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Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж44086 Novitskyi Ya. Investigation of the process of vibro-impact interaction of vibration activator blades with two-phase environment "hydrate lime - water" [] / Ya. Novitskyi, I. Lutsyuk, A. Zagraj, Z. Borovets // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.36-44
2.Ж44086 Sheremeta R. Construction verification and modeling of acoustic measuring probe [] / R. Sheremeta, O. Ferens // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.45-53
3.Ж44086 Velyka O. The research on matrix of press-form stiffness and steadiness [] / O. Velyka, M. Bojko // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.54-58
4.Ж44086 Rebot D. Nonlinear mathematical model of the five-container vibration system [] / D. Rebot, V. Topilnytskyy // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.10-18
5.Ж44086 Liaskovska S. Graphic computer technologies in 3D modeling of special technical equipment [] / S. Liaskovska, E. Nyemkova, E. Martyn, Yu. Lakh // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.19-24
6.Ж44086 Slipchuk A. Improvement in the construction of the "Tungsten carbide insert cutter - cone" joint for tricone drill bits [] / A. Slipchuk, R. Jakym, Yu. Novitskyi // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.25-35
7.Ж44086 Tepla T. Causes of degradation of titanium dental implants [] / T. Tepla, E. Pleshakov, J. Sieniawski, L. Bohun // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.31-40
8.Ж44086 Kovbasiuk T. Determination the causes of premature destruction of sheet electrical steel [] / T. Kovbasiuk, Z. Duriagina, V. Kulyk, V. Kushpir // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.41-48
9.Ж44086 Biloborodchenko V. Optimization of the mechanism welding mode in a shielding gases environment of shell structures in the position "on weight" [] / V. Biloborodchenko // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.49-62
10.Ж44086 Zaitsev S. Improvement of methods for detecting internal defects in a high-voltage oil-filled coupling capacitor [] / S. Zaitsev, V. Kishnevsky, S. Sushchinskaya, V. Tikhenko // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.1-13
11.Ж44086 Dyman M. Research of the structure and mechanical properties of microplasm porous coatings for biomedical purposes [] / M. Dyman, A. Moltasov [et al.] // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.14-21
12.Ж44086 Topilnytskyy V. Wave processes in the constructions of mechanisms and buildings [] / V. Topilnytskyy, D. Rebot // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 4.-С.22-30
13.Ж44086 Javanbakht T. Optimization of physical instruments' characteristics with TOPSIS [] / T. Javanbakht // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 3.-С.1-9
14.Ж44086 Vavrukh V. Effects of the yttria content and sintering temperature on the phase evolution in yttria-stabilized zirconia [] / V. Vavrukh // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.12-19
15.Ж44086 Stupnytskyy V. Modeling and simulation of machined surface layer microgeometry parameters [] / V. Stupnytskyy, E. Dragasius, S. Baskutis, She Xianning // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.1-11
16.Ж44086 Topilnytskyy V. Mathematical model of dynamics of vibrating systems working environments [] / V. Topilnytskyy, K. Kabanov // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.44-50
17.Ж44086 Protsenko V. Safety-overrunning ball-type clutch parts contact interaction features [] / V. Protsenko, V. Malashchenko, S. Klysz, O. Avramenko // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.38-43
18.Ж44086 Myskiv T. Analysis of vehicles drive with different characteristics of power supply [] / T. Myskiv, O. Sorokivskyi // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.30-37
19.Ж44086 Maistruk V. Optimization of cyclone operating modes with intermediate dust removal using gas flow structure analysis [] / V. Maistruk // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.20-29
20.Ж44086 Dzyubyk A. Strengthening and reconstruction of drilling core pipe for engineering and geological exploration [] / A. Dzyubyk, L. Dzyubyk, B. Shpak // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 2.-С.51-58

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