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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kent Dybvig, R.
The Scheme Programming Language [Electronic resource] / R. Kent Dybvig. - 3rd. ed.. - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2003. - 295 p.
Переклад назви: Мова програмування Scheme


 Джерело інформації

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This thoroughly updated edition of The Scheme Programming Language provides an introduction to Scheme and a definitive reference for standard Scheme, presented in a clear and concise manner. Written for professionals and students with some prior programming experience, it begins by leading the programmer gently through the basics of Scheme and continues with an introduction to some of the more advanced features of the language. Many exercises are presented to help reinforce the lessons learned, and answers to the exercises are given in a new appendix. Most of the remaining chapters are dedicated to the reference material, which describes in detail the standard features of Scheme included in the Revised Report on Scheme and the ANSI/IEEE standard for Scheme.

розробка ПЗ

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kent, J.
C++ demystified: a self-teaching guide [Electronic resource] / J. Kent. - New York : McGraw-Hill : Osborne, 2004. - 368 p.
Переклад назви: Зрозумілий C++: самовчитель


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This hands-on, step-by-step resource will guide you through each phase of C++ programming, providing you with the foundation to discover how computer programs and programming languages work.

сі -- ооп

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kennedy, B.
HTML & XHTML: the definitive guide [Electronic resource] / B. Kennedy, C. Musciano. - 5th. ed.. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2002. - 670 p.
Переклад назви: HTML & XHTML: повний посібник


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition is the most comprehensive, up-to-date book available on HTML and XHTML. The authors cover every element of HTML/XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements. With hundreds of examples, the book gives you models for writing your own effective web pages and for mastering advanced features like style sheets and frames.

мова розмітки -- веб-сторінка

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kendrick, T.
Identifying and managing project risk: essential tools for failure-proofing your project [Electronic resource] / T. Kendrick. - New York : AMACOM, 2003. - 354 p.


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Packed with real-world information, this book is essential reading for any project manager seeking to complete projects smoothly and successfully, showing them how to consider the possible risks involved at every point in the process.

проект -- управління проектами

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kennedy, P. E.
Macroeconomic Essentials [Electronic resource] : understanding Economics in the News / P. E. Kennedy. - 2nd. ed.. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2000. - 418 p.
Переклад назви: Основи макроекономіки: Розуміння економіки в новинах


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This book was written to provide instructors with an introductory text suitable for teaching students practical macroeconomics useful for interpreting macroeconomic commentary found in the business sections of newspapers. The first edition's success indicates that many instructors are unhappy with the encyclopedic approach of the traditional texts, with their emphasis on technical matters and lack of attention to real-world applications. Some instructors used the first edition as a text for a regular principles-of-macroeconomics class, some used it for an applied course following a traditional macro-principles class, some used it as a supplementary text for a traditional macro-principles course, and some used it as a text for an MBA macroeconomics course. All used it to produce students capable of interpreting media commentary on the macroeconomy.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Kenneth, S.
US spacesuits [Electronic resource] / S. Kenneth, T. McMann, H. J. McMann. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. - 417 p.
Переклад назви: Скафандри США

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Ken Thomas and Joe McMann have produced a magnificent treatise on spacesuits, spacewalking, life support systems and escape systems. US Spacesuits is historical, massively comprehensive, precise, informative, relevant and readable. As an astronaut I spent 30 years in their world and in their suits. My life was in their hands. I trained on the Apollo and Skylab systems; I assisted in the development of the Skylab extravehicular activity (EVA) procedures and was a capsule communicator (capcom) on six of the Skylab walks. I helped them in the development and testing of the shuttle suits, escape systems and all the spacewalking equipment. Together with Don Peterson, I was the first astronaut to test the material in space and I was the lead walker in the initial repair of the Hubble Space Telescope. In this book I am able to relive a lot of my 30 years in that world and gain new insights and perspectives on those experiences.

космічне обладнання -- космонавтика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kenny, Anthony.
The Rise of Modern Philosophy [Electronic resource] / Anthony Kenny. - Oxford : Clarendon press, 2006. - 359 p. - (A new history of western philosophy ; vol. 1)
Переклад назви: Постання сучасної філософії.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the great ideas and intellectual systems that shaped modern thought. Kenny introduces us to some of the world's most original and influential thinkers and helps us gain an understanding of their famous works. The great minds we meet include Rene Descartes, traditionally seen as the founder of modern philosophy; the great British philosophers Hobbes, Locke, and Hume; continental thinkers such as Spinoza, Liebniz, and Hegel; and the towering figure of Immanuel Kant, who perhaps more than any other made philosophy what it is today. Kenny first tells the story of modern philosophy chronologically: his lively, accessible narrative brings the philosophers to life and fills in the historical and intellectual background to their work. It is ideal as the first thing to read for someone new to this wonderfully creative period. Kenny then backtracks to look closely at each of the main areas of philosophical exploration in this period: knowledge and understanding; the nature of the physical universe; metaphysics (the most fundamental questions there are about existence); mind and soul; the nature and content of morality; political philosophy; and God. The book also features many intriguing and beautiful illustrations which evoke the human and social side of philosophy. Anyone who is interested in the evolution of modern thought will find this a book a treasure.

філософія -- думка -- зростання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

History Of Britain & Ireland [Electronic resource] : the definitive visual guide / add. text S. Kennedy. - 1st american ed.. - New York : Dorling Kindersley, 2011. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: Історія Британії та Ірландії: науково-популярне керівництво


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

From the Roman conquest of 43 CE to the Norman conquest of 1066 and from the Elizabethan age of Shakespeare to the Iraq and Afghan wars of the 21st century, DK's History of Britain and Ireland traces the key events that shaped the societies living in the British Isles from the earliest times to the present day. History of Britain and Ireland is the definitive visual guide to 5,000 years of British history. It includes a comprehensive timeline chronicling key events in the history of Britain and Ireland, in addition to "decisive moment" spreads that vividly describe turning points in British history. It also profiles the people who have had a significant impact on British culture and society through their inventions, discoveries, and ideas.

Альбіон -- Англія -- Ірландія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kentgens-Craig, Margret.
The Bauhaus and America : first contacts, 1919-1936 [Electronic resource] / M. Kentgens-Craig. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 1999. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Баухаус та Америка: перші контакти, 1919-1936


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The Bauhaus school was founded in Weimar in 1919 by the German architect Walter Gropius, moved to Dessau in 1925 and to Berlin in 1932, and was dissolved in 1933 by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe under political duress. Although it existed for a mere fourteen years and boasted fewer than 1,300 students, its influence is felt throughout the world in numerous buildings, artworks, objects, concepts, and curricula.After the Bauhaus's closing in 1933, many of its protagonists moved to the United States, where their acceptance had to be cultivated. The key to understanding the American reception of the Bauhaus is to be found not in the émigré success stories or the famous 1938 Bauhaus exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, but in the course of America's early contact with the Bauhaus. In this book Margret Kentgens-Craig shows that the fame of the Bauhaus in America was the result not only of the inherent qualities of its concepts and products, but also of a unique congruence of cultural supply and demand, of a consistent flow of information, and of fine-tuned marketing. Thus the history of the American reception of the Bauhaus in the 1920s and 1930s foreshadows the patterns of fame-making that became typical of the post-World War II art world. The transfer of artistic, intellectual, and pedagogical concepts from one cultural context to another is a process of transformation and integration. In presenting a case study of this process, the book also provides fresh insights into the German-American cultural history of the period from 1919 to 1936.

архітектура -- авангардизм -- баухаус -- індустріальний дизайн -- культурні зв'язки

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