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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

A dictionary of Science [Electronic resource]. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. - 890 p
Переклад назви: Словник науки


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The American Heritage Science Dictionary clearly describes the complex language of specialized branches for a wide audience. Biographies of eminent scientists are included along with the applied vocabularies of chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, computer science, and more.

наукова термінологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rashid, Moheb A..
Cardiothoracic Trauma [Electronic resource] : a Scandinavian Perspective / M. A. Rashid ; Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University. - Göteborg : [s. n.], 2007. - 96 p.
Переклад назви: Торакальна травма: скандинавська перспектива


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Trauma in general is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and causes more loss of productive years than ischemic heart disease and malignancy together. Cardiothoracic trauma occurs in 60% of multitrauma patients and is 2-3 times more common than intra-abdominal visceral injuries. It constitutes 25% of traumatic deaths and contributes significantly to at least another 25% of these fatalities. Though only about 15% of chest trauma requires operative intervention, a considerable number of preventable deaths occur due to inadequate or delayed treatment of otherwise an easily remediable injury. The aim of this study was to describe rare but serious and sometimes fatal entities in patients with cardiothoracic trauma sustained in two Scandinavian countries, and to determine the outcome.

кардіологія -- кардіохірургія -- серцево-судинна система -- медичні технології

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Jones, A.
Chemistry [Electronic resource] : аn Introduction for Medical and Health Sciences / A. Jones. - New York : Wiley, 2005. - 273 p.


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Chemistry: An Introduction for Medical and Health Sciences provides students and practitioners with a clear, readable introduction to the chemical terms and concepts that are relevant to their study and practice. Assuming little prior knowledge of the subject the book describes and explains the chemistry underlying many of the most commonly prescribed drugs and medicines. It also includes information on chemical aspects of digestion and nutrition, oxidation, radioactivity and an overview of how chemicals fight disease.

здоров'я -- медична хімія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Corne, Jonathan.
Chest X-Ray made easy [Electronic resource] / Jonathan Corne, Kate Pointon. - 3th. ed.. - Amsterdam : Elsevier academic press, 2009. - 184 p
Переклад назви: Зручний рентген грудної клітини


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Translated into over a dozen languages, this book has been widely praised for making interpretation of the chest X-ray as simple as possible. It describes the range of conditions likely to be encountered on the wards and guides the doctor through the process of examining and interpreting the film based on the appearance of the abnormality shown. It then assists the doctor in determining the nature of the abnormality and points the clinician towards a possible differential diagnosis. It covers the common radiological problems the junior doctors are faced with starting with the appearance of the film, e.g. showing generalised shadowing or a coin lesion. It gives advice on how to examine an X-ray, how to check its technical quality and how to identify where the lesion is. All the X-rays are accompanied by a simple line diagram outlining where the abnormality is.

медицина -- рентген -- ортопедія -- медична технологія

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Tarallo, V. L.
Classics of population health [Електронний ресурс] = Классика популяционного здоровья = Класика популяційного здоров'я / V. L. Tarallo. - Чернівці : [б. в.], 2015. - 736 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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У монографії представлена нова інформаційна технологія взаємопов’язаного інтегрального контролю здоров’я населення і середовища його проживання, що базується на законі виживання популяцій і законі збереження здоров’я, що дозволяє використовувати інтегральні параметри здоров’я населення в якості коду побудови і розвитку соціальних оздоровчих систем, охорони здоров’я, формування національних і територіальних загальносоціальних і цільових медичних та екологічних програм, спрямованих на поліпшення здоров’я людей та середовища їх проживання. Вперше представлені довідкові таблиці очікуваних прогнозів здоров’я населення, необхідні для планування та контролю реалізації таких оздоровчих програм на територіях його проживання. З їх допомогою пропонується всім країнам і окремим територіям прагнути в область безпечного існування для збереження здоров’я і життя людей шляхом обмеження або стимуляції людської діяльності в межах, що позначені трьома критичними, системно пов'язаними інтегральними показниками, що відображають якість середовища існування і похідну від неї і генетичних факторів зовнішню і внутрішню життє- і хворобостійкість популяцій (населення); контроль їх здійснюється в режимі on-line. Матеріали монографії призначені для медиків усіх спеціальностей, екологів, економістів, демографів та інших фахівців, зайнятих у вирішенні соціальних проблем своїх країн і регіонів.

здоров'я населення -- оздоровчі заходи -- життєстійкість населення -- прогнозування здоров'я

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Companion encyclopedia of archaeology [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Barker. - London : Routledge, 1999. - 1219 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедичний довідник з археології


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This comprehensive, fully illustrated Companion answers the need for an in-depth archaeology reference that provides authoritative coverage of this complex and interdisciplinary field. The work brings together the myriad strands and the great temporal and spatial breadth of the field into two thematically organized volumes. In twenty-six authoritative and clearly-written essays, this Companion explores the origins, aims, methods and problems of archaeology. Each essay is written by a scholar of international standing and illustrations complement the text.

археологічна термінологія -- розкопки

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Designing and implementing health care provider payment systems [Electronic resource] : how-to manuals / ed.: J. C. Langenbrunner, S. O’Dougherty ; ed. C. Cashin. - Washington D. С. : The World Bank, 2009. - 348 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка та впровадження систем забезпечення оплати медичних послуг


Географічні рубрики:

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This volume grows out of an initiative in the World Bank on resource allocation and purchasing (“RAP”), which started in 2000, and continues to publish articles and books related to strategic purchasing. The initiative emerged from such questions in developing economies as: Why do individuals need help in purchasing health services from providers? Is the “middleman” really necessary? Can people not just buy health services in the same way they would go to the local market to buy bread, milk, or fruit—especially since, throughout most of history, that is what most people did? When sick, they contacted local healers directly. Public policy historically was limited largely to protecting the sick against charlatans and was enforced through ethical codes such as the Hippocratic oath. There was no expensive technology, and most serious conditions led to death. Loss of employment and burial costs were the most expensive parts of illness. With industrialization and the scientific revolution, all this changed. As understanding about the causes, prevention, and treatment of illness expanded, interventions become more complex and expensive. Health care was no longer the exclusive domain of traditional healers.

охорона здоров'я -- лікарняна каса

   Тип видання:   словник   

Ilnytzkyj-Zankowytsch, Johann.
Deutsches und ukrainisches fliegerworterbuch [Electronic resource] : ungefiihr 20 000 Stichworter іn beiden Теіlеn / J. Ilnytzkyj-Zankowytsch. - Berlin : Verlag Bernard & Graefe, 1939. - 528 S.
Переклад назви: Німецько-український летунський словник: близько 20000 слів в обидвох частинах


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Das vorliegende Deutsch-ukrainische und Ukrainischdeutsche Fliegerorterbuch ist das erste аиі diesem Gebiet. Ев erganzt die wertyolle Reihe y()Jl ukrainischen terminologischen Worterbiichern (wie z. В. chemisches, mathematisches, astronomisches, geologisches, technisches, iuristisches, politisches и. а.), die nach dem Weltkriege 1914-1918 durch die Ukrainische Akademie der vVissenschaften in КУііУ herausgegeben ,yurden. Der deutsche ТеіІ des Wer'kes stiitzt sich auf zahlreiche deutsche Fliegerliteratur, der ukrainische аиІ das "Russisch- ukrainische Militarworterbucll" уоп 8. и. О. Jakubski) (Ukrainischer 8taatsyerlag 1928) sowie аиІ das "Deutsche und ukrainische Militarworterbuch" уоп Ilnytzkyj-Zankowytsch) (Berlin, Bernard & Graefe, 1939).

авіаційна термінологія -- німецька мова

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Wallwork, Adrian.
English for Academic Research [Electronic resource] : writing exercises / Adrian Wallwork. - New York : Springer, 2013. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Англійська для академічних досліджень: письмові вправи


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This book is based on a study of referees' reports and letters from journal editors on reasons why papers written by non-native researchers are rejected due to problems with English (long sentences, redundancy, poor structure etc). It draws on English-related errors from around 5000 papers written by non-native authors, around 3000 emails, 500 abstracts by PhD students, and over 1000 hours of teaching researchers how to write and present research papers.

англійська мова -- наукова термінологія -- науковий тезаурус

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Glasziou, Paul.
Evidence-based Medicine Workbook [Electronic resource] : finding and applying the best evidence to improve patient care / Paul Glasziou, Chris Del Mar. - London : BMJ, 2003. - 139 p
Переклад назви: Діагностична медична книга: пошук і застосування кращих діагнозів для поліпшення обслуговування пацієнтів


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Th is workbook has been developed from workshop handouts used at evidencebased medicine workshops run by the Centre for Evidence-Based Practice, Centre for General Practice, Th e University of Queensland. Its development was supported by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy.

діагностика -- медицина -- лікування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Forensic Medicine of the Lower Extremity [Electronic resource] / ed. J. Rich, D. E. Dean, R. H. Powers. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2005. - 421 p.
Переклад назви: Судово-медична експертиза нижніх кінцівок


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This comprehensive collection of rigorous review articles covers both the scientific and practical aspects of using of lower extremity remains for human identification and trauma analysis. On the scientific side, the authors describe the biochemical events of decomposition, detail the use of radiology to facilitate identification and evaluate trauma, and explain principles of osteology, with an emphasis on the implications for skeletal anatomy for age, sex, race, and height estimation. On the practical side, they apply these approaches to trauma analysis and accident reconstruction, including slip-and-fall incidents, impact, traffic, and pediatric injuries, and considerations of foot and footprint identification. Specific case studies discuss the identification process using the foot and ankle and illuminate the forensic potential of feet, footwear, and barefoot impression evidence

кримінологія -- судова медицина

   Тип видання:   словник   

International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / ed. in chief A. de Mijolla. - Farmington Hills : Thomson Gale, 2005. - 2355 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародний словник психоаналізу


Географічні рубрики:

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To understand the underpinnings of this field is to shed light on how much of the Western world has understood itself through the 20th century. The "International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis" -- published in France in 2002 and now available in English -- is the most extensive reference work published on this topic. Not only does it represent all branches of the field, but it also defines the evolution of the different theoretical and clinical psychoanalytical concepts as well as the major individuals, works, events and institutions that have impacted the history of the psychoanalytical movement. Additionally, it reveals the history of psychoanalysis in 50 countries and shows the relationship between psychoanalysis and other disciplines, with entries discussing writers, philosophers, literary movements and historical events. Articles include discussion of 900 concepts and notions, 360 biographies of the major psychoanalysts worldwide and 170 articles on their major works.

підсвідоме -- психологічна термінологія -- едипів комплекс -- комплекс Електри

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Абдула, А. I.
Iсторiя фiлософiї в термiнах [Електронний ресурс] : навчальний посiбник / А. I. Абдула ; Криворiзький педагогiчний iнститут. - Кривий Ріг : [б. в.], 2013. - 175 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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У посiбнику представленi означення основних термiнiв курсу з iсторiї фiлософiї, що традицiйно викладається в Криворiзькому педагогiчному iнститутi. Посiбник структурований за основними темами iсторико-фiлософського курсу i охоплює найбiльш вживанi фундаментальнi фiлософськi поняття, володiння якими виступає основою для успiшного складання екзамену з фiлософiї та подальшого вивчення систематичного курсу фiлософiї. Для студентiв, аспiрантiв та усiх, хто вивчає iсторiю фiлософiї.

філософія -- філософська термінологія

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Emanuel, L.
Latin for lawyers [Electronic resource] : the language of the Law / L. Emanuel. - 1th. ed.. - New York : Emanuel Publishing Corporation, 1999. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Латинська мова для юристів: мова закону


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If you're just starting law school, you'll soon find out that lawyers like to use old latin phrases. If you don't have a guide To The confusing terminology, you'll quickly get lost in terms like 'replevin,' 'seisin,' 'habeus corpus,' and similar phrases. Even if you've been practicing law for many years, this book is a must-have reference tool. You'll be able to quickly understand what opposing counsel is trying to say in their briefs and motions. You'll be able to make better sense of the old cases you read. Latin for Lawyers will prove to be the reference tool that will help you through law school and throughout your professional career. the author, Lazar Emanuel, has had a distinguished career in law. A graduate of Harvard Law School, his resume includes founding partner of Cowan, Liebowitz & Emanuel (now Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman), president of Communication Industries, a multi-station radio and television company, and executive vice-president and general counsel of Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc. Oh, by the way, he's Steve Emanuel's father, too, which should speak volumes.

юридична термінологія -- юриспруденція -- право

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McKay, William.
Legal English [Electronic resource] : how to understand and master the language of law / William McKay. - London : Longman, 2005. - 197 p
Переклад назви: Юридична англійська: як зрозуміти і освоїти мову закону


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The publishers and authors would like to thank the following individuals and publications for granting permission to reproduce copyright material. Employment Tribunals Service for permission to include sample copies of Employment Tribunal forms The Law Society Gazette for permission to reproduce the following articles ‘Shopping Around’ (edition dated 4 March 2004 ‘Having cross words in the courtroom’ (edition dated 1 April 2004 ‘Asian tigers prepare to spring’ (edition dated 20 May 2004) Nigel Hanson for permission to reproduce ‘Shopping Around’. Nigel Hanson is a member of the media team at Foot Anstey Sargent. Justin Michaelson (Weil, Gotshal & Manges) on behalf of the Solicitors’ Association of Higher Court Advocates, for permission to reproduce ‘Having cross words in the courtroom’. Lucy Trevelyan for permission to reproduce ‘Asian tigers prepare to spring’. Margot Taylor, Principal Lecturer at the Inns of Court School of Law, for permission to reproduce her article entitled 'Which route – solicitor or barrister?’ (The Times, 20 January 2004). The authors would also like to express their gratitude to Sharon Hanson nd David Ronson for providing valued comments and feedback in the ourse of this book being written.

правознавство -- юриспруденція -- юридична термінологія

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Haigh, Rupert.
Legal English [Electronic resource] / R. Haigh. - 2nd ed.. - New York : Routledge-Cavendish, 2009. - 343 p.
Переклад назви: Англійська мова для юристів


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This book is aimed at legal professionals, law students and other persons who regularly deal with legal documents written in English. It constitutes a practical reference and self-study resource, which will help you both understand English legal language as it appears in contemporary written and oral contexts, and to use clear, accurate English in everyday legal and business situations.

правнича термінологія -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Harpwood, V.
Medicine, malpractice and misapprehensions [Electronic resource] / V. Harpwood. - New York : Routledge : Cavendish, 2007. - 239 p.
Переклад назви: Ліки: зловживання та непорозуміння


Географічні рубрики:

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Apart from its alliterative appeal, the title of this book expresses a serious topical purpose. In the midst of statistical uncertainty, and even obfuscation, how is it possible to assess the extent of errors and clinical negligence claims in the UK? We are constantly told that we do or do not live in a ‘compensation culture’, which is usually carefully not defi ned, but what are the facts about the number of errors made in our health service in the course of a year? What is the truth about trends in clinical negligence litigation over recent years? Do doctors practise defensive medicine? Who or what is to blame for the upsurge in claims towards the end of the twentieth century? How can patients seek reassurance that the treatment they receive will be safe? How can doctors practise medicine in the best interests of patients without the fear of being sued? One ambition of this book is to put the debate about the so-called compensation culture on a sounder statistical, and hence epistemological basis, and it will be argued that the current Governmental pronouncements, sceptical of the very existence of such a culture are sadly, possibly deliberately, short of the mark in the healthcare context.

сучасна медицина -- соціальне забезпечення -- медичні послуги

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sharma, Sanjay.
Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP [Electronic resource] / Sanjay Sharma, Rashmi Kaushal. - 2th. ed. - Part 2. - London : Manson Publishing, 2010. - 433 p
Переклад назви: Короткий огляд клінічної медицини для магнітно-резонансної холангіопанкреатографії

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The new and completely revised edition of Dr Sharma's bestselling Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP Part 2 contains 400 self-assessment cases and data interpretation questions covering all aspects of internal medicine. The special 5-star qualities of the First Edition have been retained and enhanced - breadth of coverage, superb illustration, lively presentation, precise answers, detailed discussion and, above all, the author's understanding of the exam candidate's needs while ensuring the book's broader educational value. New to this edition are a complete content update and some 300 best-of-five MCQ stems, reflecting the format of the new MRCP Part 2 and of many similar exams around the world. The new Rapid Review of Clinical Medicine for MRCP Part 2 is an invaluable resource for all young doctors studying for higher qualifications in internal medicine and for medical tutors preparing for postgraduate examinations. Furthermore the book provides excellent evidence based management plans for busy hospital physicians in acute general medicine encountering difficult medical scenarios.

медицина -- анатомія -- медична техніка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brieger, N.
Test Your Professional English [Electronic resource] : law / N. Brieger. - Harlow : Pearson Education Inc., 2003. - 104 p.
Переклад назви: Перевірте Вашу професійну англійську: закон


Географічні рубрики:

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This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.

англійська мова -- юридична термінологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cole, L. A.
The anthrax letters: a medical detective story [Electronic resource] / L. A. Cole. - Washington : Joseph Henry Press, 2003. - 280 p.
Переклад назви: Літери сибірської виразки: медичний детектив

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Anthrax bacteria are as murderous as South American flesheating ants. An army of ants, traveling in the millions, can decimate an immobilized individual by devouring his flesh layer by layer. Death is gradual and agonizing. Anthrax bacilli do to the body from within what the ants do from without. They attack everywhere, shutting down and destroying the body’s functions from top to bottom. The organisms continue to multiply and swarm until there is nothing left for them to feed on. In 2 or 3 days a few thousand bacilli may become trillions. At the time of death, as much as 30 percent of a person’s blood weight may be live bacilli. A microscopic cross section of a blood vessel looks as though it is teeming with worms.

смертельна хвороба -- антракс

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