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Ovidiu Andrei Schipor 
Software package with exercises for therapy of children with dyslalia / Ovidiu Andrei Schipor, Felicia Giza Belciug , Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc , Cristian Eduard Belciug , Marian Nestor // Оптико-електрон. інформ.-енерг. технології. - 2009. - № 1. - С. 170-174. - Библиогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

In this paper we present a consistent set of exercises for children with dyslalia (dyslalia is a speech disorder that affect pronunciation of one ore many sounds). The achievement has gone from "Therapeutic Guide" made available by the team of researchers led by Professor Mrs. Iolanda TOBOLCEA from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi. The specifications of the "Therapeutic Guide" have been fully complied with, such exercises being adapted both age and level of children. To achieve these exercises were recorded, processed and used more than 10 000 voice production. They also have been made over the 2000 corresponding recorded nouns. These exercises are being tested by Interschool Regional Logopaedic Center of Suceava - Romania.

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