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Nykyforov A. 
Construction of a regression model for assessing the efficiency of separation of lightweight seeds on vibratory machines involving measures to reduce the harmful influence of the aerodynamic factor = Розробка регресійної моделі оцінки ефективності розділу легковісного насіння на вібраційних машинах з заходами по зменшенню шкідливого впливу / A. Nykyforov, R. Antoshchenkov, I. Halych, V. Kis, P. Polyansky, V. Koshulko, D. Tymchak, A. Dombrovska, I. Kilimnik // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 2/1. - С. 24-34. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

When separating (cleaning) lightweight seed mixtures with the help of vibratory machines, there is an issue related to the harmful effect of air movement in the gaps between parallel working surfaces of vibratory machine units. This factor is particularly harmful to seed material, which is sensitive to air movement (some medicinal and vegetable crops). To address this issue, the design of vibratory machines is changed while their operational regimes are configured accordingly. This requires many full-scale experiments and (or) time-consuming personal computer-based simulation of the working processes of the vibrational motion of such seed mixtures. This paper proposes several regression models that make it possible to replace time-consuming numerical modeling with simple analytical expressions (regression equations). These equations are used for a quantitative assessment of the degree of influence of aerodynamics on the kinematic parameters of the vibrational motion of particles of seed mixtures. The assessment is derived depending on the geometric characteristics of the aerodynamic screen, the design of the unit, and the amplitude of oscillations of the working surfaces of a vibratory machine. The models take the form of equations of multiple linear regression of the second order, obtained on the basis of a series of numerical experiments. The processes of vibration movement of the seed material of parsnips, lettuce, and fragrant dill were investigated. The coefficient of determination equaled 0,95 - 0,967. The results reported here are useful for the construction of algorithms to optimize the design and adjust the operating modes of vibratory separators according to the criterion of minimizing the harmful effects of the aerodynamic factor.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П148.3


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

Категорія: Транспорт   

Antoshchenkov R. 
Determining the influence of geometric parameters of the traction-transportation vehicle's frame on its tractive capacity and energy indicators = Визначення впливу геометричних параметрів рами тягово-транспортної машини на тягово-енергетичні показники / R. Antoshchenkov, I. Halych, A. Nykyforov, H. Cherevatenko, I. Chyzhykov, S. Sushko, N. Ponomarenko, S. Diundik, I. Tsebriuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 2/7. - С. 60-67. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

This paper reports results of studying the influence of geometrical parameters of the frame in a traction-transportation vehicle on its traction and energy indicators. A method for estimating the influence of geometrical parameters of the frame in a traction-transportation vehicle on its traction and energy indicators has been substantiated, based on the traction calculation of the tractor and taking into consideration the change in the distance from the hinge of the traction-transportation vehicle to the front and rear drive axles. The method makes it possible to determine the normal reactions, tangent thrust forces, and traction power on the wheels of the machine. The method reported here enables defining the optimal geometric parameters for improving the traction-adhesion and fuel-economic indicators of the traction-transportation vehicle. It was theoretically established that the normal reactions on the front wheels of the studied traction-transportation vehicle are 27,800 N and exceed by 1,95 times the normal reactions on the rear wheels of 14,200 N. This is due to the fact that the distance from the hinge to the corresponding axles of the wheels is 1,89 m and 0,97 m. Increasing the distance from the hinge to the axle of the rear wheels to 1,17 m produces a positive effect on improving the tractive performance of the traction-transportation vehicle. There is an increase in the tractive power on rear wheels to 24,39 kW. The experimental study of the traction-transportation vehicle was performed using an all-wheel-drive machine with a hinge-connected frame as an example. The maximum traction power is 121 kW, which is achieved at a speed of 12 km/h, traction efficiency of 0,68, and a thrust force per hook of 30,2 kN. The difference between the results obtained theoretically and experimentally is 8 %. Applying the method could make it possible to provide designers and manufacturers with recommendations for the construction and improvement of a traction-transportation vehicle, to improve traction and adhesion properties, and reduce the anthropogenic impact on the soil.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

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