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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 26
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж16377 Osenin Yu. I. Improving safety of movement of mining transport by applying wheels with counter-flange [] // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету, 2017,N № 2.-С.70-75
2.Ж16377 Korol S. O. Method and device for increasing weight charging of four-stroke engine cylinders [] // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету, 2017,N № 5.-С.56-61
3.Ж25640 Klepko V. V. Structure, morphology, thermal and conductivity properties of gel electrolyte system based on polyvinyl chloride and LiClO4 [] // Ядерна фізика та енергетика, 2018. т.Т. 19,N № 1.-С.43-47
4.Ж24320 Kovalchuk V. Estimation of carrying capacity of metallic corrugated structures of the type Multiplate MP 150 during interaction with backfill soil [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2018,N № 1/1.-С.18-26
5.Ж16492 Tymchyk H. S. Theoretical investigations of the ultrasonic wave generation by an electromagnetic acoustic transducer [] // Наукові вісті НТУУ "КПІ", 2018,N № 3.-С.84-92
6.Ж24320 Sukach S. Studying and substantiation of the method for normalization of air-ionic regime at industrial premises at the ultrasonic ionization of air [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2018,N № 4/10.-С.36-45
7.Ж101239 Sigal O. Research of the energy characteristics of municipal solid waste in Cherkassy [] // J. of Engineering Sciences, 2018. т.Т. 5,N № 1.-С.H16-H22
8.Ж24320 Tytiuk V. Synthesis of a fractional-order <$E bold roman {PI sup lambda D sup mu}>-controller for a closed system of switched reluctance motor control [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2019,N № 2/2.-С.35-42
9.Ж70260 Stankevych I. V. Functioning and development problems of the enterprises in the sphere of hotel business in Ukraine in the conditions of real-time information [] // Наукові праці Одеської національної академії зв'язку імені О. С. Попова, 2019,N № 1.-С.176-185
10.Ж70260 Stankevych I. V. Functioning and development problems of the enterprises in the sphere of hotel business in Ukraine in the conditions of real-time information [] // Наукові праці Одеської національної академії зв'язку імені О. С. Попова, 2019,N № 1.-С.176-185
11.Ж69367 Prodeus A. M. Automated subjective assessment of speech intelligibility in various listening modes [] // Мікросистеми, Електроніка та Акустика, 2018. т.Т. 23,N № 3.-С.49-57
12.ІВ228315 Stankevych S. V. Polycyclic character, synchronism and nonlinearity of insect population dynamics and prognostication problem [Текст] : monograph / S. V. Stankevych, Ye. M. Biletskyj, L. V. Golovan ; Kharkiv V. V. Dokuchaiev Nat. Agrarian Univ.
13.ІВ228314 Ways to increase the yield capacity of winter wheat and spring barley on the basis of applying pre-sowing seed irradiation with extra high frequencies microwave field in the conditions of Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine [Текст] : monograph / [V. V. Bezpal'ko et al.] ; Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko Nat. Techn. Univ. of Agriculture, Kharkiv V. V. Dokuchaiev Nat. Agrarian Univ.
14.Ж70474 Pohasii S. Development of Niederriter crypto-code design models on LDPC-codes [] / S. Pohasii, S. Milevskyi [et al.] // Системи оброб. інформації, 2021,N Вип. 4.-С.58-68
15.Ж14163 Sergiyenko A. Local feature extraction in high dynamic range images [] / A. Sergiyenko, V. Romankevich, P. Serhiienko // Електрон. моделювання, 2022. т.Т. 44,N № 4.-С.41-54
16.Ж24320 Kyrii S. Influence of yttrium and niobium oxides modifiers on physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of titanium (IV) oxide [] / S. Kyrii, T. Dontsova [et al.] // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies, 2021,N № 4/6.-С.67-74
17.Ж43715 Sabadash N. Effect of the combined use of <$E bold beta>-amylase and pullulanase on the carbohydrate composition of maltose syrups [] / N. Sabadash, O. Hrabovska [et al.] // Ukr. Food J, 2021. т.Т. 10,N № 4.-С.761-773
18.Ж24320 Kalyna V. Development of soapstock processing technology to ensure waste-free and safe production [] / V. Kalyna, V. Koshulko [et al.] // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies, 2021,N № 6/10.-С.23-29
19.Ж25176 Mykytenko V. A systematic approach to the development of basic models of the behavior of business entities and its harmonization [] / V. Mykytenko, M. Chuprina, S. Serhiienko // Екон. вісн. Донбасу, 2022,N № 4.-С.69-75
20.Ж24320 Bliznjuk O. Determination of rational conditions for oil extraction from oil hydration waste [] / O. Bliznjuk, N. Masalitina [et al.] // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies, 2022,N № 1/6.-С.17-23

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