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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

100 великих мореплавателей [Електронний ресурс] / сост. Е. Н. Авадяева, И. И. Зданович. - М. : Вече, 2002. - 506 с.

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Именно мореплаватели ярче всего воплотили в жизнь извечное стремление людей к открытиям неведомого. Серия «100 великих» - пополняется книгой о самых знаменитых мореплавателях в истории человечества от Одиссея до Тура Хейердала и Жака - Ива Кусто. Это книга - «100 великих мореплавателей».

корабель -- судно -- подорож

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

500 extraordinary islands [Electronic resource] / J. Duchaine [та ін.]. - 1th. ed.. - New Jersey : Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2010. - 548 p
Переклад назви: 500 дивовижних островів


Географічні рубрики:

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Julie Duchaine would like to thank her editor, Jennifer Reilly, for her clear, helpful directions and good cheer. It helped a great deal in writing these reviews. Holly Hughes thanks her family for crossing every bridge and hopping on every ferry with her. She’s grateful to all the other Frommer’s writers who shared their own favorite islands—what a great worldwide team you are! And she sends a million thanks to her editor, Jennifer Reilly, for steering this complicated yacht safely into harbor. Alexis Lipsitz Flippin says she could not have completed this fascinating and challenging assignment were it not for the unerring good sense, unflagging support, utter graciousness, and reassuring serenity of her editor, Jennifer Reilly. She is a dream to work for. Thanks, too, to her husband, Royce, for his unflagging support. Sylvie Murphy would like to thank all her island-junkie friends and family for their extraordinarily helpful tips and insights.

острови -- клімат

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Africa [Electronic resource] : an Encyclopedia for Students : in 4 vol. / J. Middleton. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002
Переклад назви: Африка : енциклопедія для студентів


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Abidjan - Economic. - 282 p.

Vol. 2 : Ecosystem - Laws. - 264 p.

Vol. 3 : Leakey - Rwanda. - 272 p.

Vol. 4 : Sadat - Zulu. - 234 p.

The highly regarded Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara was published by Scribner in 1997. The editor, John Middleton, has now produced an abbreviated version, appropriate for high-school and undergraduate students and adults. The original included 896 articles. This new version has about 450 entries in just under 1,000 pages. Topics include countries, regions, geographic features, cultural groups, personalities, and general subjects, such as Body adornment and clothing, Oral tradition, and Writing systems. The preface indicates that many of the original articles have been adapted and updated and that a substantial amount of new information has been added on North Africa. In an effort to make the resource user-friendly, time lines, sidebars, and definitions now appear in margins next to related text; and individual country entries include quick reference fact boxes. Each volume has an eight-page color photo-essay: "People and Culture" in the first volume, followed by "The Land and Its History," "Art and Architecture," and "Daily Life" in subsequent volumes. Additional black-and-white photographs and more than 50 maps are also offered.

африка -- культура -- економіка -- побут

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Barlow, Maude.
Blue Gold [Electronic resource] : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's wate / Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke. - New York : The New Press, 2005. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Синє золото: боротьба за припинення корпоративної крадіжки світових водних ресурсів


Географічні рубрики:

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In this “chilling, in-depth examination of a rapidly emerging global crisis” (In These Times), Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, two of the most active opponents to the privatization of water show how, contrary to received wisdom, water mainly flows uphill to the wealthy. Our most basic resource may one day be limited: our consumption doubles every twenty years—twice the rate of population increase. At the same time, increasingly transnational corporations are plotting to control the world’s dwindling water supply. In England and France, where water has already been privatized, rates have soared, and water shortages have been severe. The major bottled-water producers—Perrier, Evian, Naya, and now Coca-Cola and PepsiCo—are part of one of the fastest-growing and least-regulated industries, buying up freshwater rights and drying up crucial supplies. A truly shocking exposé that is a call to arms to people around the world, Blue Gold shows in frightening detail why, as the vice president of the World Bank has pronounced, “The wars of the next century will be about water.”

водні ресурси -- екологія -- світова економіка

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Beck, E.
Bibliographie zur landeskunde der Bukowina [Electronic resource] / E. Beck. - Munchen : Südostdeutschen kulturwerkes, 1966. - 378 S.
Переклад назви: Бібліографія з географії Буковини


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географія -- бібліографознавство -- Буковина

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Blinov, V. F.
Kinetic Gravity and Growing Earth [Електронний ресурс] / V. F. Blinov. - Кiev : [б. в.], 2012. - 17 p.
Переклад назви: Кінетична гравітація і зростаюча Земля


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Настоящая брошюра содержит необычную работу с необычной историей написания. Ее необычность обусловлена проблемой терминологии, назначением статьи и сложной темой, касающейся гравитации, которую необходимо было раскрыть как можно полнее и подробно объяcнить. Статья готовилась для сборника трудов конференции «Свидетельства расширения Земли», состоявшейся на Сицилии 4 –9 октября 2011 г. Компъютерная заготовка «Геопрорыв в науках о Земле» была переведена на английский язык и опубликована [Blinov, 2011] в сборнике трудов конференции под названием «Geophysical Advances on Earth's Evolution – Kinetic Gravity and Expanding Earth ». В этой связи автор выражает искреннюю благодарность переводчику статьи и основному инициатору встречи на Сицилии д-ру Giancarlo Scalera.


   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Cedar Vale [Електронний ресурс]. - Toronto : R.G. McLean, ltd, 1913. - 52 с.


Географічні рубрики:

 Джерело інформації

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Америка -- подорож

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Cities Of The United States [Electronic resource] : a compilation of current information on economic, cultural, geographic and social conditions : in 4 vol. / L.C. DeShantz-Cook, J.K. Mueckenheim, K. Swartout. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006. - 2518 p.
Переклад назви: Міста США : звід нагальної інформації в економічній, культурній, географічній та суспільній царині


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For each of "America's top cities", this source provides a map; brief entries on geography; history; population profiles; government; economy; education; health care; recreation including arts and culture, festivals, and sports; transportation, and communications.

США -- економіка -- культура

Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Cowen, Richard.
History of life [Electronic resource] / Richard Cowen. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 314 p
Переклад назви: Історія життя


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This text is designed for students and anyone else with an interest in the history of life on our planet. The author describes the biological evolution of Earth’s organisms, and reconstructs their adaptations to the life they led, and the ecology and environment in which they functioned. On the grand scale, Earth is a constantly changing planet, continually presenting organisms with challenges. Changing geography, climate, atmosphere, oceanic and land environments set a stage in which organisms interact with their environments and one another, with evolutionary change an inevitable result. The organisms themselves in turn can change global environments: oxygen in our atmosphere is all produced by photosynthesis, for example. The interplay between a changing Earth and its evolving organisms is the underlying theme of the book. The book has a dedicated website which explores additional enriching information and discussion, and provides or points to the art for the book and many other images useful for teaching. See: www.wiley.com/go/cowen/historyoflife.

природознавство -- еволюція -- розвиток Землі

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dessalles, Jean-Louis.
Why we talk [Electronic resource] / Jean-Louis Dessalles. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. - 400 p
Переклад назви: Чому ми говоримо


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Jean-Louis Dessalles explores the co-evolutionary paths of biology, culture, and the great human edifice of language, linking the evolution of the language to the general evolutionary history of humankind. He provides searchingly original answers to such fundamental paradoxes as to whether we acquired our greatest gift in order to talk or so as to be able to think, and as to why human beings should, as experience constantly confirms, contribute information for the well-being of others at their own expense and for no apparent gain: which if this is one of language's main functions appears to make its possession, in Darwinian terms, a disadvantage. Dr Dessalles looks for solutions in the early history of human species and considers the degree to which language evolved as a means of choosing profitable coalition partners and maximizing individual success within a competitive social environment. The author opens with a discussion of the differences between animal and human communication and the biological foundations of language. He looks at the physiological preconditions for language evolution and the early evolution of meaning and communication. He then embarks on an important and original account of the natural history of conversation. Here he considers the roles of language in supporting social cohesion and information exchange. This challenging and original account will appeal to all those interested in the origins of language and the evolution of human behaviour.

антропологія -- комунікація -- поведінка людини -- мовлення

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Encyclopedia of Deserts [Electronic resource] / ed. M. A. Mares. - Norman : University of Oklahoma, 1999. - 654 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія пустель


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Encyclopedia of Deserts represents a milestone: it is the first comprehensive reference to the first comprehensive reference to deserts and semideserts of the world. Approximately seven hundred entries treat subjects ranging from desert survival to the way deserts are formed. Topics include biology (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, invertebrates, plants, bacteria, physiology, evolution), geography, climatology, geology, hydrology, anthropology, and history. The thirty-seven contributors, including volume editor Michael A. Mares, have had extensive careers in deserts research, encompassing all of the world’s arid and semiarid regions. The Encyclopedia opens with a subject list by topic, an organizational guide that helps the reader grasp interrelationships and complexities in desert systems. Each entry concludes with cross-references to other entries in the volume, inviting the reader to embark on a personal expedition into fascinating, previously unknown terrain. In addition a list of important readings facilitates in-depth study of each topic. An exhaustive index permits quick access to places, topics, and taxonomic listings of all plants and animals discussed. More than one hundred photographs, drawings, and maps enhance our appreciation of the remarkable life, landforms, history, and challenges of the world’s arid land.

географія -- клімат -- біологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Encyclopedia of landforms and other geologic features [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / R. Nagel. - Detroit : UXL, Gale Group, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія ландшафтів та інших геологічних форм


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Vol. 1 : Basin, Canyon, Cave, Coast and shore, Continental margin, Coral reef, Delta, Dune and other desert features. - 147 p.

Vol. 2 : Fault, Floodplain, Geyser and hot spring, Glacial landforms and features, Landslide and other gravity movements, Mesa and butte, Meteorite crater, Mountain,. - 139 p.

Vol. 3 : Ocean basin, Plain, Plateau, Stream and river, Valley, Volcano. - 138 p.

From a science-centered perspective, this new resource focuses on the physical and geological aspects, structure and features of 24 of earth's landforms what they are, how they look, how they were created, how they change over time, and major geological events associated with them. Written for middle school students to support earth science and landform-related assignments, alphabetically arranged entries follow a standard and consistent subheaded format; range in length from nine to 11 pages; and cover common and unusual landforms such as canyon, cliff, plateau, valley, volcano and many more. Entries include a description and overview of physical features or characteristics and their relationship to connected areas; how the landform is shaped including constructive and destructive forces involved and additional changes that can occur; types of life supported; and famous examples of landforms. Included are 25 maps, charts and graphs; 180 full-color photos and illustrations; words to know; bibliography; and comprehensive index.

геологія -- гора -- океани -- шельф -- печера -- вулкан

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Encyclopedia of water science [Electronic resource] : 3 volume set / K.L. Lerner, B.W. Lerner. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія водної науки


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Vol 1.. - 251 p.

Vol. 2. - 188 p.

Vol 3.. - 173 p.

Encyclopedia of Water Science takes an international perspective in exploring water science and water issues.

гідросфера -- вода -- гідрологія -- лімнологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Geo-Data [Electronic resource] : world geographic encyclopedia / ed. J. McCoy. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2003. - 704 p.


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The 3rd edition of this comprehensive resource, now published by Gale, provides entries on the physical geography of every country in the world plus other selected locations. Each entry features a relief map depicting the geography of the location plus detailed text that describes its features, climate and vegetation. Entries are formatted with standardized rubrics to facilitate comparison. Statistics of particular use to students, such as tallest mountain and world size ranking, are highlighted in each entry. In addition, Geo-Data features a special rankings section, outlining statistics such as the ten longest rivers on each continent, largest deserts in the world and others. Includes a comprehensive index.

світ -- географія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання      життєпис   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Henderson, Bob.
Every trail has a story [Electronic resource] : heritage travel in Canada / Bob Henderson. - Toronto : Natural Heritage Books, 2005. - 313 p
Переклад назви: Кожен слід має свою історію: спадщина подорожей до Канади


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This book is dedicated to C.S. (Stuart) Mackinnon. Stu was an important teacher for me in my early days of graduate school in 1979-80. Stu encouraged me to follow my own path as a budding historian/storyteller. There is no one for whom I would have been more pleased to first deliver a copy of this hook. Sadly, Stu passed away just before I had planned to send him an early draft.

історія -- культура -- етнографія -- Північна Америка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Jouzel, Jean.
The white planet [Electronic resource] : the evolution and future of our frozen world / Jean Jouzel, Claude Lorius, Dominique Raynaud. - Oxford : Princeton university press, 2008. - 256 p
Переклад назви: Біла планета: еволюція і майбутнє нашого замороженого світу


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From the Arctic Ocean and ice sheets of Greenland, to the glaciers of the Andes and Himalayas, to the great frozen desert of Antarctica, The White Planet takes readers on a spellbinding scientific journey through the shrinking world of ice and snow to tell the story of the expeditions and discoveries that have transformed our understanding of global climate. Written by three internationally renowned scientists at the center of many breakthroughs in ice core and climate science, this book provides an unparalleled firsthand account of how the "white planet" affects global climate--and how, in turn, global warming is changing the frozen world. Jean Jouzel, Claude Lorius, and Dominique Raynaud chronicle the daunting scientific, technical, and human hurdles that they and other scientists have had to overcome in order to unravel the mysteries of past and present climate change, as revealed by the cryosphere--the dynamic frozen regions of our planet. Scientifically impeccable, up-to-date, and accessible, The White Planet brings cutting-edge climate research to general readers through a vivid narrative. This is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the inextricable link between climate and our planet's icy regions.

кліматологія -- льодовики -- погодні умови

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

MapInfo Professional 9.0. [Electronic resource] : руководство пользователя. - New York : MapInfo Corporation, 2007. - 620 p


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Сфера приложений компьютерной Картографии продолжает расширяться, и MapInfo сохраняет лидерство в этой области, создавая новые программы, которые должны удовлетворить Ваши потребности. Диапазон наших программных средств простирается от самых простых, таких как, например, наш популярный продукт для работы с адресными базами Map- Marker, до Envinsa, корпоративной платформы для геокодирования. MapInfo Professional® – наш основной продукт, развитая система компьютерной Картографии, позволяющая решать сложные задачи географического анализа, такие как районирование, связь с удаленными базами данных, включение графических объектов в другие приложения, создание тематических Карт, выявление тенденций и закономерностей в распределении данных и многое другое. Настоящее Руководство Пользователя поможет Вам быстро начать продуктивную работу в MapInfo Professional.

картографія -- географія -- геолокація

   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Parent, Laurence.
Texas [Electronic resource] : portrait of a State / Laurence Parent. - Oregon : Graphic Art Books, 2013. - 116 p
Переклад назви: Техас: портрет штату


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Texas is unique, not only because it is the only state to enter the Union by way of a treaty, but because a clause in that treaty gives Texas the right, in perpetuity, to divide into as many as five separate states. These "Five States of Texas" reflect the remarkable geographic variety of this vast landscape. From the plains and mountains, beaches and deserts, forests and rugged canyons, Laurence Parent captures the beauty of the Texas landscapes, places, and people that are as diverse as its many-faceted culture.

краєзнавство -- туризм -- природознавство

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Rocks and minerals [Electronic resource]. - Chicago : Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008. - 100 p.. - (Britannica Illustrated Science Library)
Переклад назви: Камені та мінерали


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Rocks and Minerals, is one book in the Britannica Illustrated Science Library Series that covers today's most popular science topics, from digital TV to microchips to touchscreens and beyond. Perennial subjects in earth science, life science, and physical science are all explored in detail. Amazing graphics-more than 1,000 per title-combined with concise summaries help students understand complex subjects. Correlated to the science curriculum in grades 5-9, each title also contains a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary.

мінералогія -- геологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Schluter, T.
Geological Atlas of Africa [Electronic resource] / T. Schluter. - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006. - 307 p.
Переклад назви: Геологічний атлас Африки


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