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Абдуллаходжаева М. С. 
Частота, факторы риска и структурные варианты пневмопатии у новорожденных г. Ташкента / М. С. Абдуллаходжаева, Х. З. Турсунов // Лікар. справа. - 2004. - № 1. - С. 20-23. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - рус.

Incidence, hazards and structural variants of pneumopathies according to the findings of 826 autopsies of neonates were studied. Anthropometrical, histological, bacteriological, virusological methods were applied. 17 important elements content in hair and lungs were detected. It was established that incidences of pneumopathies, according to the findings of the autopsies in Tashkent, constitute in total 47,1 %. Pulmonary atelectases amount to 57 % of all pneumopathies, edematouse-hemorrhagic syndrome - 23,5 %, aspiration syndrome - 10,7 %, hyaline membranes - 8,8 %. The highest lethality from pneumopathies was observed among neonates born from I - III pregnancies with males prevailing. Premature babies were found to have pneumopathies in 77,5 %, mature - 19 %, overmature - 3,5 %. Risk factors coming from maternal side are the following: extragenital diseases, anemia, chronic pyelonephritis, acute respiratory viral infections, aggravated obstetric anamnesis, placental separation, prolonged early rupture of amniotic fluid sac, delivery by cesarean section. Risk factors coming from the neonate's side are the following: immaturity, intrauterine chronic hypoxia, intrauterine hypotrophy. Deficiency in copper and zinc leading to structural abnormality of pulmonary tissue is of great importance for pathogenesis of separate forms of pneumopathies (pulmonary and hyaline membranes' atelectases).

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