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Ishchenko B. S. 
Simulation modelling of stress field in the vicinity of the stope of orebody / B. S. Ishchenko, O. K. Ishchenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 41-47. - Бібліогр.: 2 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To evaluate and determine the nature of distribution of stress maximum values in the vicinity of the stope of steeply dipping orebody to optimize further drilling and blasting operations (DBO) applying experimental research and numerical methods. Methodology. Under laboratory conditions, a few series of experimental research on stress field distribution in the vicinity of the stope model with the use of the developed method of simulation and computer modelling of stress-strain state (SSS) involving the finite element method (FEM). Results. The experimental and theoretical results of SSS of rock massif are proposed in two schemes of the suggested mining block model in elastoplastic formulation by using FEM. With the use of the developed methods pat-terns of changes in SSS of rock massif were established in the cross section of the recess chamber which extends along the axis considering the depth of the chamber and the different angles of inclination as well as changes of geomechanical parameter Q, depending on the intensity of the main maximum stress. The dependences of the stress distribution in the model for chamber cross-section along the axis are developed. They showed the formation of units with minimum stress values in the cross section of the central part of the chamber on axis borders on one side of the chamber of the hanging wall, and on the other, the footwall, i.e., in zone of high stress or stress redistribution. Scientific novelty. The established patterns of distribution and the numerical values of maximum stress in the vicinity of stope of steeply dipping orebody before blasting will allow correcting the process parameters. Taking into account the changes of geomechanical processes in the vicinity of the stope, one can substantiate locations of the drilling room laying, drilling direction of ascending or descending sets of fanholes and the conditions of drilling as well as blasthole charge design, which will increase the efficiency of ore destruction and reduce the level of seismic impact on protected objects of undermined territories. Practical significance. When breaking rocks and minerals in the stope block of steeply dipping orebody, efficiency of explosive charges increases, specific consumption of explosives and means of initiation decreases, contamination of ore is reduced and performance of the loading and transport vehicles improves.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И131.12 + И133-3


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