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Vaidya, Ashish K..
Globalization [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia of Trade, Labor, and Politics / Ashish K. Vaidya. - Cremona : ABC-Clio, 2006. - 988 p
Переклад назви: Глобалізація: енциклопедії торгівлі, праці та політики

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This project has brought together more than 80 experts from around the world to write about various issues of globalization. It has been an arduous task but immensely rewarding. I wish to acknowledge the contributors for all their hard work and dedication. I appreciate the staff and support at ABC-CLIO for their patience and guidance, especially Jim Ciment, Wendy Roseth, and Christine Marra. I also wish to thank my student assistants, Ioulia Tsoi and Merissa Stith,who very ably performed the difficult task of keeping the project on track. I wish to thank my family,Nivedita, Jaanhvi, and Avaneesh, for their support, love, and encouragement. I wish to acknowledge and thank my mother, Padma,for her unflinching belief in my abilities, my late father, Kamalakar, for inculcating a global perspective in me, and my sister, Shobhana, who is a source of inspiration always.

торгівля -- праця -- політика -- цивілізаційний зсув -- культурна гомогенізація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Vaidyanathan, P. P.
Multirate systems and filter banks [Електронний ресурс] / P. P. Vaidyanathan. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall PTR, 1993. - 910 с.
Переклад назви: Багатошвидкісні системи та банки фільтрів


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Multirate signal processing has recently witnessed a great deal of activity, with a wide range of applications in signal coding and compression, in image processing, multiresolution and wavelet analysis. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks is a completely up-to-date and in-depth treatment of the fundamentals as well as recent advancements in this field. This is a self-contained text providing both theoretical developments and design tools. The book will form a basis for graduate courses in multitrate signal processing. Its encyclopedic nature also makes it a unique reference for researchers. The design methods and examples provide a valuable source of information for the practicing professional.

процес -- відбір

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