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Martyscak V.  
Draft for methodology for comparing the state of ICT infrastructure in developed worldwide countries based on knowledge of trend / V. Martyscak // Радіоелектрон. і комп'ют. системи. - 2010. - № 2. - С. 108-115. - Библиогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Rapid development of information and communication technologies supported by research in optics has brought sufficient bandwidth for new broadband services and applications. Broadband access and services in nowadays, are seen as crucial for business development and overall country prosperity. Thanks to that, the Internet is not only a service, but it is a platform, which has a significant impact on all areas of society. Customers' interest is focused on particular multimedia services with an attractive content which have, however, various demands for bandwidth. These services include IPTV, along with innovative television services, video conferencing services, online virtual environments, health care services and new web 3D services. Implementation of research results and deployment of broadband accesses in countries of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is different despite expectations. Analyzing the implementation steps of broadband access in the countries with the highest penetration of broadband accesses gives an opportunity to the other countries to utilize appropriate know-how for their own benefit and growth with respect to their own specific market environment.

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