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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Prata, S.
C++ primer plus [Electronic resource] / S. Prata. - 4th. ed.. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2001. - 1128 p
Переклад назви: Підручник для початківців C++


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition presents the ANSI C++ standard beginning with a discussion of the essential elements of C++ programming: loops, expressions, functions, and classes. It walks readers through the basics of object-oriented programming: classes, inheritance, templates, and exceptions, as well as the latest object-oriented programming techniques. C++ Primer Plus contains hundreds of sample programs. The friendly tone, concise programs, and end-of-chapter review exercises allow beginners to write their own programs immediately.

програмування -- програмний код -- об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Schleicher, Manfred.
Control engineering: a guide for beginners [Electronic resource] / Manfred Schleicher, Frank Blasinger. - Fulda : JUMO Process Control Inc., 2003. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: Техніка автоматичного керування: посібник для початківців


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This work is intended to be of practical assistance in control engineering technology. It will help you to select and set up a suitable controller for various applications. It describes the different types of controller and the options for setting them up. The explanations and definitions are provided without using advanced mathematics, and are mainly applied to temperature-control loops.

АСУ -- система управління

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kaspersky, К.
Hacker disassembling uncovered [Electronic resource] / К. Kaspersky. - Wayne : A-LIST, 2003. - 584 p.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This text shows how to analyze programs without its source code, using a debugger and a disassembler, and covers hacking methods including virtual functions, local and global variables, branching, loops, objects and their hierarchy, and more.

взлом -- програмування -- хакери

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Owen, P.
Knots [Electronic resource] / P. Owen. - Philadelphia : Courage Books, 1993. - 82 p.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Прекрасно иллюстрированная книга на английском языке, посвященная самым разным видам узлов - для туристов, скалолазов, моряков и рыбаков. Будет полезна тем, кто хочет научиться правильно вязать узлы, выбирать наиболее подходящий тип узла для каждой ситуации, а также подбирать веревки с нужными характеристиками. Expert instructions for tying knots correctly and safely. Step-by-step, color illustrations clearly indicate every loop and bend. Full guidance selecting the right knot for specific situation. Useful information on selecting the proper rope for the job. Include stopper knots, loops, hitches, shortening, running knots, and angling knots.

вузол -- мотузка

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Hansen, Robert C..
Small antenna handbook [Electronic resource] / R. C. Hansen. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник з малих антен


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Harold Wheeler, in his classic 1947 papers (Wheeler, 1947a, 1947b), created the field of electrically small antennas (ESA), although, as shown in the history (Appendix A), the early antennas were all electrically small. This field has long been important for frequencies below roughly 1 GHz, where a half-wavelength is about 6 in. These electrically small antennas have characteristics in common that limit performance: low radiation resistance, high reactance, low efficiency, narrow bandwidth, and increased loss in the matching network. Most of these limitations are shared by two other classes of antennas: superdirective antennas and superconducting antennas. The original intent was to update Electrically Small, Superdirective, and Superconducting Antennas with a second edition. Sufficient material became available to broaden the scope of that book; the result is this book with a new title. This book provides mathematical foundations for important topics including ENG shells, ESA with m or « cores, including lossy cores, and focused/subwavelength imaging. Chapter 1 contains detailed electromagnetic derivations of Chu and Thal Q formulations, formulas for Q when m or « cores are used, and effects of loss on Q. Finally, work on fundamental limitations using spheroids instead of the radian sphere is covered. Chapter 2 is a treatise on bandwidth and matching, and Foster’s reactance theorem. Precise data are given for Fano’s matching limitations and bandwidth improvement. The effects of loss in matching circuits and cables on VSWR are shown. The relatively new field of non-Foster matching is next discussed. Finally, performance of a short monopole that is matched is compared with that of monopole with high-impedance preamp. Chapter 3 provides updated coverage on canonical antennas: dipoles, loops, self-resonant ESA, PIFA, and dielectric resonator antennas. A comparison is made of Q of various antennas with the Chu–Thal fundamental limitation. In Chapter 4 are presented six ideas that are clever but with performance numbers that are poor. Eighteen nutty antenna ideas are detailed in Chapter 5; the list keeps growing! Chapter 6 on superdirective antennas has been updated with recent data on the use of self-resonant elements. These allow modest supergain but bandwidth and tolerance limitations remain. Also included is new material on maximum directivity of arrays. The last chapter, on superconducting antennas, has been updated with new delay line data. The earlier conclusion that superconductors should be considered for the matching network, but not the antenna, still holds. Aworld history of ESA is presented in Appendix A. Antenna terms important to ESA are defined in Appendix B. Appendix C contains a paper by Karawas and Collin (2008) on NIM shells enclosing an ESA dipole. The analytical errors associated with perfect lenses and subwavelength focusing are treated in detail by Collin (2010) in Appendix D. Each chapter includes extensive references. An overall subject index and an author index are provided at the end of the book. We antenna engineers have done what is possible by rearranging the wires; future significant advances will come through the use of new low-loss magnetic materials and through the use of circuits to compensate for impedance deficiencies.

радіотехніка -- радіочастоти -- телевізійні антени

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days [Electronic resource]. - 2th. ed.. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Самовчитель C++ за 21 день


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This book is designed to help you teach yourself how to program with C++. In just 21 days, you'll learn about such fundamentals as managing I/O, loops and arrays, object-oriented programming, templates, and creating C++ applications--all in well-structured and easy-to-follow lessons. Lessons provide sample listings--complete with sample output and an analysis of the code--to illustrate the topics of the day. Syntax examples are clearly marked for handy reference. To help you become more proficient, each lesson ends with a set of common questions and answers, exercises, and a quiz. You can check your progress by examining the quiz and exercise answers provided in the book's appendix.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Деревских, Владимир.
Синтез и обработка звука на РС [Електронний ресурс] / В. В. Деревских. - СПб. : БХВ-Петербург, 2002. - 352 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Книга посвящена синтезу и обработке звука на компьютере. В качестве основного инструмента для обработки звука предлагается программа Cool Edit, которая в настоящее время является одним из самых популярных в мире звуковых редакторов. Значительную часть книги занимает описание программно реализованных синтезаторов, в частности рассказывается о работе с программой Fruity Loops, которая не только содержит в себе несколько синтезаторов, но и позволяет создавать музыкальные композиции. В заключительной части рассматривается ряд подключаемых модулей DirectX, каждый из которых представляет собой программную реализацию какого-нибудь эффекта или устройства обработки звука. Такие модули можно использовать в качестве дополнительных средств обработки звука не только в Cool Edit, но и в любой программе, поддерживающей технологию DirectX.Прочитав эту книгу, вы научитесь синтезировать и обрабатывать звук, а также сможете создавать собственные полноценные музыкальные произведения.

Cool Edit -- Fruity Loops

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