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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 27
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж41115 Maslov V. Thermomagnetic investigations of Fe82Si2B16 based metallic glasses [] // Functional Materials, 2000. т.Т. 7,N № 4.-С.822-826
2.Ж41115 Matzui L. Influence of heat treatment on morphology and phase composition of TEG-Co composite material [] // Functional Materials, 2004. т.Т. 11,N № 1.-С.50-56
3.Ж72631 Nakonechna O. I. The peculiarities of fracture toughness in TiAlSiN hard thin films [Текст] 2: Вип. 4 // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології.-С.1347-1354
4.Ж41115 Nakonechna O. I. Influence of Si on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiAlSiN hard thin films [] // Functional Materials, 2004. т.Т. 11,N № 3.-С.541-545
5.Ж41115 Nakonechna O. I. Optical properties of TiAlSiN based thin films [] // Functional Materials, 2005. т.Т. 12,N № 1.-С.127-130
6.Ж72631 Nakonechna O. I. On the computation of the absolute hardness of TiAlN thin solid films [Текст] 3: вип. 4 // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології.-С.1077-1085
7.Ж26618 Nakonechna O. The peculiarities of the electronic structure of NiPdP based amorphous alloys [Текст] 6: 1 // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла.-С.78-81
8.Ж14161 Nosenko A. V. Crystallization and magnetic cluster formation in Fe - Mo - Si - В metallic glasses [Текст] 32: 9 // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии.-С.1183-1190
9.Ж41115 Titov Yu. O. Electret properties of Ca5Nb4TiO17 with five-layered perovskite-like structure [] // Functional Materials, 2017. т.Т. 24,N № 4.-С.559-562
10.Ж14161 Semen'ko M. P. Electrical resistivity of the Y(Ga,Al)2, Y(Ga,Si)2 and Y(Ga,Ge)2 solid solutions with structure of AlB2 type [] // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, 2017. т.Т. 39,N № 10.-С.1299-1306
11.Ж14161 Dashevskyi M. Phase transformations in equiatomic Y-Cu powder mixture at mechanical milling [] // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, 2017. т.Т. 39,N № 4.-С.541-552
12.Ж14161 Dashevskyi M. On the advanced mechanical properties of Fe - Cu and Y - Cu nanocomposites obtained by mechanical alloying [] // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2018. т.Т. 40,N № 10.-С.1375-1385
13.Ж21341/а Nakonechna O. A. Disturbance of the transmembrane phosphatidylserine asymmetry in hepatocytes as an apoptosis marker under the action of xenobiotics on rats [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2018. т.Т. 90,N № 6.-С.82-88
14.Ж14161 Nakonechna O. Synthesis of the WC and Mo2C carbides by mechanical alloying of metal powder and carbon nanotubes [] // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2018. т.Т. 40,N № 5.-С.637-648
15.Ж26618 Nakonechna O. I. Novel Ti2CuCx and Ti3Cu2Cx carbides obtained by sintering of products of mechanochemical synthesis of Ti, Cu and carbon nanotubes [] // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла, 2018. т.Т. 19,N № 2.-С.179-185
16.Ж14161 Nishchenko M. M. Peculiarities of electrical conductivity of metal/Carbon nanotubes array [] // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2018. т.Т. 40,N № 6.-С.749-758
17.Ж41115 Nakonechna O. Effect of the carbon nanotubes on mechanochemical synthesis of the Fe - TiC nanocomposite [] // Functional Materials, 2019. т.Т. 26,N № 2.-С.358-365
18.Ж14161 Nakonechna O. Effect of Cr dopants on the structure and failure mechanism of TiAlN multilayered films [] // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2019. т.Т. 41,N № 5.-С.621-631
19.Ж23022 Nakonechna O. I. Effect of carbon nanotubes on mechanochemical synthesis of d-metal carbide nanopowders and nanocomposites [] // Progress in Physics of Metals, 2019. т.Т. 20,N № 1.-С.5-51
20.Ж14161 Nakonechna O. I. Testing of electron beam technique for NiC coating deposition [] / O. I. Nakonechna, M. G. Dusheiko [et al.] // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2020. т.Т. 42,N № 12.-С.1659-1665

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