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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 33
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Bryk T. M. Generalized transport coefficients in a binary He0,65 - Ne0,35 mixture [Текст]
2.Bryk T. Optic-like Excitations in Binary Liquids: Transverse Dynamics [Текст]
3.iP7836 Patsahan O. Statistical field theory for a multicomponent fluid: the collective variables approach [Текст]
4.Ж14063 Bryk T. Collective excitations in dynamics of liquids: a "toy" dynamical model for binary mixtures [Текст] 33: 9 // Физика низ. температур.-С.1036-1044
5.Ж26988 Mryglod I. M. Kinetics of the processes of catalytic CO oxidation [Текст] 53: 6 // Укр. фіз. журн.-С.529-535
6.Ж41279 Mryglod I. Dynamic structure factors of a heisenberg model ferrofluid [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 1999. т.Т. 2,N № 2.-С.221-226
7.Ж41279 Bryk T. Generalized collective modes approach: Mode contributions to time correlation functions in liquid lead [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2001. т.Т. 4,N № 3.-С.387-405
8.Ж41279 Mryglod I. M. Generalized statistical hydrodynamics of fluids: Approach of generalized collective modes [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 1998. т.Т. 1,N № 4.-С.753-796
9.Ж41279 Batsevych O. On the statistical hydrodynamics for a binary mixture of magnetic and non-magnetic particles [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2001. т.Т. 4,N № 3.-С.499-521
10.Ж41279 Omelyan I. P. Spin dynamics simulations of collective excitations in magnetic liquids [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2000. т.Т. 3,N № 3.-С.497-514
11.Ж41279 Bryk T. Spectra of transverse excitations in liquid glass-forming metallic alloy Mg70Zn30: temperature dependence [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 1999. т.Т. 2,N № 2.-С.285-292
12.Ж41279 Bryk T. M. Collective dynamics in single-particle motion for pure fluids [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2003. т.Т. 6,N № 1.-С.23-42
13.Ж41279 Bryk T. Collective excitations and generalized transport coefficients in a molten metallic alloy Li4Pb [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2004. т.Т. 7,N № 2.-С.285-300
14.Ж41279 Bryk T. Kinetic relaxing processes in collective dynamics of pure liquids [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2004. т.Т. 7,N № 3.-С.471-481
15.Ж41279 Bryk T. Longitudinal dynamics in a Lennard-Jones binary liquid: Crossover from hydrodynamics to the molecular regime [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2004. т.Т. 7,N № 1.-С.15-34
16.Ж41279 Omelyan I. P. New optimized algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2002. т.Т. 5,N № 3.-С.369-390
17.Ж41279 Bryk T. Propagating collective excitations in molten salts [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2003. т.Т. 6,N № 3.-С.395-407
18.Ж41279 Omelyan I. P. Wavevector- and frequency-dependent shear viscosity of water: the modified collective mode approach and molecular dynamics calculations [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2005. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.25-46
19.Ж41279 Caillol J. -M. The collective variables representation of simple fluids from the point of view of statistical field theory [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2005. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.665-684
20.Ж41279 Patsahan O. V. Phase diagram of the restricted primitive model: charge-ordering instability [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2004. т.Т. 7,N № 4.-С.755-766

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