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Rail Vehicles: The Resistance to the Movement and the Controllability [Electronic resource] : monograph / S. Yu. Sapronova [et al.]. ; DUIT state university of infrastructure and technology. - Dnipro : Ukrmetalurginform STA, 2017. - 160 p.


  Текст у форматі PDF 18.45 Мб

The monograph substantiates the existence and determines the origin of the constituent element of the resistance to the movement within rail carriages; the constituent is determined by the control of the wheel pairs within the railway track. In this book, we suggest the method to analyze closed power circuit in mechanical power transmission applied to rolling stock. The method of mathematical modeling for two-point contact of the wheel with the rail has also been developed. The characteristics of the kinematic resistance to the movement for a number of types of rolling stock have been obtained. There are power factors which control the rail carriages and their analysis is very important, therefore we address to it in the book as well. Based on the decrease in the circulation ratio within the closed power circuits of the control system created for carriages by the railway track, we also suggest the principles of designing the rolling stock truck arrangement with low resistance to the movement. The monograph is intended for scientists, engineers and technicians working in the field of design and research for railway transport as well as for masters and postgraduate students of specialty 273 - «Railway transport».


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