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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 14
Представлено документи з 1 до 14
1.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of ammonia vapors on the surface morphology and surface current in p - n-junctions on GaP [Текст]: Вып. 14 // Фотоэлектроника: Межвед. науч. сб.-С.97-100
2.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of ammonia vapors on the surface current in silicon p - n junctions [Текст]: Вып. 16 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.89-92
3.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of sulphur atoms on surface current in GaAs p - n junctions [Текст]: Вып. 17 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.36-39
4.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of ambient atmosphere on the surface current in silicon p - n junctions [Текст]: Вып. 18 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.28-32
5.Ж67522 Ptashchenko F. O. Negative sensitivity of silicon p - n junctions as gas sensors [Текст]: Вып. 20 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.44-48
6.Ж67522 Doycho I. K. Porous glasses with CdS inclusions luminescence kinetics peculiarities [Текст]: Вып. 18 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.43-47
7.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Surface current in GaAs p - n junctions, passivated by sulphur atoms [Текст]: Вып. 18 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.115-117
8.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Tunnel surface current in GaAs - AlGaAs p - n junctions, due to ammonia molecules adsorption [Текст]: Вып. 18 // Фотоэлектроника.-С.95-98
9.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of ammonia vapors on the breakdown characteristics of Si and GaAs p - n junctions [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2012,N Вып. 21.-С.127-131
10.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Tunnel surface current in GaAs p - n junctions induced by ammonia molecules adsorption [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2013,N Вып. 22.-С.38-42
11.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of deep centers on the time-resolved surface current induced by ammonia molecules adsorption in GaAs p - n junctions [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2014,N Вып. 23.-С.106-111
12.Ж67522 Ptashchenko O. O. Effect of water vapors on the time-resolved surface current induced by ammonia molecules adsorption in GaAs p - n junctions [] // Фотоэлектроника, 2016,N Вып. 25.-С.126-131
13.Ж29409/А Naumik-Gladka K. G. Relationship of competitiveness of entrepreneurship and internet-marketing [] // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2016,N № 848:Логістика.-С.109-115
14.Ж16425 Ptashchenko O. O. Viktor Oleksiyovich Presnov and his main contribution to physics of semiconductors and electronic technique (to 100-th anniversary of his birthday) [] // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, 2018. т.Т. 21,N № 1.-С.105

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