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Haziyeva A. 
Actinomycetes of rhizosphere of some plants of Azerbaijan / A. Haziyeva // Microbiology and Biotechnology. - 2009. - 1, № 1. - С. 117-120. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The dynamics of the quantity of widespread actinomycetes of the rhizosphere of some plants has been investigated. It was established that the quantity of actinomycetes changed depending on the depth of soil and seasons of year. Maximal quantity of actinomycetes was observed in fall at the depth of 15 - 30 cm. It was concluded that the biodiversity of actinomycetes depends on plant species. It is necessary to note that on the rhizosphere of plants actinomycetes relating to 13 groups and 30 species were discovered.

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