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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Apple, Michael W..
Can education change society? [Electronic resource] / M. W. Apple. - New York : Routledge, 2013. - 200 p.
Переклад назви: Чи змінює освіта суспільство?


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Despite the vast differences between the Right and the Left over the role of education in the production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education can and should do something about society, to either restore what is being lost or radically alter what is there now. The question was perhaps put most succinctly by the radical educator George Counts in 1932 when he asked "Dare the School Build a New Social Order?", challenging entire generations of educators to participate in, actually to lead, the reconstruction of society. Over 70 years later, celebrated educator, author and activist Michael Apple revisits Counts’ now iconic works, compares them to the equally powerful voices of minoritized people, and again asks the seemingly simply question of whether education truly has the power to change society. In this groundbreaking work, Apple pushes educators toward a more substantial understanding of what schools do and what we can do to challenge the relations of dominance and subordination in the larger society. This touchstone volume is both provocative and honest about the ideological and economic conditions that groups in society are facing and is certain to become another classic in the canon of Apple’s work and the literature on education more generally.

освіта -- IQ -- профілізація -- суспільство знань -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Boucher, David.
The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls [Electronic resource] / David Boucher, Paul Kelly. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2005. - 291 p
Переклад назви: Суспільний договір від Гоббса до Роулза


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The concept of a social contract has been central to political thought since the seventeenth century. Contract theory has been used to justify political authority, to account for the origins of the state, and to provide foundations for moral values and the creation of a just society.In The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls, leading scholars from Britain and America survey the history of contractarian thought and the major debates in political theory which surround the notion of social contract. The book examines the critical reception to the ideas of thinkers including Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, and includes the more contemporary ideas of John Rawls and David Gauthier. It also incorporates discussions of international relations theory and feminist responses to contractarianism. Together, the essays provide a comprehensive introduction to theories and critiques of social contract, within a broad political theoretical framework.

політика -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bryce, Trevor.
Life and society in the Hittite world [Electronic resource] / Trevor Bryce. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Життя і суспільство в Хетському світі


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In dealing with a wide range of aspects of the life, activities, and customs of the Late Bronze Age Hittite world, this book complements the treatment of Hittite military and political history presented by the author in The Kingdom of the Hittites (O.U.P., 1998). Through quotations from the original sources and through the word pictures to which these give rise, the book aims at recreating, as far as is possible, the daily lives and experiences of a people who for a time became the supreme political and military power in the ancient Near East.

бронзова доба -- первісне суспільство -- Близький Схід

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Caвченкo, B. A.
Maхнo [Електронний ресурс] / B. A. Caвченкo. - Х. : Фоліо, 2005. - 415 с.. - (Історичне досьє)


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Махно - один із найяскравіших лідерів українського народу, якого радянська пропаганда називала бандитом, а справу його замовчувала. Зараз Нестора Махна порівнюють з Робін Гудом, Спартаком, товаришем Че. Виходець з найбіднішого селянства, він у 29 років зумів зібрати під прапором анархії 100-тисячну армію і почав створювати на південному сході України анархістське суспільство - трудову федерацію, яка проіснувала 100 днів під постійними ударами білих і червоних. Через 70 років після смерті цей степовий вовк став культовою фігурою серед сучасної молоді Європи, а ідеї анархізму, які сповідував Махно, у наш час перекочували з робітничих бараків до арт-богемних тусовок. Ким же був Махно у реальному житті? На це питання і дає відповідь нова книга Віктора Савченка, що присвячена одному з найвідоміших українців ХХ ст.

повстанський рух -- анархізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Chanda, Nayan.
Bound together [Electronic resource] : how traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors shaped globalization / Nayan Chanda. - New York : Yale University Press, 2008. - 413 p
Переклад назви: Пов'язані разом: як трейдери, проповідники, авантюристи і воїни сформували глобалізацію

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Since humans migrated from Africa and dispersed throughout the world, they have found countless ways and reasons to reconnect with each other. In this entertaining book, Nayan Chanda follows the exploits of traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors throughout history as they have shaped and reshaped the world. For Chanda, globalization is a process of ever-growing interconnectedness and interdependence that began thousands of years ago and continues to this day with increasing speed and ease. In the end, globalization—from the lone adventurer carving out a new trade route to the expanding ambitions of great empires—is the product of myriad aspirations and apprehensions that define just about every aspect of our lives: what we eat, wear, ride, or possess is the product of thousands of years of human endeavor and suffering across the globe. Chanda reviews and illustrates the economic and technological forces at play in globalization today and concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of how we can and should embrace an inevitably global world.

сучасне суспільство -- глобалізація -- всесвітня історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Civil Society in Central Asia [Electronic resource] / ed. by M. H. Ruffin, D. C. Waugh. - Seattle : Center for Civil Society International, 1999. - 344 p.
Переклад назви: Громадянське суспільство в Центральній Азії


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Central Asia, known as the home of Tamerlane and the Silk Road, is a crossroads of great cultures and civilizations. In 1991 five new nations at the heart of the region--Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan--suddenly became independent. Today they sit strategically between Russia, China and Iran and hold some of the world's largest deposits of oil and natural gas. Ethnic and national identities formerly suppressed now find expression in language, religion, the arts, new international alignments and, occasionally, severe civil conflicts. In the decades ahead what kind of societies will the 50+ million people living in this very-old-and-very-new part of the world create? Single party secular states, Islamic republics, market democracies--something else? Civil Society in Central Asia is a pathbreaking collection of essays by scholars and activists that looks at some of the social and institutional developments which are shaping this important region's future. Are institutions emerging which create the foundations of a democratic order? As the essays suggest, trends are contradictory and not the same for each country. This timely book matches contributions by leading specialists such as S. Frederick Starr, Olivier Roy, Aziz Niyazi, Scott Horton, Alla Kazakina, Abdumannob Polat, and Reuel Hanks with the insights of individuals who have been on the front lines of the struggle for civil society in Central Asia itself--representatives of organizations such as Counterpart, Internews, and the Kazakstan International Bureau for Human Rights. Topics addressed are as diverse as the legal framework for independent associational activity, grassroots movements for environmental protection, the resurgence of Islam and the viability of the Soviet-era collective farms. A 75-page appendix provides a guide to many of the most significant projects being carried out by local and international NGOs in the region.

свобода слова -- неурядові організації -- Центральна Азія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Connell, R. W.
Gender and Power [Electronic resource] : society, the Person and Sexual Politics / R. W. Connell. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 1987. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Ґендер і влада: суспільство, особистість і сексуальна політика


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This book is an introductory textbook on sexual politics and an original contribution to the reformulation of social and political theory. In a discussion of, among other issues, psychoanalysis, Marxism and feminist theories, the structure of gender relations, and working class feminism, the author has produced a work of synthesis and scholarship which should be of interest to students and professionals in sociology, politics, women's studies and to anyone interested in the field of sexual politics.

ґендерна політика -- фемінізм -- психоаналіз -- толерантність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cunliffe, Barry.
The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe [Electronic resource] / Barry Cunliffe. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. - 568 p
Переклад назви: Оксфордська ілюстрована протоісторія Європи


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When a melting Swiss glacier recently revealed the body of a hunter millennia old, the world sat up and took notice. Here, in his well-preserved arrows, tools, and leather garments (not to mention his own remains) was a rare glimpse of life in prehistoric Europe, and it captured the public imagination. Elsewhere more obvious remnants of the pre-classical past have long been objects of fascination: the megaliths of northwestern Europe, the palaces of Crete, the mysterious cave paintings of France. Now archeologist Barry Cunliffe and a team of distinguished experts shed light on this astonishing, long-silent world in a comprehensive and lavishly illustrated account.

первісне суспільство -- антропогенез -- соціогенез

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Darity, William A..
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences [Electronic resource] / William A. Darity. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2007. - 5759 p
Переклад назви: Міжнародна енциклопедія соціальних наук.


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суспільство -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Encyclopedia of social theory [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed. G. Ritzer. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Соціальної Теорії


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Vol. 1 : A - M. - 1- 518 pp.

Vol. 2 : N - Z. - 519 - 982 pp.

The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be a snapshot of social theory at the beginning of a new century. While the Encyclopedia of Social Theory will slant toward sociological social theory, transdisciplinary currents from psychoanalysis, anthropology, government and politics, cultural studies and literary studies will all have their place. The history of social thought from German Idealism to postmodernism will be treated in essay length entries. Special emphasis will be given to American, British, French, and German national traditions as well as Marxist social theory. The micro-sociological traditions of exchange and symbolic interactionism will also be covered in detail. Key new developments in social thought including the ascendance of cultural theory and feminism will be described. Entries will cover the gamut from major approaches to key figures to central concepts. The work of major figures from the history of social thought including Weber, Durkheim, Mead, Spencer, and Marx as well as leading contemporary thinkers including Bourdieu, Habermas, Giddens, and Alexander will be summarized and put into context. Key concepts such as identity, trust, and the body will be defined and explored. Schools of thought ranging from the Birmingham School and the Annales School, ideas as diverse as rational choice and postcolonial studies, and timeless topics like citizenship and ethnicity will all be surveyed. Entries will vary in length from about 500 words to about 5000 words. Entries are to be neutral and comprehensive. Foremost, they will be a factual guide to who said what (when, where, and why). They will lay out key issues, recapitulate arguments, provide context for understanding, and judiciously assess the importance of a topic. All entries will include a few “further readings” that point the reader to key texts for understanding the topic. Entries will also be cross-referenced with other entries in the encyclopedia to help improve understanding. The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be the first resort for students, scholars, and educated readers looking for a comprehensive guide to the landscape of social theory. It will find a place in many libraries across the English-speaking world.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of sociology [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / E.F. Borgatta. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : Macmillan, 2000
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Соціології


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Vol. 1. - 1 - 719 pp.

Vol. 2. - 720 - 1475 pp.

Vol. 3 . - 1476 - 2285 pp.

Vol. 4 . - 2286 - 2912 pp.

Vol. 5 . - 2913 - 3481 pp.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ferguson, Harvie.
The science of pleasure [Electronic resource] : cosmos and psyche in the bourgeois world / Harvie Ferguson. - London : Routledge, 1990. - 378 p
Переклад назви: Наука задоволення: космос і психіка в буржуазному світі


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In this rich and original work, the author argues that science is the highest expression of bourgeois thought and whilst it may have liberated mankind, it has also devised new forms of repression, discipline and control.

соліпсизм -- середній клас -- суспільство споживання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Fromm, Erich.
The sane societ [Electronic resource] / Erich Fromm. - Hennepin : Fawcett Books, 1965. - 161 p
Переклад назви: Розсудливе суспільство


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The Sane Society is a continuation and extension of the brilliant psychiatric concepts Erich Fromm first formulated in Escape from Freedom; it is also, in many ways, an answer to Freud's Civilization and its Discontents. Fromm examines man's escape into overconformity and the danger of robotism in contemporary industrial society: modern humanity has, he maintains, been alienated from the world of their own creation. Here Fromm offers a complete and systematic exploration of his "humanistic psychoanalysis." In so doing, he counters the profound pessimism for our future that Freud expressed and sets forth the goals of a society in which the emphasis is on each person and on the social measures designed to further function as a responsible individual.

соціологія -- психоаналіз -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gellner, Ernest.
Muslim Society [Electronic resource] / Ernest Gellner. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1983. - 276 p
Переклад назви: Мусульманське суспільство


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Of all the great world religions, Islam appears to have the most powerful political appeal in the twentieth century. It sustains some severely traditional and conservative regimes, but it is also capable of generating intense revolutionary ardour and of blending with extreme social radicalism. As an agent of political mobilisation, it seems to be overtaking Marxism, arid surpassing all other religions. The present book seeks the roots of this situation in the past. The traditional Muslim society of the arid zone has, in the past, displayed remarkable stability and homogeneity, despite great political fragmentation, and the absence of a centralised religious hierarchy. The book explores the mechanisms which have contributed to this result - a civilisation in which (in the main) weak states co-existed with a strong culture, which had a powerful hold over the populations under its sway. A literate Great Tradition, in the keeping of urban scholars, lived side by side with a more emotive, ecstatic folk tradition, ill tile keeping of holy lineages, religious brotherhoods and freelance saints. One tradition was sustained by the urban trading class and periodically swept the rest of the society in waves of revivalist enthusiasm; the other was based on the multiple functions it performed in rural tribal society and amongst the urban poor. The two traditions were intertwined, yet remained in latent tension which from time to time came to tile surface. The book traces the manner in which the impact of the modern world, acting through colonialism arid industrialisation upset the once stable balance, and helped the erstwhile urban Great Tradition to become the pervasive arid dominant one, culminating in the zealous arid radical Islam which is so prominent now. The argument is both formulated in the abstract and illustrated by a series of case studies and examinations of specific aspects, and critical examinations of rival interpretations.

арабські етноси -- іслам -- халіфат -- мусульмани

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Glancy, Jennifer A..
Slavery in early christianity [Electronic resource] / Jennifer A. Glancy. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 218 p
Переклад назви: Рабство в ранньому християнстві


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This is the first paperback edition of the enlightening Oxford University hardcover published in 2002. Glancy here situates early Christian slavery in its broader cultural setting, arguing that modern scholars have consistently underestimated the pervasive impact of slavery on the institutional structures, ideologies, and practices of the early churches - and upon the bodies of the enslaved. Her careful attention to the bodily experience of subjection and violation that constituted slavery makes this an indispensable book for anyone interested in slavery in early Christianity. Includes special chapters on Jesus and Paul.

рабство -- християнство -- античне суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gledhill, John.
State and society [Electronic resource] : the emergence and development of social hierarchy and political centralization / J. Gledhill, B. Bender, M. T. Larsen. - London : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 366 p.. - (One world Archaeology)
Переклад назви: Держава та суспільство: виникнення і розвиток соціальної ієрархії і політичної централізації


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The traditional Eurocentric view of state formation and the rise of civilization is vigorously challeged in this unusually broad-ranging, up-to-date and innovative book. Using research from archaeology, ethnology, and anthropology, the authors examine the dynamics of political centralization, the nature of social inequalities, state formation, the nature of bureaucracy and the role of literacy in a variety of historical and geographical contexts. They examine the developments and resistences encountered in state formation and the mechanisms which produce cumulative development on a world-historical scale. United by a common committment to dialogue and to the idea that archaeology cannot exist in isolation from other social and historical sciences, this volume will be essential to all those working on issues of social inequality.

суспільство -- соціологія -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gorz, Andre.
Farewell to the Working Class [Electronic resource] / Andre Gorz. - London : Pluto Press, 1982. - 80 p.
Переклад назви: Прощання з робочим класом


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André Gorz argues that changes in the role of the work and labour process in the closing decades of the twentieth century have, once and for all, weakened the power of skilled industrial workers. Their place has been taken, says Gorz, by social movements such as the women’s movement and the green movement, and all those who refuse to accept the work ethic so fundamental to early capitalist societies. Provocative and heretical, Farewell to the Working Class is a classic study of labour and unemployment in the post-industrial world.

постіндустріальне суспільство -- інтелектуальна праця -- капіталізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gruen, L.
Sex, morality, and the law [Electronic resource] / L. Gruen, G. E. Panichas. - New York : Routledge, 1997. - 454 p.
Переклад назви: Секс, мораль та закон


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SEX, MORALITY, AND THE LAW, edited by Lori Gruen and George E. Panichas, is an interesting and innovative contribution to interdisciplinary literature focusing on the intersection of law and society. In this volume, the editors define the topical subject, "sex," to include same-sex activity, commercial sexual encounters, reproductive decisions, and sexual self-determination. Their primary concern is to produce a counterbalance to the irrational, contentious, and contradictory public discourse generated by a society all but saturated by sex. They seek to do by presenting "calmer, more careful assessments of matters of intimate concern".

суспільство -- відносини

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Held, David.
Models Of Democracy [Electronic resource] / D. Held. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2008. - 349 p.
Переклад назви: Моделі демократії


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This edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of the transformation in world politics during the past ten years, and includes four new chapters.

народовладдя -- влада -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Hibberd, Fiona J..
Unfolding social constructionism [Electronic resource] / Fiona J. Hibberd. - New York : Springer, 2005. - 220 p. - (History and philosophy of psychology)
Переклад назви: Розгорнута соціальна конструктивізація


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Throughout the 20th century, psychology generally and social psychology in particular has been dominated by individualism. It has focused on the subject as ultimately biological to the neglect of the subject as a social being. In the late 1960’s, this emphasis led to the eruption of a "crisis" in social psychology, a crisis which has yet to be resolved. The most significant response to this crisis has been the development of social constructionism. This approach emphasizes the historicity, context-dependence, and socio-linguistically constituted character of all matters bearing on human activity. Many versions extend this emphasis to the conceptual and methodological practices of psychologists and to the epistemological assumptions which ground these practices, to the "meta-issues" of the discipline. It is these versions of social constructionism which this book addresses, that is, social constructionism as an epistemology (as an alternative to positivism and realism) as well as a theory of the social character of human activity.

суспільство -- соціологія -- індивідуалізм

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