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Chappell, D.
Report writing for architects and project managers [Electronic resource] / D. Chappell. - 3th. ed.. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 1996. - 160 p.
Переклад назви: Доповідь написана для архітекторів і менеджерів проектів


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Report writing is a much neglected aspect of architectural practice - something to be "picked up" as the architect gains experience. This is surprising since a sizeable part of an architect's work consists of preparing reports of one sort or another. This book brings together standard report formats to cover all the common examples to simplify the architect's job and to highlight important points to be considered.

архітектура -- управління проектом

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Duncan, M.
Celebrate the seasons with ribbon embroidery by machine [Electronic resource] / M. Duncan, B. Farrell. - Iola : Krause Publications, 1998. - 112 p.
Переклад назви: Вишивка стрічками за допомогою швейної машини


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The masters of ribbon embroidery, Duncan and Farrell, have designed 30 great new projects for crafters of all skill levels. From simple ornaments to an exquisite shawl, these projects are sure to intrigue anyone who has ever wanted to learn this fascinating technique. 350 color photos & illustrations.

рукоділля -- тканина -- вишивання

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Chappell, M.
British cavalry equipments 1800-1941 [Electronic resource] / M. Chappell. - revised ed.. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002. - 48 p.. - (Men-at-Arms)
Переклад назви: Британське обладнання Кінноти 1800-1941


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This revised edition of Mike Chappell's original Men-at-Arms 138 represents nearly 20 years' new research. It covers the saddlery, horse furniture, and personal equipment of the British horsed cavalryman from the early stages of the Napoleonic Wars until the final disappearance of the mounted arm during World War II. Such details are essential for an understanding of how cavalry fought in the 19th and early 20th centuries, since the design of equipment was intimately connected with cavalry tactics in any particular period. Students of campaign history, and particularly modellers, will find here a mass of specific information, illustrated with photographs, diagrams, drawings and full colour plates.

кавалерія -- війна -- армія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Chappell, D.
Building Law Encyclopaedia [Electronic resource] / D. Chappell, M. Cowlin, M. Dunn. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 584 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія закону про будівництво


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Building Law Encyclopaedia is a concise and authoritative reference, providing information in reasonable depth on an extensive number of legal terms, principles, phrases and issues that are commonly encountered in the construction industry. Most standard contracts are referred to, including the current suite of JCT Contracts, SBC, IC, ICD, MW, MWD, as well as ACA, PPC 2000, GC/Works/1 and NEC. In addition, some contracts which are theoretically out of date, but which are still in common use, are also covered. With over 1050 entries and numerous cross references, it will be an invaluable reference for architects, quantity surveyors, project managers and contractors. With detailed reference to appropriate case law and legislation, construction lawyers will also find it of considerable value in the course of their work.

будівництво -- закон -- норма

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Church-State Issues in America Today [Electronic resource] / ed. Ann. W. Duncan, Steven L. Jones. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 2008
Переклад назви: Відносини між церквою та державою в сучасній Америці

Географічні рубрики:

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Т. 1 : Religion and Government. - 2008. - 841 p.

Church and state issues are in the news now more than ever before. Political and religious leaders alike are negotiating shaky ground as they balance their religious/moral and political perspectives with their roles as leaders. New technologies push the boundaries of moral consensus by creating new controversies such as those involving stem-cell research and medical measures to sustain or end the lives of the terminally ill. The Supreme Court continues to work to clarify the fuzzy line between religion and politics as it addresses cases regarding abortion, school prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, among other issues. Further controversies only lead to further divisions among Americans. Church and state issues are in the news now more than ever before. Political and religious leaders alike are negotiating on shaky ground as they balance their religious/moral and political perspectives with their roles as leaders. New technologies push the boundaries of moral consensus by creating new controversies such as those involving stem-cell research and medical measures to sustain or end the lives of the terminally ill. The Supreme Court continues to work to clarify the fuzzy line between religion and politics as it addresses cases regarding abortion, school prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, among other issues. Further controversies only lead to further divisions among Americans. At the beginning of the 21st century, there are as many interpretations of this separation as there are interpretations of particular issues such as abortion or school vouchers. This three-volume collection summarizes the history and current status of issues involving the separation of church and state through chapters examining the backgrounds, relevant constitutional concerns, and variety of perspectives on specific controversies. Framed by a general discussion of the history of the separation between church and state and through careful attention to subjects such as capital punishment, gay marriage, and clergy support of political leaders, there emerges an incredibly complex, enlightening, and provocative picture for anyone with an interest in the unique nature of religion in the United States of America.

політика -- дипломатія -- культура

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