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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 208
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж43975 Kuzmin O. Ye. Methodological foundations of economic evaluation of technogenic losses of national economy [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.1-8
2.Ж43975 Kuzmin O. Ye. Assessment of the investment factor impact on the economic development of national economy of Ukraine [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.9-14
3.Ж43975 Kuzmin O. Ye. Conceptual basis of management activities diagnostics in the system of process-structured management [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.15-24
4.Ж43975 Chmielecki M. Key drivers of corporate social responsibility in Asia [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.25-30
5.Ж43975 Oleksiv I. Theoretical and practical approaches to identification of stakeholder interests of the company [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.31-36
6.Ж43975 Khoma I. B. Simulation of the distribution of fixation of impact of threats from internal and external environments on economic protectability of enterprise [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.37-44
7.Ж43975 Partyn H. O. The outsourcing operation risk management by the corporate customer [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.45-50
8.Ж43975 Yaremko I. J. Capital as a generic concept of economics and accounting: the content of category, the problems of formalization and management [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.51-54
9.Ж43975 Chukhray N. I. Flexibility as the source of supply chain competitive advantage [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.55-66
10.Ж43975 Duda J. T. Basket payment combined with Markowitz portfolio applied to commodity trade [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 1.-С.67-73
11.Ж43975 Alieksieiev I. V. Methodology of economic and mathematical assessment formation of holding structures activities [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.1-6
12.Ж43975 Kuzmin O. Ye. Theoretical and applied principles of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.7-12
13.Ж43975 Bashnyanyn G. I. About perspective directions of establishment and further development of economic metrology [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.13-18
14.Ж43975 Zahorodniy A. G. Tendencies in developing university rankings and the ways of improving them [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.19-24
15.Ж43975 Krykavsky E. V. Implementation of marketing concepts into supply chain management [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.25-34
16.Ж43975 Skvortsov I. B. Managing enterprises with the account of the real time factor [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.35-40
17.Ж43975 Kuzmin O. Ye. Assessment of the stability of the national economy development in the postindustrial society [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.41-46
18.Ж43975 Alieksieiev I. V. State and factors of development perspectives of tourist activity in Ukrainian Regions [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.47-54
19.Ж43975 Skybinskyy O. S. Analisys of diversification on machine-building enterprises: innovative approach [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.55-60
20.Ж43975 Chernobay L. I. Expenditures algorithm formation on export activities based on economic entity involvement stages to foreign market [] // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2014. т.Т. 1,N № 2.-С.61-71

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