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Амоша А. И. 
Развитие угольной промышленности в контексте энергетической стратегии Украины / А. И. Амоша, Ю. П. Ященко, А. И. Чиликин, Л. Н. Рассуждай, А. А. Лещинский; НАН Украины. Ин-т экономики пром-сти. - Донецк, 2002. - 238 c. - Библиогр.: с. 210 - рус.

Висвітлено аспекти розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу під час розробки стратегії ПЕК України. Обгрунтовано можливість та необхідність реорганізації структури управління вугільними підприємствами, а також пропозиції щодо її вдосконалення. Запропоновано підходи до цілеспрямованого та послідовного реформування вугільної промисловості.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У9(4УКР)305.651


Шифр НБУВ: ВА618587 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Лещинский А. П. 
Акмеологический подход в построении содержания высшего образования / А. П. Лещинский // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 24. - С. 57-63. - Библиогр.: 7 назв. - рус.

Of philosophical reflection on the problems of high school shows that as a goal for higher education should be taken to prepare students for the creative professional activity that involves going beyond the current goal of adaptation to modernity must play the role of a subordinate agent. The basis of the appropriate methodology for learning content can be based on the principles of humanistic psychology and acmeology . The new pedagogical paradigm should be aimed at getting each student's unique education necessary to him (or her) for disclosing individual creative abilities and skills of cooperation. The possibility of additional construction of the content of individualization of academic disciplines, specialty seems to give research on the psychology of personality (differential psychology). In accordance with these studies, various psychological types of students will meet the different disciplines built. The study on the material in "Applied Linguistics" showed that educational disciplines may be submitted in accordance with the psychological portraits and types on D. Keyrsi (D. Keirsey's temperaments) which are set not only different content, but also ways of learning activities. When learning a foreign language to different types will meet different goals and approaches to the construction of the content of educational material will correspond differently organized structure and syllabus. The models of changing curriculum under acmeology paradigm are analyzed. Ways of improvement the curriculum using in psychological types are discussed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч484(4Укр)


Шифр НБУВ: Ж69408 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Лещинский А. П. 
Акмеологический подход в построении содержания высшего образования / А. П. Лещинский // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 94-100. - Библиогр.: 7 назв. - рус.

Of philosophical reflection on the problems of high school shows that as a goal for higher education should be taken to prepare students for the creative professional activity that involves going beyond the current goal of adaptation to modernity must play the role of a subordinate agent. The basis of the appropriate methodology for learning content can be based on the principles of humanistic psychology and acmeology. The new pedagogical paradigm should be aimed at getting each student's unique education necessary to him (or her) for disclosing individual creative abilities and skills of cooperation. The possibility of additional construction of the content of individualization of academic disciplines, specialty seems to give research on the psychology of personality (differential psychology). In accordance with these studies, various psychological types of students will meet the different disciplines built. The study on the material in "Applied Linguistics" showed that educational disciplines may be submitted in accordance with the psychological portraits and types on D. Keyrsi (D. Keirsey's temperaments) which are set not only different content, but also ways of learning activities. When learning a foreign language to different types will meet different goals and approaches to the construction of the content of educational material will correspond differently organized structure and syllabus. The models of changing curriculum under acmeology paradigm are analyzed. Ways of improvement the curriculum using in psychological types are discussed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч484(4Укр)


Шифр НБУВ: Ж69408 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Лещинский А. П. 
Становление и развитие базисного этапа в системах высшего образования США и Украины : Дис... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01 / А. П. Лещинский; Южноукраинский педагогический университет имени К. Д. Ушинского. - О., 1995. - 209 c. - рус.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч484(4Укр) + Ч484(7СПО)


Шифр НБУВ: ДС47353 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Лещинский А. П. 
Становление и развитие базисного этапа в системах высшего образования США и Украины : Дис... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01 / А. П. Лещинский; Южноукраинский педагогический университет имени К. Д. Ушинского. - О., 1995. - 209 c. - рус.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч484(4Укр) + Ч484(7СПО)


Шифр НБУВ: ДС47353 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


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