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Bovgyria I. V. 
Considering oneself (non)religious in Eastern European societies: correlation patterns among religiosity dimensions = Визначення себе (не)релігійним(ою) у суспільствах Східної Європи: патерни кореляцій між вимірами релігійності / I. V. Bovgyria // Укр. соціум. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 20-31. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

While a number of current studies of religion are based on the religiosity dimension approach, in most cases, this approach is used only as a structural base for choosing an investigation level. At the same time, multidimensional approach can help us understand which combinations of religious manifestations are associated with self-identification as a religious person. The article presents analysis of empirical data with the aim to evaluate how various religiosity dimensions are related to identifying oneself as religious or non-religious and to investigate respective correlation differences in terms of direction and intensity in societies of Eastern Europe. It presents a comparative analysis of EVS survey results from 19 countries of Eastern Europe. It shows that, while all of the countries within the region have statistically significant positive correlations between religiosity dimensions and considering oneself (non)religious; correlation strengths differ so significantly that it is difficult to claim about unified pattern across all Eastern European societies. Comparative analysis of archived results allows to identify several clusters of countries within the region with common patterns in intensity of correlation between religiosity dimensions and considering oneself (non)religious. The differences in correlation profiles might be caused by historical and cultural background of the counties, their denominational structure and share of persons who consider one selves religious, character of cultural concept of a religious person and linkage of religious identification with other identities in society.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Э210.12


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