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Sharma, Sanjay.
Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP [Electronic resource] / Sanjay Sharma, Rashmi Kaushal. - 2th. ed. - Part 2. - London : Manson Publishing, 2010. - 433 p
Переклад назви: Короткий огляд клінічної медицини для магнітно-резонансної холангіопанкреатографії

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The new and completely revised edition of Dr Sharma's bestselling Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP Part 2 contains 400 self-assessment cases and data interpretation questions covering all aspects of internal medicine. The special 5-star qualities of the First Edition have been retained and enhanced - breadth of coverage, superb illustration, lively presentation, precise answers, detailed discussion and, above all, the author's understanding of the exam candidate's needs while ensuring the book's broader educational value. New to this edition are a complete content update and some 300 best-of-five MCQ stems, reflecting the format of the new MRCP Part 2 and of many similar exams around the world. The new Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP Part 2 is an invaluable resource for all young doctors studying for higher qualifications in internal medicine and for medical tutors preparing for postgraduate examinations. Furthermore the book provides excellent evidence based management plans for busy hospital physicians in acute general medicine encountering difficult medical scenarios.

медицина -- анатомія -- медична техніка

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