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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 15
Представлено документи з 1 до 15
1.Ж69408 Minaev B. Analysis of deformation vibrations of the 10,20-bis(4-hexoxyphenyl)-porphins and of its complex with zinc by DFT method [Текст]: Вип. 175 // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Хім. науки.-С.75-87
2.Ж69408 Minaev B. DFT study of infrared spectra of non-symmetrically substituted porphins [Текст]: Вип. 174 // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Хім. науки.-С.3-14
3.Ж14161 Pogrebnyak A. D. Structural and optical properties of ZnO prepared by CVD before and after annealing [Текст] 33: спец. вып // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии.-С.235-241
4.Ж41115 Getman E. I. Substitution of samarium for strontium in the structure of hydroxyapatite [] // Functional Materials, 2011. т.Т. 18,N № 3.-С.293-297
5.Ж24320 Mohammed A. S. Development of an iron-based alloy with a high degree of shape recovery [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2017,N № 3/12.-С.30-37
6.Ж73223 Mohammed Amin Salih Improvement of an energy balance method of LEACH based on genetic algorithm [] // Системи управління, навігації та зв'язку, 2017,N Вип. 2.-С.136-142
7.Ж100357 Mohammed Al-Tweissi Electrothermal and optical properties of hybrid polymer composites [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2018. т.Т. 10,N № 2.-С.02006-1-02006-5
8.Ж15785 Abdulrahman Ali Hattan Impact of tobacco smoking on oral microbiota - a case-control study [] // Медичні перспективи, 2018. т.Т. 23,N № 3.-С.13-20
9.Ж100357 Mohammed Al-Tweissi Optical characterization of thin films poly (ethylene oxide) doped with cesium iodide [] // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики, 2018. т.Т. 10,N № 5.-С.05016-1-05016-4
10.Ж41115 Mohammed A. B. Abdul Jabar New gadolinium-substituted lead sodium apatite structure [] // Functional Materials, 2018. т.Т. 25,N № 4.-С.713-719
11.Ж72631 Mohammed A. B. Abdul Jabar Studying solid solutions of substitution of Pb with Sm in lead-sodium apatite structure [] // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології, 2019. т.Т. 17,N вип. 2.-С.343-352
12.Ж100357 Mohammed Ali Jallal Towards smart monitoring systems: fault detection and diagnosis-based artificial intelligence algorithms in solar PV power plants [] / Mohammed Ali Jallal, Abdessalam El Yassini, Samira Chabaa, Abdelouhab Zeroual // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2022. т.Т. 14,N № 5.-С.05004-1-05004-5
13.Ж100357 Abdessalam El Yassini Compact and miniaturized dual band tag antenna based on metamaterial for IoT, RFID technology, and hospital services applications [] / Abdessalam El Yassini, Mohammed Ali Jallal, Saida Ibnyaich, Abdelouhab Zeroual // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2022. т.Т. 14,N № 6.-С.06013-1-06013-6
14.Ж100357 Abdelaziz Rabehi Modeling the abnormal behavior of the 6H-SiC Schottky diode using Lambert W function [] / Abdelaziz Rabehi, Abdelhalim Rabehi [et al.] // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2022. т.Т. 14,N № 6.-С.06032-1-06032-4
15.Ж24320 Mohammed A. B. Developing plastic recycling classifier by deep learning and directed acyclic graph residual network [] / A. B. Mohammed, A. A. M. Al-Mafrji, M. S. Yassen, A. H. Sabry // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies, 2022,N № 2/10.-С.42-49

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