous rolling mill group [Текст]: N8-9[cпец.вып.] // Металлург. и горноруд. пром-сть.-С.45-48
2.Ж14063 Goncharov A. F. Vibrational dynamics of solid molecular nitrogen to megabar pressures [Текст] 27: 9-10 // Физика низ. температур.-С.1170-1174
3.Ж16425 Krukovsky S. I. High-resistance low-doped GaAs and AlGaAs layers obtained by LPE [] // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, 2003. т.Т. 6,N № 1.-С.55-57
4.Ж29095 Kubenko V. On free nonlinear vibrations of fluid-filled cylindrical shells with multiple natural frequencies [Текст] 41: 10 // Приклад. механика.-С.127-138
5.Ж26988 Krukovsky S. I. Properties of InP epitaxial layers doped by rare-earth elements and aluminum [Текст] 51: 1 // Укр. фіз. журн.-С.66-71
6.Ж21341/а Korczynski J. Role of calcium signaling in compensation of Rho dependent kinase inhibition [] // Український біохімічний журнал, 2009. т.Т. 81,N № 4 (спец. вип.).-С.88
7.Ж41115 Vovk E. A. Polishing of AlN/sapphire substrates obtained by thermochemical nitridation of sapphire [] // Functional Materials, 2013. т.Т. 20,N № 2.-С.253-258
8.Ж14063 Goncharov A. F. Hydrogen at extreme pressures [] // Физика низких температур, 2013. т.Т. 39,N N 5 (спец. вып.).-С.523-530
9.Ж23291 Kryklii O. A. Problem loans management system in a bank [] // Актуальні проблеми економіки, 2014,N № 5.-С.409-415
10.Ж43974 Zhuravchak L. M. Consideration of the nonlinear behavior of environmental material and a three-dimensional internal heat sources in mathematical modeling of heat conduction [] // Mathematical modeling and computing, 2015. т.Т. 2,N № 1.-С.107-113
11.Ж14063 Freiman Yu. A. Poisson's ratio in cryocrystals under pressure [] // Физика низких температур, 2015. т.Т. 41,N № 6 (спец. вып.).-С.571-575
12.Ж43715 Evtushenko O. Analysis of indicators of workplace occupational injuries at the food industry enterprises of Ukraine [] // Ukrainian Food Journal, 2015. т.Т. 4,N № 1.-С.157-169
13.Ж100357 Orlova M. N. CH3NH3PBI3 IV output parameters degradation investigation [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2016. т.Т. 8,N 4 (ч. 1).-С.04004-1-04004-4
14.Ж43601 Zhuravchak L. Solving 3D problems of potential theory in piecewise homogeneous media by using indirect boundary and near-boundary element methods [] // Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering, 2016. т.Т. 6,N № 2.-С.117-127
15.Ж25176 Korytko T. Theoretical aspects definition of the potential competitiveness of enterprises [] // Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2016,N № 4.-С.115-119
16.Ж100357 Orlova M. N. CH3NH3PBI3 IV output parameters degradation investigation [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2016. т.Т. 8,N № 4 (ч. 1).-С.04004-1-04004-4
17.Ж24320 Aleksiyev O. Development of automotive computer systems based on the virtualization of transportation processes management [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2017,N № 6/3.-С.14-25
18.Ж41115 Krukovskyi R. Dependence of the properties of GaAs (111)A and Ga1-xAlxAs (111)A epitaxial layers on the conditions of their growth by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy [] // Functional Materials, 2020. т.Т. 27,N № 3.-С.482-487
19.Ж16489 Kuplovskyi B. Ye. Influence of local seismotectonic and engineering-geological conditions on seismic danger of territories (exemplified by a construction site in Uzhgorod City) [] // Geodynamics, 2020,N № 1.-С.29-37
20.Ж16489 Verbytskyi S. Evaluation of seismic shaking intensity gains by high frequency microseism registration method (as exemplified by a developable site in Uzhgorod) [] / S. Verbytskyi, B. Kuplovskyi [et al.] // Geodynamics, 2021,N № 1.-С.58-64

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