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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Anti-terrorist measures and human rights [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Benedek, A. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004. - 404 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористичні заходи та людські права

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The tragic events of 11 September 2001 have led to an intensification of measures against terrorism both at the level of states and international organisations. New laws and resolutions have been passed in order to strengthen national and international action against terrorism. Some of these measures violate human rights and have been introduced without respect for obligatory procedures under international human rights conventions for derogations in cases of emergency. This development has given rise to much concern worldwide. In order to analyse the many (human rights) questions posed by the intensified struggle against terrorism, a symposium was organised, on the initiative of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) of Athens, by the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC) in Graz and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna together with the MFHR. This volume brings together most of the contributions to this high-level and in-depth discussion in edited, updated form. Among the issues analysed are the dangers entailed in the new doctrine of pre-emptive wars, the issue of the prevention of terrorism through measures addressing its causes and the strengthening of human security. The volume also contains an annex with major documents relating to the question of human rights and terrorism at universal and regional levels prepared by international organisations and NGO's, which represents a useful handbook on the topic. Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR).

тероризм -- контртероризм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bensahel, N.
The Counterterror Coalitions [Electronic resource] : cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union / N. Bensahel. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. - 71 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористична коаліція: співпраця з Європою, НАТО і Європейським Союзом


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The long-term success of the counterterror campaign will depend on concerted cooperation from European states, but a key question is the extent to which that cooperation should be pursued through European multilateral institutions. This study argues that the United States should pursue military and intelligence cooperation on a bilateral basis, and it should increasingly pursue financial and law enforcement cooperation on a multilateral basis. The United States should adopt a nuanced strategy in its counterterror relations with Europe.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Byman, D.
Deadly Connections [Electronic resource] : states that Sponsor Terrorism / D. Byman. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 369 p.
Переклад назви: Смертельні зв'язки: держави, які підтримують тероризм


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Daniel Byman's hard-hitting and articulate book is the first to study countries that support terrorist groups. Focusing primarily on sponsors from the Middle East and South Asia, it examines the different types of support that states provide, their motivations, and the impact of such sponsorship. The book also considers regimes that allow terrorists to raise money and recruit without providing active support. The experiences of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Libya are detailed here, alongside the histories of radical groups such as al-Qaida, Hizbullah and Hamas


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Estimating Terrorism Risk [Electronic resource] / H. H. Willis, A. R. Morral, T. K. Kelly, J. J. Medby. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2005. - 66 p.
Переклад назви: Оцінка ризиків тероризму


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The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for protecting the United States from terrorism. It does so partly through the Urban Areas Security Initiative, though its distribution has been criticized for not reflecting risk. This monograph offers a practical definition of terrorism risk and a method for estimating it that addresses inherent uncertainties. It also demonstrates a framework for evaluating alternative risk estimates. Finally, it makes five recommendations for improving resource allocation.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Everybody Talks About the Weather... We Don't [Electronic resource] : the Writings of Ulrike Meinhof / ed. by K. Bauer ; preface by E. Jelinek. - New York : Seven Stories Press, 2008. - [272] p.
Переклад назви: "Усі патякають про погоду... але не ми": дописи Ульрики Майнхоф


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No other figure embodies revolutionary politics and radical chic quite like Ulrike Meinhof, who formed, with Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin, the Red Army Faction (RAF), also known as the Baader–Meinhof Gang, notorious for its bombings and kidnappings of the wealthy in the 1970s. But in the years leading up to her leap into the fray, Meinhof was known throughout Europe as a respected journalist, who informed and entertained her loyal readers with monthly magazine columns. What impels someone to abandon middle-class privilege for the sake of revolution? In the 1960s, Meinhof began to see the world in increasingly stark terms: the United States was emerging as an unstoppable superpower, massacring a tiny country overseas despite increasingly popular dissent at home; and Germany appeared to be run by former Nazis. Never before translated into English, Meinhof's writings show a woman increasingly engaged in the major political events and social currents of her time. In her introduction, Karin Bauer tells Meinhof's mesmerizing life story and her political coming-of-age; Nobel Prize–winning author Elfriede Jelinek provides a thoughtful reflection on Meinhof's tragic failure to be heard; and Meinhof ’s daughter—a relentless critic of her mother and of the Left—contributes an afterword that shows how Meinhof's ghost still haunts us today.

анархізм -- антифашизм -- антисистемний протест -- терористична група

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Extremist Groups [Electronic resource] : information for students : in 2 vol.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Екстремістські групи


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Vol. 1 : A - K. - 508 p.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), or Army of Jhangvi, is an extremist organization active in Pakistan. It allegedly has an agenda of liberation and communism. Lashhar-e-Jhangvi believes that the entire nation of Pakistan should only be comprised of a Sunni Muslim population, thus making the group a part of the overall Sunni deobandi movement. In pursuit of this goal LeJ is believed to have engaged in a variety of violent activities directed against Sh’iteMuslims in Pakistan. The U.S. Department of State designated Lashkar-e-Jhangvi as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 2003.

екстремізм -- тероризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fawthrop, Tom.
Getting away with genocide [Electronic resource] : cambodia's long struggle against the Khmer Rouge / Tom Fawthrop, Helen Jarvis. - London : Pluto Press, 2004. - 343 p
Переклад назви: Вирватися з геноциду: довга боротьба Камбоджі проти червоних Кхмерів

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'This book is an insider's account of the twenty-five year struggle to bring the Khmer Rouge to justice. Until 1991, the morally bankrupt real-politik of the West not only supported seating the Khmer Rouge in the United Nations, but opposed trying them for their crimes. Over a decade later, a Cambodian - United Nations tribunal is about to convene. . . . This book could not be more timely.' Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, Founder of The Cambodian Genocide Project and President of Genocide Watch 'This book will be essential reading for academics, diplomats, journalists, Cambodia specialists and others who follow the Khmer Rouge trial closely. . . . The diplomatic, legal and technical twists and turns detailed here are fascinating, instructive and, at times, alarming. For years to come - as the Khmer Rouge trial unfolds or collapses - scholars and commentators are going to find much in this book to inform their analysis of what happened and why.' Bill Herod, head of a social service agency in Phnom Penh and a development worker in Cambodia for over thirty years Twenty-five years after the overthrow of the Pol Pot regime, not one Khmer Rouge leader has stood in court to answer for their terrible crimes. Tom Fawthrop and Helen Jarvis show how governments that often speak the language of human rights shielded Pol Pot and his lieutenants from prosecution during the 1980s. After Vietnam ousted the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979, the US and UK governments backed the Khmer Rouge at the UN, and approved the re-supply of Pol Pot's army in Thailand. The authors explain how, in the late 1990s, the forgotten genocide became the subject of serious UN inquiry for the first time. Finally, in 2003, the UN and the Cambodian government agreed to hold a trial in Phnom Penh conducted jointly by international jurists and Cambodian lawyers and judges. Tom Fawthrop and Helen Jarvis reveal why it took 18 years for the UN to recognise the ma

злочини проти людства -- комуністичний терор -- геноцид

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Gat, A.
War in human civilization [Electronic resource] / A. Gat. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2006. - 848 p
Переклад назви: Війна в людській цивілізації


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Why do people go to war? Is it rooted in human nature or is it a late cultural invention? How does war relate to the other fundamental developments in the history of human civilization? And what of war today--is it a declining phenomenon or simply changing its shape? In this sweeping study of war and civilization, Azar Gat sets out to find definitive answers to these questions in an attempt to unravel the riddle of war throughout human history, from the early hunter-gatherers right through to the unconventional terrorism of the twenty-first century. In the process, the book generates an astonishing wealth of original and fascinating insights on all major aspects of humankind's remarkable journey through the ages, engaging a wide range of disciplines, from anthropology and evolutionary psychology to sociology and political science. Written with remarkable verve and clarity and wholly free from jargon, it will be of interest to anyone who has ever pondered the puzzle of war.

історія -- культура -- тероризм

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Gross, M. L.
Moral dilemmas of modern war: torture, assassination, and blackmail in an age of asymmetric conflict [Electronic resource] / M. L. Gross. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 337 p.
Переклад назви: Моральні дилеми сучасної війни: катування, тероризм та шантаж у вік асиметричних конфліктів


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Asymmetric conflict is changing the way that we practise and think about war. Torture, rendition, assassination, blackmail, extortion, direct attacks on civilians, and chemical weapons are all finding their way to the battlefield despite longstanding international prohibitions. This book offers a practical guide for policy makers, military officers, students, and others who ask such questions as: Do guerillas deserve respect or long jail sentences? Are there grounds to torture guerillas for information or assassinate them on the battlefield? Is there room for nonlethal weapons to subdue militants and safeguard the lives of noncombatants? Who are noncombatants in asymmetric war? What is the status of civilians who shelter and aid guerillas? And, do guerillas have any right to attack civilians, particularly those who aid and shelter members of the stronger army? If one side can expand the scope of civilian vulnerability, then why can't the other? To read and comment on Michael Gross's blog article on the UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza

збройний конфлікт -- військова агресія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hanhimäki, Jussi M..
An International History of Terrorism [Electronic resource] : western and non-Western experiences / J. M. Hanhimäki, B. Blumenau. - London : Routledge, 2013. - 331 p
Переклад назви: Міжнародна історія тероризму: західний та незахідний досвід


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The aim of this book is to provide readers with the tools to understand the historical evolution of terrorism and counterterrorism over the past 150 years. In order to appreciate the contemporary challenges posed by terrorism it is necessary to look at its evolution, at the different phases it has gone through, and the transformations it has experienced. The same applies to the solutions that states have come up with to combat terrorism: the nature of terrorism changes but still it is possible to learn from past experiences even though they are not directly applicable to the present. This book provides a fresh look at the history of terrorism by providing in-depth analysis of several important terrorist crises and the reactions to them in the West and beyond. The general framework is laid out in four parts: terrorism prior to the Cold War, the Western experience with terrorism, non-Western experiences with terrorism, and contemporary terrorism and anti-terrorism. The issues covered offer a broad range of historical and current themes, many of which have been neglected in existing scholarship; it also features a chapter on the waves phenomenon of terrorism against its international background. This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism studies, political violence, international history, security studies and IR.

тероризм -- історія -- досвід

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

History behind the headlines. The origins of conflicts worldwide [Electronic resource] : 6 vol. set / S.G. Benson. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2000


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Vol. 1. - 341 p.

Vol. 2. - 335 p.

Vol. 3. - 380 p.

Vol. 4. - 332 p.

Vol. 5. - 357 p.

Vol. 6. - 358 p.

Today's newspapers are filled with reports of conflicts between nations. Some conflicts have recently erupted; many have been going on for years. But most of them have deep-rooted, historical causes that are not explained in the media. That's what makes History Behind the Headlines big news for librarians, students, teachers and other researchers, who will consult it over and over again. For important background information on long-term ethnic, religious, political, territorial and economic conflicts between nations today, there isn't a more targeted ongoing print series. Volume 5 of History Behind the Headlines is a special volume devoted entirely to topics of terrorism. Each biannual volume includes approximately 30 entries arranged alphabetically by either the major country involved or the subject of the conflict. The entries are complete with overview essays, photographs, maps, charts, primary document excerpts, short biographies, current status and much more. These combined features offer a unique and in-depth analysis, tracing significant international conflicts back to their earliest stages.

новітня історія -- військовий конфлікт -- міжнаціональний конфлікт -- міжнародні відносини -- тероризм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

International legal dimension of terrorism [Electronic resource] / ed. P. A. Fernández-Sánchez. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. - 526 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародно-правові аспекти тероризму


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More than ever before International Humanitarian Law needs to find new solutions to new types of conflicts. The current state of the fight against terrorism is without doubt one of the new problems facing international society and one of the concerns of International Humanitarian Law. This volume offers reflections on the international legal theory of terrorism, international responsibility, the obligation to prevent terrorist acts, terrorism in armed conflicts, the responses to terrorism by regional international organizations and the legal limits to the fight against terrorism.The contributors consist of academics (and politicians) from Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Israel , as well as from Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and a representative for the Organisation of American States, The book thus contains a wide, multidisciplinary debate, with an emphasis on a Mediterranean perspective. In addition to examining all aspects of international terrorism, the objective of the symposium which gave rise to these essays was to establish some guidelines, in the form of a Declaration, to serve as the basis for the UN's High Level Group for the Alliance of Civilisations on the subject of international terrorism. This overall objective was achieved with the adoption of the "Huelva Declaration for an Alliance of Civilisations against Terrorism", the text of which is included at the end of this book.

антитероризм -- контртероризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Juergensmeyer, Mark.
Terror in the mind of God: the global rise of religious violence [Electronic resource] / Mark Juergensmeyer. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2000. - 337 p
Переклад назви: Терор в ім'я Бога: глобальне зростання релігійного насильства


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Completely revised and updated, this new edition of Terror in the Mind of God incorporates the events of September 11, 2001 into Mark Juergensmeyer's landmark study of religious terrorism. Juergensmeyer explores the 1993 World Trade Center explosion, Hamas suicide bombings, the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack, and the killing of abortion clinic doctors in the United States. His personal interviews with 1993 World Trade Center bomber Mahmud Abouhalima, Christian Right activist Mike Bray, Hamas leaders Sheik Yassin and Abdul Azis Rantisi, and Sikh political leader Simranjit Singh Mann, among others, take us into the mindset of those who perpetrate and support violence in the name of religion.

релігія -- терор -- насильство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Klein, Naomi.
The shock doctrine [Electronic resource] : the rise of disaster capitalism / Naomi Klein. - New York : Metropolitan Books, 2001. - 720 p
Переклад назви: Доктрина шоку : розквіт капіталізму катастроф


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In this groundbreaking alternative history of the most dominant ideology of our time, Milton Friedman's free-market economic revolution, Naomi Klein challenges the popular myth of this movement's peaceful global victory. From Chile in 1973 to Iraq today, Klein shows how Friedman and his followers have repeatedly harnessed terrible shocks and violence to implement their radical policies. As John Gray wrote in The Guardian, "There are very few books that really help us understand the present. The Shock Doctrine is one of those books."

війна -- тероризм -- катастрофа -- кризова свідомість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kульчицький, C. B.
Гoлoдoмop 1932-1933 pp. як генoцид [Електронний ресурс] : тpyднoщi yсвiдoмлення / C. B. Kульчицький. - К. : Наш час, 2008. - 424 с.


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Hа пiдставi бaгатьox дoкументiв i свiдчень автop встановлює, щo Голодомор 1932-1933 pp. в укpаїнськoмy селi являв сoбoю результат замaскoванoї пiд хлiбoзaгoтiвлi кapaльнoї aкцiї з вилyчення у селян всього нaявнoгo y них пpoдовольства. B книзi дoведенo, щo Стaлiн зaстосовував цю терористичну акцію в ситуації гострої кризи і голоду в багатьох регіонах СРСР, які були наслідком здійснюваної Кремлем прискореної "революції згори". Kнигa дoпoмагaє yсвiдoмити, щo терор голодом у поєднанні з репресіями проти безпартійної української інтелігенції та членів КП(б)У мали на меті попередити соціальний і політичний вибух в найбільшій національній республіці. Це дослідження призначене для української громадськості, яка зацікавлена у міжнародному визнанні Закону України "Про Голодомор 1932-1933 років в Україні", прийнято Верховною Радою 28 листопада 2006 р.

голод -- репресії -- влада -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Panzeri, Peter.
Killing Bin Laden - Operation Neptune Spear 2011 [Electronic resource] / Peter Panzeri, Johnny Shumate. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2014. - 80 p
Переклад назви: Вбивство Бін Ладена - операція "Спис Нептуна" 2011 року


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On May 2, 2011 a ten-year manhunt drew to a deadly end as the men of the US Naval Special Warfare Development Group (a.k.a. SEAL Team Six) closed in on their prey, Osama Bin Laden, the fanatical mastermind of the terrible attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Flown from Afghanistan by Army Special Operations Command’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) and evading detection by the Pakistani military, two US helicopters flew towards the compound where they believed Bin Laden to be. Forty minutes later one helicopter had crashed and five men were dead, including the al-Qaeda leader, whose body was taken away and quietly buried at sea. In this book the story of the raid is told, from start to finish, using specially commissioned full-colour artwork, photographs and maps. The operation, codenamed Neptune Spear, is expertly analysed and the events are told in a concise and clear account of its build-up, execution and aftermath, demonstrating the skill and courage of the men who carried it out.

спецслужби -- антитерористичні заходи -- ісламський тероризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Project Megiddo [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - 32 p.
Переклад назви: Проект Мегіддо


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The attached analysis, entitled PROJECT MEGIDDO, is an FBI strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the United States undertaken in anticipation of or response to the arrival of the new millennium.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shultz, Richard H..
Insurgents, terrorists, and militias [Electronic resource] : the warriors of contemporary combat / Richard H. Shultz, Andrea J. Dew. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2006. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Повстанці, терористи і бойовики: воїни сучасного бою.


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Since the end of the Cold War, conventional militaries and their political leaders have confronted a new, brutal type of warfare in which non-state armed groups use asymmetrical tactics to successfully fight larger, technologically superior forces. In order to prevent future bloodshed and political chaos, it is crucial to understand how these unconventional armed groups think and to adapt to their methods of combat. Richard H. Shultz Jr. and Andrea J. Dew investigate the history and politics of modern asymmetrical warfare. By focusing on four specific hotbeds of instability—Somalia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Iraq—Shultz and Dew conduct a careful analysis of tribal culture and the value of clan associations. They examine why these "traditional" or "tribal" warriors fight, how they recruit, where they find sanctuary, and what is behind their strategy. Traveling across two centuries and several continents, Shultz and Dew examine the doctrinal, tactical, and strategic advantages and consider the historical, cultural, and anthropological factors behind the motivation and success of the warriors of contemporary combat. In their provocative argument, Shultz and Dew propose that war in the post-Cold War era cannot be waged through traditional Western methods of combat, especially when friendly states and outside organizations like al-Qaeda serve as powerful allies to the enemy. Thoroughly researched and highly readable, Insurgents, Terrorists, and Militias examines how non-state armies fight, identifies the patterns and trends of their combat, and recommends how conventional militaries can defeat these irregular yet highly effective organizations.

парамілітарні угруповання -- тероризм -- військові найманці

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Terrorism and the UN: Before and After September 11 [Electronic resource] / ed. J. Boulden, T. G. Weiss. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2004. - 256 p.
Переклад назви: Тероризм і ООН: До і після 11 вересня


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How has the United Nations dealt with the question of terrorism before and after September 11? What does it mean that the UN itself has become a target of terrorism? Terrorism and the UN analyzes how the UN's role in dealing with terrorism has been shaped over the years by the international system, and how events such as September 11 and the American intervention in Iraq have reoriented its approach to terrorism. The first half of the book addresses the international context. Chapters in this part consider the impact of September 11 on the UN's concern for the rights and security of states relative to those of individuals, as well as the changing attitudes of various Western powers toward multilateral vs. unilateral approaches to international problems. The second half of the book focuses more closely on the UN, its values, mechanisms, and history and its future role in preventing and reacting to terrorism. The Security Council's position on and reactions to terrorist activities are contrasted with the General Assembly's approach to these issues. What role the UN might play in suppressing the political economy of terrorism is considered. A concluding chapter looks at broader, more proactive strategies for addressing the root causes of terrorism, with an emphasis on social justice as a key to conflict prevention, a primary concern of the UN, particularly the General Assembly, before September 11. Contributors are Jane Boulden, Chantal de Jonge Oudraat (Georgetown University), Edward C. Luck (Columbia University), S. Neil MacFarlane (University of Oxford), Rama Mani (Geneva Centre for Security Policy), M. J. Peterson (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Nico Schrijver (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), Mónica Serrano (Colegio de México and University of Oxford), Thierry Tardy (Geneva Centre for Security Policy), Karin von Hippel (King's College, London), and Thomas G. Weiss.

ООН -- тероризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research [Electronic resource] / ред. Alex Schmid. - New York : Routledge, 2011. - 736 p.. - (Routledge Handbooks)
Переклад назви: Довідник з досліджень тероризму


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This major new Handbook synthesises more than two decades of scholarly research, and provides a comprehensive overview of the field of terrorism studies. The content of the Handbook is based on the responses to a questionnaire by nearly 100 experts from more than 20 countries as well as the specific expertise and experience of the volume editor and the various contributors. Together, they guide the reader through the voluminous literature on terrorism, and propose a new consensus definition of terrorism, based on an extensive review of existing conceptualisations. The work also features a large collection of typologies and surveys a wide range of theories of terrorism. Additional chapters survey terrorist databases and provide a guide to available resources on terrorism in libraries and on the Internet. It also includes the most comprehensive World Directory of Extremist, Terrorist and other Organizations associated with Guerrilla Warfare, Political Violence, Protest and Organized- and Cyber-Crime. The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research will be an essential work of reference for students and researchers of terrorism and political violence, security studies, criminology, political science and international relations, and of great interest to policymakers and professionals in the field of counter-terrorism.

громадянський конфлікт -- екстремізм -- вулична політика -- тероризм

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