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Programming controllers in the integrated development environment [Electronic resource] : training manual / S. I. Gorb [etc.] ; National university "Odessa maritime academy". - Odesa : [s. n.], 2017. - 176 p.
Переклад назви: Програмування контролерів в інтегрованому середовищі розробки


  Текст у форматі PDF 8.07 Мб

Programming of controllers was considered using laboratory benches developed by a group of universities within the framework of the project TEMPUS 544010-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES – "Trainings in Automation Technologies for Ukraine" (TATU). These benches are distinguished by a full set of advanced technologies that are used in automation systems and modular construction, minimal set of technical means for organizing comprehensive training in the use of controllers, adaptation of equipment for the organization of learning process. The PC Worx development environment was chosen as the programming environment. Examples of solving the problems of technological processes automation of different complexity are given. The tutorial is intended for bachelors, specialists and masters of disciplines "information technology", "mechanical engineering", "electrical engineering", "automation and instrument engineering", "transport", as well as postgraduate education of engineers providing design and operation of automation systems (including marine systems).

контролери -- мікропроцесори -- системи керування пристроями

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